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Simple Machines and Work

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Presentation on theme: "Simple Machines and Work"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple Machines and Work
On a sheet of paper: Make a list of what you know about Simple Machines?

2 Simple Machines and Work
SPS8. Students will determine relationships among force, mass, and motion. e. Calculate amounts of work and mechanical advantage using simple machines.

3 Simple Machines and Work
Unit Essential Question: How do simple machines make work easier?

4 Simple Machines An unpowered mechanical device that increases our effort Examples: lever, pulley, wheel & axle, wedge, inclined plane, screw

5 Mechanical Advantage How much the machine multiplies your effort

6 Mechanical Advantage Examples: MA = Forceresistant = distancee Forceeffort distancer

7 Effort What you put into the machine can be measured in force or distance

8 Effort Examples: a) Pulling a string on a pulley with a force of 10 Newtons b) You pull the string 4 meters to lift an object

9 Resistance What the machine does for you; it can also be force or distance

10 Resistance Examples: The pulley lifts a 40 Newton object The pulley lifts the object one meter

11 Video Quiz – Write This Down
Why do roads wind around hills and mountains instead of traveling straight up? Which simple machine is defined as any tool that cuts? Why is a screw a better choice than a nail when it comes to holding furniture together for a long time? Which simple machine is the screw related to? To be considered a machine, a tool must do one or more of what three things?

12 Work Force is applied to an object and the object moves in the direction of the force. Unit of measure for work is N x m (joules).

13 Work Example: A student pushes a box with a force of 200 N a distance of 5 meters. W = Force x distance (W = F d) W = 200 m x 5 meters = 1,000 joules.

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