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Matt Copeland Carolyn Dale

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1 Matt Copeland Carolyn Dale
Transcending Traditional Research Papers: Stimulating Creativity and Critical Thinking with Multigenre Writing Matt Copeland Carolyn Dale

2 Presentation Objectives
The participant will… Develop an understanding of the multigenre research paper (MGRP) and its benefits to students Examine strategies to teach the MGRP Discuss the implementation of a MGRP unit into his or her classroom

3 Prior Research Paper Experience
How often do you assign research? What do students gain from completing research? How do students respond to being assigned a traditional research project? How do YOU feel when you sit down to grade a set of traditional research papers?

4 An Introduction to Multigenre Writing and the Multigenre Research Paper (MGRP)
What characteristics does this writing possess? What information does this writing attempt to convey? How has research informed this writing? What similarities does this writing have with a more traditional research paper?

5 MGRP: An Explanation A multigenre paper arises from research, experience, and imagination. It is not an uninterrupted, expository monolog nor a seamless narrative nor a collection of poems. A multigenre paper is composed of many genres and subgenres, each piece self-contained, making a point of its own, yet connected by theme or topic and sometimes by language, images, and content. (Romano x-xi)

6 Reasons for the MGRP Advances critical and creative thinking
Offers formal and summative assessment  Empowers student choice and ownership Showcases best work Facilitates reflection Reduces opportunity for plagiarism

7 Reasons for the MGRP Increases interest, motivation, and functionality in research Facilitates differentiated learning Offers a process-based writing approach Strengthens problem-solving skills More interesting to read

8 Questions?

9 Four Steps in Teaching the MGRP
Introduce the concept Research Compose Follow-Up reflection

10 Teaching Multigenre Writing
Introducing students to the concept of multigenre writing… With a little help from Count Basie!

11 Introducing the MGRP Concept
Share student examples Study examples from literature Offer students choice in selecting a topic that evokes passion Model the process for your students

12 The Researching Process
Establish guidelines and due dates early Review steps of formal research Encourage students to process sources slowly Consider a non-written project to help students synthesize the information they have found through research

13 The Composing Process Identify requirements early (how many pieces of writing, how many genres, etc.) Use a brainstorming sheet to help ‘map-out’ the various pieces Encourage innovation and risk-taking in writing Conference with students as they are writing

14 Follow-Up Reflective Activity
Create some type of an activity (whether written or oral) that asks students to reflect on: What they have done? How well did they do? Why is that learning important?

15 MGRP Teacher Reflection
How could you adapt the MGRP model to fit your classroom? How can the MGRP enhance the teaching of research? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to teaching research? What questions or issues does this raise?

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