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Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange

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1 Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange
Key Concept 2.3 Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange

2 Discuss with your partner
What does ‘transregional’ mean? Why do you think transregional exchanges developed during the Classical era? Go to Padlet link (on the next slide) for your class period and type your response to these 2 questions

3 Padlet Link Period 1:

4 II. New technologies helped improve long-distance communication and travel
Yokes, Saddles, Stirrups Pick one of the 3 new technologies and with your partner describe how it might have improved long distance travel and communication

5 Animals Horses, Oxen, Llamas, Camels
With your partner evaluate where in the world you would find one of these animals and how it would have improved over land trade.

6 Improvements in maritime technologies, as well as advanced knowledge of the monsoon winds, stimulated exchanges along maritime routes from East Africa to East Asia Read the following description of a Dhow ship and then look at the picture of one. Construction of Dhows Dhow ships are known as innovative sailing vessels that have a raised hull and a sharp pointed bow. Made from wood, dhows usually have minimum two triangular sails. Many dhows even have single large sail that not only facilitate easy sailing but also provide excellent power to the boat. These large sails are called lateens. The timber that was used in construction of these dhows was mainly Mahogany or Ekki, which is found in the forests of Africa. However, dhow was famous for few salient features – one is the lateen and other is its stitched construction. For constructing dhows, the wooden planks were arranged and sewn together. The masts for sails were generally made out of teak and coconut wood. The earliest sails were made by weaving palm leaves together, however later on cotton was also used. Generally all the dhows used to have two pairs of sails - One for night and rough weather condition and other for daily use during daytime. Though the dhow sails used to look triangular in shape they were in fact quadrilateral. Different types of sails were sewn according to the requirement of the dhow ship. In case of an application requiring more thrust, a less flat sail with fuller luff would be used. Moreover, as most of the dhows were Arabic boats, they used to have traditional designs carved at various places on the vessel, including the hull portion.

7 Dhow

8 With your partner answer the following question
Given the way the ship is constructed, infer why this type of ship might be helpful in improving exchanges across the Indian Ocean

9 Final question How did transregional trade and travel effect the overall development of world history? Write your final response on padlet.

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