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The difficulties of translation of proper names in HARRY POTTER

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1 The difficulties of translation of proper names in HARRY POTTER
Автор(ы): Шаврина Екатерина Школа: ГБОУ СОШ 1945 Класс: 11 «Б» Руководитель: Напская Ю.С.

2 The main problem examined in this work is the difficulties of close translation of proper names from English into Russian in literature.

3 For those who study literature this research will be usefull
For those who study literature this research will be usefull. As they could better understand the ideas author wanted to represent in each name, as well as it could reveal the information that lies between the lines.

4 1. Find meaning speaking names in this particular literary work
2. Analyse the stylistic devices used by the author 3. Distribute them into groups 4. Analyse the function role of these proper names in the text 5. Analyse anthroponyms and their translation into Russian

5 Stylistic devices Alliteration Onomatopoeia Allusion

6 After learning the etymology of the proper names in these books it has become obvious that with exact name the author can influence the readers' attitude towards the character or reveal its origination.


8 Godric Gryffindor Годрик Гриффиндор

9 Salazar Slytherin Салазар Слизерин

10 Helga Hufflepuff Пенелопа Пуффендуй

11 Rowena Ravenclaw Кандида Когтевран

12 Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Альбус Персиваль Вульфрик Брайан Дамблдор

13 Lord Voldemort — Tom Marvolo Riddle
Лорд Волан-де-Морт Том Ма́рволо Реддл

14 Sirius Black Сириус Блэк

15 Remus Lupin Ремус Люпин

16 Severus Snape Северус Снегг

17 Fawkes Фоукс

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