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2 Digging into the ELA Content
A Quick Guide to Observing Rigorous and Relevant Lessons

3 We have to start with where our scores are lowest…

4 6th Grade Reading: Use context to determine word meaning Antonyms/Synonyms Alliteration *Effect of Author’s Word Choice Figurative Language Cause & Effect Purpose of a simile *Drawing conclusions Make predictions Identify question to be answered *Organizational/Text structure *Fact vs. Opinion Identifying supporting details

5 7th Grade Reading Use context to determine word meaning *Roots and Prefixes Antonyms Poetry Author’s purpose Figurative Language *Drawing conclusions Make predictions *Word choice and author’s attitude/tone Summarize informational text Text Structure

6 8th Grade Reading and Writing
Use context to determine word meaning *Dictionary (roots and etymology) *Character motivation Figurative Language Point of view *Cause/Effect Drawing conclusions Main idea *Details Summarize Most specific vocabulary Needlessly repeated information Wrongly placed information Apostrophe use Comma use *Pronouns Verb tense

7 EOC Reading *Context of unfamiliar words *Figurative Language Author’s style and effect Main idea Symbolism *Knowledge of lit terms Supporting Details *Inference Facts *Purpose of paragraphs/info Draw conclusions

8 EOC Writing Strategy to generate/organize ideas Revise for tone Identify sentences that don’t persuade Valid source by web address Transition words Relevant research questions *Comma use Subject-verb agreement Punctuation/appositives Possessives

9 The Fix: Integrated, Rigorous Lessons
Here is what I look for when I go into classes! The Fix: Integrated, Rigorous Lessons




13 here are models of the types of lessons you should see in classrooms

14 Reading Classrooms What should be included in lessons/classes?
Strategy Focus—Bi-weekly Vocabulary in Context—Weekly Literary Circles—Monthly Read Aloud (max. 5 minutes)—Bi-weekly Reader’s Theatre—Monthly Common Novel Study—Max. 1 each semester (students may be given choice for book reports/lit. circles each month) Achieve 3000—Weekly Project—Every 4.5 Weeks


16 English Classrooms What should be included in lessons/classes?
DOL/Quick Grammar Practices focused on areas of weakness (not just random) Vocabulary in context—taken from the stories Media and Research merged into lessons Writing tasks based on readings/themes from readings

17 Sample Lessons of the Rigor and Integration Needed in the English Classroom
Sample Integrated Lesson: Sample Integrated Unit:

18 Questions, Comments, Concerns?

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