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Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA)
Title 1 Out of School Youth/Young Adult Services for Milwaukee County
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Employ Milwaukee Employ Milwaukee serves as the Workforce Development Board for Milwaukee County. We manage a sector-focused education, training and employment system. Our workforce strategy coordinates labor demand (employer-identified skill needs) and labor supply (individuals with varying levels of education, skills, and barriers to employment) with a goal of connecting people to employment for a lifetime.
Employ Milwaukee Continued
Employ Milwaukee serves as a workforce intermediary that creates synergy between workforce and economic development partners. Our regional Industry Advisory Boards are employer-driven and provide labor demand expertise. The Coordinating Council is a network of workforce service providers and community-based organizations that provide labor supply expertise and onboard clients to programs/services.
Office of Career Exploration Vision
We envision a Milwaukee where youth and young adults have the support and opportunities they need to reach their full potential in educational and career paths.
WIOA Title 1 Out of School Youth Request for Proposals
Background & Purpose Employ Milwaukee seeks innovative service delivery proposals for out of school youth individuals. This is an opportunity for unique and innovative services to link individuals served through these programs to careers or career pathways in high demand and high growth industries.
Schedule of RFP Submission, Review, & Rewards
ACTIVITY DATE RFP Released Notice of Intent to Bid Due Bidders’ Conference ; 10:00 a.m. – Noon ; 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Bidders’ Questions Due to Employ Milwaukee by 4pm Questions and Answers Posted Proposal Due by 4pm CDT no exceptions Notice of Intent to Award Week of May 8, 2017 Contract Finalized Week of May 29, 2017 Transition Planning through Contract Period Begins 7-3-17
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA)
Six Broad Goals of WIOA Increasing access to education, training and employment -- particularly those with barriers to employment. Creating a comprehensive, high quality workforce development system by aligning workforce investment, education and economic development. Improving the quality and labor market relevance of workforce investment, education and economic development efforts Promoting improvement in the structure and delivery of services. Increasing the prosperity of workers and employers. Reducing welfare dependency, increasing economic self- sufficiency, meeting employer needs, and enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of the nation.
Notable Changes From WIA TO WIOA
WIOA Out-of-School Youth Adds five new program elements that are available to youth. Low-income includes those eligible for free or reduced lunches, and out of school youth living in a “high poverty area” as meeting any low-income eligibility requirement for participation in the youth program. Local areas must increase the percentage of funds used to serve out of school youth to 75%, from 30% under WIA. Eligibility criteria changed age range from ages to out of school youth ages
WIOA Out of School Youth (OSY) Youth Program Requirements
WIOA OSY Youth Program Eligibility Criteria
Funds awarded through this RFP will be used for WIOA eligible out-of-school youth ages seeking workforce services. Individuals eligible for services must meet the following WIOA eligibility criteria: Authorized to work in the United States; and Registered for the Selective Service, if applicable. Out-of-School Youth: An “out-of-school youth” shall be eligible to participate in these programs if such individual is: Not attending school (as defined under State law); and Not younger than 16 or older than 24 at time of eligibility determination; and
WIOA OSY Youth Program Eligibility Criteria, continued
c) One or more of the following: A school dropout A youth who is within the age of compulsory school attendance, but has not attended school for at least the most recent complete school year calendar quarter A recipient of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent who is a low-income individual and is: Basic skills deficient (the definition of deficient in basic literacy skills is an individuals who computes or solves problems, reads, writes, or speaks English at or below a grade level of 8.9); or An English language learner; An individual who is subject to the juvenile or adult justice system; A homeless individual, a runaway, in foster care or has aged out of the foster care system; An individual who is pregnant or parenting; A youth who is an individual with a disability; A low-income individual who requires additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure or hold employment.
WIOA OSY Youth Program Requirements & Expectations
Proposer who can provide additional hours of services, including evening and weekends. Community Collaboration Employ Milwaukee promotes collaboration and non-duplication of services in the community. The selected contractor(s) for WIOA services are expected to work with providers of other workforce development and economic development agencies in the area to ensure that WIOA Title 1 OSY Youth Services are not duplicative of those offered in the county. Innovation and Evidenced-Based/Evidence-Informed Practices Employ Milwaukee is interested in providing innovative, evidenced-informed, and outcome-driven strategies which correspond directly to the needs of youth and employers in the region by increasing the supply of the current and future skilled workers. The selected contractor(s) are expected to provide creative, evidenced-informed solutions to meet the employment needs of individuals and the workforce expectation of area employers.
WIOA OSY Youth Program Requirements/Expectations Cont’d
Program Design Section 129 (c)(1) of the WIOA states that funds allocated to youth service providers shall be used for the following program design: An objective assessment of the academic levels, skill levels, and service needs of each participant, and Develop service strategies for each participant that shall identify career pathways that include education and employment goals, appropriate achievement of objectives, and appropriate services for the participant taking into account the assessment conducted.
WIOA OSY Youth Program Requirements/Expectations Cont’d
3. Provide the following: Innovative and strategic activities that lead to the attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent or a recognized post-secondary credential Preparation for post-secondary educational and training opportunities Strong linkages between academic learning and occupational learning Preparation for unsubsidized employment opportunities Effective connections to employers within high demand industry sectors of Milwaukee County and the region.
