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Presentation on theme: "MEDIUM TERM COOPERATION PROJECT –Phase 2: MTCP2 –"— Presentation transcript:


2 MTCP1 Challenges FOs confronted by various issues related to rights to land, water, seeds; constraints on production, marketing, credit, etc Diversity / Dynamics among FOs Concerns related to inclusiveness and confidence/trust to work together Varying level of openness of governments, IFAD and other partners to allow farmers to meaningfully engage in various level of agricultural program (designing/planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation)

3 MTCP1 GAINS Consolidated FOs through the setting-up of national platform, steering committees which allowed FOs to define and prioritize common agenda and enhance solidarity Increased opportunities for partnership and involvement in policy making and implementation of IFAD country program as well as other key national agricultural program 10 countries in Asia

4 South East Asia/East Asia
MTCP2 Reach South East Asia/East Asia Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, China Potential expansion: Thailand, Malaysia Timor Leste, Mongolia South Asia India, Srilanka, Nepal, Bangladesh Potential expansion: Bhutan, Pakistan, Afghanistan Pacific Samoa, Fiji,Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Cook Islands, Other islands … Regional Asia – Pacific

5 FOs engaged in MTCP2: South East Asia+China
Countries Total Number of FOs engaged in MTCP2 Platform Remarks Estimated total individual farmer members 1. Cambodia 30 FOs 116 villages; 10,447 HH 5,523 Farmers 2. Indonesia 12 FOs National FOs Around 3 million farmers 3. Philippines FOs 322,000 farmers 4. Vietnam 15 Provincial FU Out of 63 Farmers’ Provincial Union 2,427,000 farmers 5. Myanmar 7 FOs 7 Farmers’ Union 3,000 farmers 6. Laos 17 FOs Village and district level 31,965 farmer 7. China 150 FC Prov’l Cooperatives 11,000 Total National FO, 22 Provincial Farmer Union, 150 Farmer Cooperatives 5,800,488 farmers

6 FOs engaged in MTCP2: South Asia sub-region
Countries Total Number of FOs engaged in MTCP2 Platform Remarks Estimated total individual farmer members 1. Bangladesh 13 FOs National FO 130,000 2. Sri Lanka 15 FOs 140,000 3. Nepal 29 Fos with 800,000 India 8 F0 with 2,990 groups Total 65 national FOs 1,870,000

7 FOs engaged in MTCP2: Pacific sub-region
Countries Total Number of FOs engaged in MTCP2 Platform Remarks Estimated total individual farmer members 1. Fiji 50 FOs Teitei Taveuni village level, island-based, commodity-based e.g. 50,000 2. Samoa Samoa Farmers Assoc. (NIA) 7-10 FOs Informal groups 35,000 3. Vanuatu Farm Support Assoc. 7-10 FOs 4. Solomon Island Kastom Garden Assoc. 7-10 Fos 5. Tonga Tonga Growers Federation 8 FOs 20,000 Total 88 FOs 175,000

Strategy, approach MTCP2 is a project FOR, BY and WITH FARMERS ORGANIZATIONS supported by partners (government, NGOs, donors, academe, etc)

9 FO-Led Project Implementation Mechanism
AFA/LVC (Regional Implementing Agency-RIA) Southeast Asia + China (Sub-regional Implementing Agency –SRIA) ANFPA South Asia (Sub-regional Implementing Agency-SRIA) PIFON Pacific Sub-regional Implementing Agency-SRIA National FO Platform/Coalition FO 1, NIA FO 2 FO n National FO Platform Regional Steering Committee Sub-Regional Steering Committee National Steering Committee *CHINA NIA: FO + GO

1.FO-LED program management 2. Improving inclusivity through Expansion of National Steering Committee (NSC, NAC, NOB) and national farmers forum 3. Improving services to members - Local Product Exchange / export ( beans, rice, etc); cooperative /social enterprise dev’t - Legal aid particularly on land issues; disaster risk management (weather-indexed crop insurance, etc) 4. Improve Women Farmer engagement in the MTCP2 Platform 5. Use of Media (radio and TV) to popularize farmers issue as well as promote FO initiatives

