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Propaganda Techniques

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Presentation on theme: "Propaganda Techniques"— Presentation transcript:

1 Propaganda Techniques

2 Bandwagon technique which attempts to make one feel alone if he/she
doesn’t go along

3 Bandwagon Images: and

4 Glittering Generalities
sounds good, says nothing ("I want to make America better")

5 Glittering Generalities

6 Plain Folks attempt to connect with the “grass roots,” ordinary people by using "their" language and sounding like "them"

7 Plain Folks

8 Testimonial use of someone respected to speak
well on your behalf about your ideas and/or products

9 Testimonial Image:

10 Card Stacking to build a case with only favorable
evidence or part truths

11 Card Stacking Image: and

12 Transfer attempt to associate a positive symbol with an idea

13 Transfer Image: A

14 Name Calling to label or associate one with something negative

15 Name Calling Image:

16 Dehumanize the Enemy Image:

17 Dehumanize the Enemy Portray the opposition as inhuman or as monsters/beasts Image:

18 Emotional Appeal – Women/Children

19 Emotional Appeal -- Animals

20 Patriotic Appeal -- Military

21 Patriotic Appeal -- Symbols

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