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C.J. Kovacs M.D. Sumption E.W. Collings

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1 C.J. Kovacs M.D. Sumption E.W. Collings
Development of single-strand excitation rig for probing current sharing in Nb3Sn Rutherford Cable at 4.2K up to 15 Tesla The Ohio State University C.J. Kovacs M.D. Sumption E.W. Collings Special Thanks B&G Tool

2 Acknowledgements This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, High Energy Physics university grant DE-FG02- 95ER4090

3 Background Nb3Sn superconducting strands are the likely candidate for next generation: [1] large-scale high-field applications LHC luminosity upgrade Interstrand-contact resistance (ICR) and current sharing in Rutherford Cables Small: AC-loss, Magnetization Large: low current sharing current redistribution Strands and Cable Architectures Versus applied field Small scale tests  newer technologies A. Zlobin, APT Seminar 2008 : Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnet R&D and LHC Luminosity Upgrades M.D. Sumption et al. Cryogenics

4 OSU cable-loss measurements
Nb3Sn Un-cored/Cored Rutherford Cables Cable Prep. (Pressures, Pre-treat, HT) Core materials (MgO, S-glass, S.S.) Cross-over/Adjacent ICR AC-loss ICR He-loss calormetry E. W. Collings et al.Adv. Cryo. Eng. ICMC Vol. 52 (2006) E. W. Collings et al. IEEE trans. App. Supercon. Vol. 17, No. 2 (2007)

5 FRESCA Nb3Sn Rutherford cable testing MQE Jc ICR Quench Propagation
~1 meter long Dipole M.D. Sumption et al. Cryogenics G. Ambrosio “Design of a sample holder for Nb3Sn Cable test at Fresca” TD

6 Desired Characteristics of a small-scale system
What we need Low operational cost Helium usage Low cable consumption Low turn-around time Examine cable preparation procedures Pressure (HT and epoxy) HT environment Epoxy-insulation schemes Small size (60mm bore) Non-magnetic

7 Background Single cable preparation  magnet preparation Insulation
HT w/ pressure Epoxy impreg Single-strand current injection Quench excitation of strand Current redistribution to neighboring strands Quick screening of various cable constructions/prep Small scale (60 mm bore magnet)

8 Design CAD 316L S.S. Ti-6Al-4V Screws Impreg ports Sample port
Bending Radius ≈ 8mm 316L S.S. Ti-6Al-4V Screws Impreg ports Sample port

9 Design CAD 316L S.S. Ti-6Al-4V Screws Sample port

10 Design CAD Ti-6Al-4V High-Temp Lubricant

11 Design CAD Cu 10100 Ti Screws Alumina Insulator

12 Design CAD Cu 10100 Transfer Region Short length (Tube Furnace)

13 Sample Preperation: Preforming

14 Sample Preperation: Mounting
Transverse pressures 0-15 MPa

15 Sample Preperation: Mounting
Keeping Ti-6Al-4V fasteners under ~250 MPa Screw #4-40 #10-32 Screw Diameter (mm) 2.84 4.83 Load (N) 711 1067 Nut Factor 0.25 Torque (N.m) 0.51 1.29 Pressure screw (MPa) 119 58 screws/side (#) 26 4 Area Side (mm2) 2319 529 Force side (N) 18489 4267 Pressure side (MPa) 7.97 8.06 M. Vanderhasten et al. Metalurgija. 2005; 11:

16 Sample Preperation: Mounting

17 Sample Preperation: Mounting
1200A w/ helium-cooled leads Trans Pressure 0-15MPa Epoxy Impregnation capability* Instumentation ports Versatile Rutherford Cable w/ S-glass sheath

18 Conclusions/Future Work
Designed a fixture to perform single-strand excitation measurements on Nb3Sn Rutherford Cable. Make initial measurements of single-strand excitation and ICR & current redistribution. Graphite Paste Heaters 16-bit DAQ acquisition Labview Hall-Probe Array

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