6. Advocacy strategies: dovetailing policy forums to key policy making events both at national, sub-regional and regional levels 7. Harmonized tools and enhanced knowledge management - FO profiling and data-base - FO growth monitoring tool - e-bulletin, MTCP2 blog, IFAD-Asia Portal, video and case documentation, etc 8. Enhanced in-country and cross country learning exchanges 9. Demand-Driven Technical Assistance from partners (FAO, ASIADHRRA/AGRICORD, SEWA, etc) 10. Improved partnership with IFAD and other agencies in key stages of agricultural program development, implementation and management

12 MTCP2 New-FO Led Countries (Myanmar & Laos)
Components Major Activities Strengthening of FO and their Network FO Profiling of member organization Legal Registration Organizational Development Strengthening of governance structure Staffing / human resource development (hiring of coordinator) Trainings Leadership and organizational training, cooperative training Para-legal training on land issues Disaster preparedness Production and marketing trainings e.g. seedbank , FO’s participation in Policy Processes Farmers’ Forum / FO agenda building Dialogue / Networking with other sectors e.g. rice milling Case studies for Policy Advocacy FO’s engagement in Agricultural Development Program Dialogue with IFAD/ Partnership with IFAD (Radio program for Myanmar SWGAB (Laos) / SWGARRD (Myanmar)

13 MTCP2 FO Led Countries (Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam)
Components Major Activities Strengthening of FO and their Network Updating of FO profile Strategic Planning Intensify Trainings Project Management Cycle Organic production Marketing / Social enterprise management Policy Advocacy technology - Social Enterprise / Value Chain FO’s participation in Policy Processes Sustained Advocacy related to Key Policy agenda / Researches Cambodia: Cooperative Law Myanmar and Laos: Land Law Vietnam: monitoring of new land law Philippine: Social enterprise model Institutionalized consultation process/mechanism accreditation/ participation in existing consultation processes/ mechanism Advocacy/ promotion of setting-up institutionalized FO consultation process/mechanism FO’s engagement in Agricultural Development Program Partnership with IFAD country program Review of partnership agreement (vietnam) Dialogue for actual project engagement (Phil)

14 PACIFIC Regional exchanges of expertise between farmer organizations and their private sector partners Papaya and off-season pineapple expertise from Fiji travelling to Samoa to work with the Samoa Farmers Association on improved production practices. Soil conservation and improvement expertise (Vanuatu Farm Support Association) travelling to Fiji to work with Tutu Rural Training Centre and Teitei Taveuni on improved practices of ally cropping and cover cropping. Micro food processors from the Solomon Islands (Kastom Gaden and Jedom) travelling to Fiji to work with FRIEND on improved solar drying and other technologies.

15 Priority Technical Assistance Needed
Cambodia M&E training to farmers leaders Strategic plan development Business plan development Organizational management training Marketing training Pre and post harvest training Financial Management Product processing Myanmar Land reform policy. How to take back land confiscated during dictatorship era. Organic farm techniques and soil treatment. Cooperatives and self reliance programs. Production Indonesia Access to FAO trainings Philippines Lobbying and policy advocacy techniques and strategies Technical, legal and other evaluation of proposed laws, rules and programs of government Vietnam Reference materials Networking with other FOs Donors Laos Capacity building in management and financial management

16 3 key Recommendations to IFAD
Meaningful engagement of FOs at all levels PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Partnership agreement between IFAD and FO (consolidation/networking of farmers engaged in IFAD project to existing FOs) PROGRAM DESIGN -Process and Mechanism: Mandatory participation of FO in the COSOP and membership in the CPMT - Inclusion of FO window as required integral component in all IFAD country program MONITORING AND EVALUATION -deputized FOs as third party monitors of IFAD country program - FO monitoring report as required document

17  Thank you for your attention 
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