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AP English Language and Composition

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1 AP English Language and Composition
Words! AP English Language and Composition

2 Where Do Words Come From?
Etymology The study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history Not to be confused with Entomology the scientific study of insects

3 Language Creates and Indicates Culture
As the concept of beauty creates and indicates culture, so too does language. One is visible; the other audible. Language changes and evolves over time That’s why Shakespeare is so difficult! Like clothing, language has style! The more we understand about this style, the more we can purposefully use it to achieve intended (or perhaps unexpected) outcomes!

4 A Single Word “Just as trees mark our landscapes and witness our histories, the stories of words landscape our language, capturing the rains and sunshine of generations, and sending roots and branches far and wide.”

5 Word Project Work individually. Choose a word, research its etymology, create a visual, and present to the class. Specifics: Word must be at least 100 years old. Must include: part(s) of speech; definition(s) – include denotation(s) AND connotation(s); geographical origin including approximate time; its change/evolution over time (original AND present usage); correct use in one or more sentences; visual representation of the word and/or its history. Due: Sign up for presentations, beginning Weds. 9/6 (I need 4 to go on Weds.) This is your chance to be creative and unique. Use any materials and make this project as AWESOME as you possibly can! Visual options: diorama, timeline, PowerPoint, poster, mobile, …!?

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