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The Hopi.

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1 The Hopi


3 Main Points Theocratic government, society Matrilineal
Distance from Spanish empire Cultural divisions Land disputes

4 Key Terms Sipapuni Hopivotskwani Kikmongwi Tithu Katsina(m)
Oraibi Split Indian Reorganization Act Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute Peabody Coal

5 Origins Emergence through Four Worlds
Sipapuni (Sipapu: “hole in the sky”) Migrations Clans Farming Hopivotskwani Way of life: patience, endurance, humility

6 Language Uto-Aztecan Hopi-Tewa speak Tewa (Tanoan fam)
Different dialects on each mesa East to West: First, Second, Third


8 Potter, Rachel Sahmie, 1991

9 Socio-economic Structure
Clan system Matrilineal Agriculture & dry farming, terrace farming Trade networks Villages and Mesas Black Mesa & coal mining

10 Hopi Farming, 1890s

11 Hopi Farming, 1980s

12 Governmental organization
Independent villages Theocratic Bear clan “chief” (Kikmongwi) Warrior Society

13 Ceremonial-Religious Cycle
Katsinas & Kachinas Tihu (tithu), dolls given to young girls Katsinas: mediators between deities and people Visit Hopi for half of the year, 100s, other tribes Kachinas: marketed and made individually Hopivotskwani Cyclical year, life 2 six month periods Corn is life, life and work and food and worship are intertwined

14 Niman Katsina Otto Pentewa, 1959

15 Hopi Ceremonial Calendar

16 Historical Overview Part I: Spanish Colonialism
Spanish Exploration Onate 1598 Early 1600s retaliation & resistance Tewa in First Mesa

17 Historical Overview Part I: American Invasion
Post-Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo BIA, Navajos, Railroad, Mormons 1882: Reservation for Hopis & other Indians… By not creating a reservation for the exclusive use of Hopis, this Order set the stage for Navajo settlement and the ensuing land dispute.


19 Oraibi Split Oraibi was a Hopi village
1880s: Question of religious, cultural, social adoption of non-Hopi ways Dispute between different groups Lololoma, pro-American; Lomahongyoma, anti- Split Kivas 1906 official split with conservatives creating Hotevilla & pro-American group creating Kykotsmovi Land, religion, culture, class Split made ceremonies more difficult and damaged cultural traditions and identities


21 Modern Divisions Oraibi split Indian Reorganization Act 1937
Tribal Council Representatives from each village Inclined to political and economic interaction with outside, market oriented world

22 Land Dispute Origins in Executive Order & 1868 Navajo Treaty
Different forms of land tenure Population growth Unclear boundaries



25 Continued 1930s Joint Use Area created, controlled by Navajo
1968 Healing v. Jones, partition 1975 Exclusive Navajo & Hopi sections 1986 Navajo relocation Big Mountain resistance 1992 agreement ended relocation

26 Coal & Strip Mining Peabody Coal 1960s contract to strip mine at Black Mesa 3.5 mgp/d, 10 af/d, 3,910 af/d 137,155 af in 35 years Destroying farms and a way of life Trust responsibility


28 Karen Shupla, Third Mesa, 1988

29 Debbi Tewa, Engineer, 1997

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