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The Impact of Glial Activation in the Aging Brain

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1 The Impact of Glial Activation in the Aging Brain
Aileen M. Lynch;Kevin J. Murphy;Brian F. Deighan;Julie-Ann. O'Reilly;Yuri K. Gun'ko;Thelma R. Cowley;Rodrigo E. Gonzalez-Reyes;Marina A. Lynch; Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland ; Figure 3: Uptake of quantum dots is increased in acutely-dissociated cells prepared from aged, compared with young, rats. Acutely dissociated cells were incubated in the presence or absence of negatively-charged, thioglycolic acid-capped cadmium-tellurium quantum dots 1 × 10 −6 M; 4–6 nm; emission wavelength of approximately 620 nm for 15 minutes and uptake was assessed by FACS analysis. Representative dot plots indicated that the number of CD11b-positive cells, which were also positive for quantum dots, was greater in cells prepared from aged, compared with young, rats a and mean values indicated that the age-related change was significant b; p ; student’s t-test for independent means. null,null,1(3), Doi:null

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