WIOA OSY Youth Program 14 Required Services
The following is a list of fourteen (14) required services local programs must, at a minimum, provide to youth per Section 129 (c)(2) of the Act. If a provider is bidding on all elements with additional partners delivering program elements, please include the Memorandum of Understanding(s), as appropriate, using the included template. The grantee will have the primary responsibility for ensuring that each participant has access to the full continuum of services. Tutoring, study skills training, and instruction and evidence based dropout and recovery strategies Alternative secondary school instruction or dropout recovery services Paid and unpaid work experiences Occupational skills training Leadership development opportunities Supportive services Adult mentoring
WIOA OSY Youth Program 14 Required Services
Follow-up services Comprehensive guidance and counseling activities Education offered in workforce preparation context Financial Literacy education Entrepreneurial skills training Services that provide labor market and employment information about the targeted industry sectors or occupations available within the local area Activities that help youth prepare for and transition to post-secondary education and training.
WIOA OSY Youth Program Requirements/Expectations Cont’d
Follow-up services must include more than only a contact attempted or made for securing documentation in order to report a performance outcome. (WIOA sec. 129(c)(2)(I)). Follow-up services are critical services provided following a youth’s exit from the program to help ensure the youth is successful in employment and/or post-secondary education and training. Follow-up services for youth may include: The leadership development and supportive service activities listed in NPRM §§ and ; Regular contact with a youth participant's employer, including assistance in addressing work-related problems that arise; Assistance in securing better paying jobs, career pathway development, and further education or training; Work-related peer support groups; Adult mentoring; and/or Services necessary to ensure the success of youth participants in employment and/or post-secondary education.
WIOA Performance Indicators
Section 116 describes WIOA’s Performance Accountability System. The performance indicators for youth include measures which have not been negotiated yet. An individual is considered to be included in performance measures when he/she is a participant.
Youth, PY17 Performance Measures
WIOA Performance Measure PY17 Goal Youth Placement in Employment, Education, or Training – 2nd quarter after exit 60% Youth Retention in Employment, Education, or Training – 4th quarter after exit 63% Median Earnings 2nd quarter after exit TBD Credential Attainment Skills Gain
Administrative Requirements
Bidders unable to meet these standard requirements will not qualify: Adhere to policies File Maintenance/Record Keeping Confidentiality and Security Source Documents Records Retention Report Data – all data must be reported in DWD authorized data system (ASSET) and in addition to ASSET, Employ Milwaukee also utilizes a data collection system Efforts to Outcomes (ETO). Both system are required. Participate in monitoring
Administrative Requirements Cont’d
Sub-recipient Quality Assurance Process Employ Milwaukee’s Monitoring Plan Strategy Respond to Employ Milwaukee’s request for reports and/or data Financials Provide Employ Milwaukee personnel access Ensure adequacy of agency fiscal systems to generate needed budgets and expenditure reports Transparency Accessibility and Equal Opportunity
Submitting Proposal (s)
Must be typed, single spaced, 12 font, one sided only, and submitted on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper Total narrative is 25 pages maximum, excluding attachments, budget, and other required forms. One (1) complete original with original signatures and four (4) exact copies must be submitted as required.
Submitting Proposal (s) Cont’d
Proposals must be addressed, externally labeled, and submitted according to the instructions and by response deadline. NO faxed or ed proposals will be accepted. Proposal Cover Sheet must be completed identifying a primary contact person. There should be an executive summary Proposer should review/follow response checklist Do not include letters of support or letters of commitment (just MOUs)
Narrative Expectations
Read each section carefully Provide specifics; Cite examples Clearly illustrate knowledge and experience by providing data in support of narrative responses Be clear about community collaborations and partnerships (include MOUs where necessary) Make sure the proposal includes innovation and evidence-informed practices for providing program services Make sure the proposal provides additional hours of services, including evening and weekend options.
Budget Narrative
Budget Staff Wage Detail
Budget Narrative Cont’d
12 Month Budget The amount proposed is not necessarily the amount awarded Form is in Excel – it is adjustable and line items are not “set in stone”. Due with proposal Remember- Food is not allowable Conferences not directly required by WIOA will need pre-approval Provide a copy of updated certificates of liability
Budget Narrative Cont’d
Applicants must have: The ability to track, account for, and report on all funds from award separately from all other funding sources Ability to provide proper documentation of funds received and expensed (i.e. General Ledger) The necessary organization, experience, accounting and operational controls in place (i.e. file systems, on staff accountants and/or equivalent, written policies and procedures) Ability to have all personnel whose activities are to be charged to the award maintain timesheets/logs to document hours worked for activities related to this award and non-award related activities
Fiscal Policies and Procedures
Agency will be expected to be able to provide written documentation of its procedures and provide proof that those procedures are being followed as written. Agency is expected to report on an accrual basis Agency is expected to have an acceptable allocation method to expense rent, utilities, or other overhead costs such as supplies Indirect Costs 2CFR FNICRA or 10% Deminimis Include a copy of your indirect cost rate determination letter, if applicable Unallowable Cost Please know what they are! 2 CFR 230
Fiscal Policies and Procedures Cont’d
Agency is expected to be able to provide adequate supporting documentation in order to verify the relationship of transactions to the funding source Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 Employ Milwaukee administers the payroll for all subsidized employment Agencies will NOT include wages for youth to their budgets Non-federal entities that expend $750,000 or more in federal funds (from all sources including pass-through sub awards) in the organization’s fiscal year (12-month turnaround reporting period) shall have a single organization-wide audit conducted in accordance with the 2 CFR 200 Subpart F.
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