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Chapter 15 and Text Messaging

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1 Chapter 15 Email and Text Messaging
Today’s college students need no introduction to or text messaging as most of them were using these communication technologies long before matriculating at a university. However, they will need an introduction to workplace etiquette and appropriate use of text messaging in the workplace. Most of them already know not to write in all capital letters, but they will need to have other guidelines introduced and reinforced. The ethical, legal, and global implications of will lead to lively class discussion. The Global Project on page 347 would serve as an effective prompt for this discussion. Exploring the perils of a misused BCC or a careless “Reply to all” also makes for an engaging discussion.

2 Learning Objectives Identify the components of a workplace message Organize an message Write an using a professional style and tone Recognize copyright and privacy issues affecting use Write an appropriate for a global audience

3 Learning Objectives (continued)
Consider other media that may be more appropriate Understand the uses of text messaging in workplace settings

4 has become the most common form of written workplace communication, often replacing paper memos and letters. messages are best used for routine, simple messages, such as quickly letting a coworker know the status of a project or asking your boss a simple question.

5 Parts and Format A standard begins with a heading section containing “To,” “From,” “Date,” and “Subject” lines. Optional features include distribution notation, enclosure (or “attachment”) notation, sender’s contact information, and complimentary closing:

6 Email Parts and Format (continued)
Like any workplace document, an effective message should include a brief introduction that gets right to the point, a clear body section, and a brief conclusion that often requests action:

7 Considering Audience and Purpose
Unlike paper documents, provides little control over who the final audience will be. As a result, be careful that you maintain your professionalism, even in the most routine s. can help you accomplish various purposes: to schedule meetings, update or brainstorm with team members on a project, contact people for answers you need, and send simple memos in electronic form.

8 Email Style, Tone, and Etiquette
People often forget that professional is different than personal . Consider the following: Style: Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation; avoid abbreviations, emoticons, and casual phrasing. Tone: Avoid excessive informality; be polite, professional, and respectful. Etiquette: Don’t use when your message is complex or sensitive; respect privacy; avoid excessive ing; avoid attaching large files.

9 Using Visuals with Email
Stick with basic fonts such as Times Roman or Helvetica. Fancy fonts are inappropriate for workplace communication because they connote a frivolous tone. If you include photographs, charts, graphs, and other visuals, do not paste these items directly into the type. Instead, if the file is small, add it as an attachment. If the file is larger, save it on a server and send recipients the Web address.

10 Ethical, Legal, and Global Issues
when Using is subject to important ethical and legal considerations. Copyright issues: Any message you receive is copyrighted by the person who wrote it or the organization that employs this person. Privacy issues: Messages can be archived for years and forwarded to anyone. As a result, be careful about your privacy, the privacy of others, and the privacy of your organization. Global issues: Remember that your can reach anyone in the globe, so keep a global audience in mind.

11 Guidelines for Using Email
Follow these guidelines for writing and sending messages: Consider your audience and purpose. Check and answer your daily. Check your distribution list before each mailing. Spell each recipient’s name correctly. For very brief , stick with just one paragraph. Don’t indent paragraphs. End with a signature block.

12 Guidelines for Using Email
(continued) Don’t send huge or specially formatted attachments without first checking with the recipient. Write a clear subject line. Keep it short. Be polite and professional. Use emoticons and abbreviations sparingly. Don’t write in ALL CAPS. Proofread and run the spell check before pressing “Send.” Don’t use to avoid a situation in which personal contact is needed.

13 Guidelines for Using Email
(continued) Use formatting sparingly. If you do use fonts, use those that are appropriate for the audience and purpose. Don’t use as one giant filing cabinet. Avoid humor, slang, and idioms. Write simple, short sentences that are easy to translate. Convey respect for your recipient. Don’t be too direct or blunt. Be an active listener. Consider copyright issues.

14 Guidelines for Using Email
(continued) Assume that your is permanent and readable by anyone at any time. Avoid wisecracks and rude remarks (flaming). Don’t use to send confidential information. Don’t use your employer’s network for anything not work related. Before you forward a message, obtain permission from the sender.

15 Choosing the Appropriate Medium
is not always the most appropriate medium for workplace communication. There are often good reasons to use paper or to speak with a recipient directly: Don’t use when a more personal medium is preferable. Don’t use for a complex message. Don’t use for most formal correspondence.

16 Text Messaging Text messages are becoming increasingly common for workplace communication. Remember to: Consider your audience. Not everyone’s cell phone package has a text messaging plan, and some plans charge extra per message. Consider your purpose. Although useful for rapid exchanges, texting is a poor choice for communication that requires careful planning, composing, and editing.

17 Guidelines for Text Messaging
Follow these guidelines for using text messaging on the job: Consider your audience and purpose. Keep text messages brief and to the point. Avoid too many abbreviations. Know when to end the conversation. Be professional in tone, style, and etiquette. Avoid discussing confidential topics.

18 Review Questions 1. What are the workplace uses of ? 2. How do you format an , and how should the text portion of an be organized? 3. What is the audience for and what are the purposes of in the workplace? 4. What should you keep in mind regarding style, tone, and etiquette when writing messages? 5. What are two considerations to keep in mind when using visuals in messages? Answers 1. messages are best used for routine, simple messages, such as quickly letting a coworker know the status of a project or asking your boss a simple question. 2. A standard begins with a heading section containing “To,” “From,” “Date,” and “Subject” lines. The text should follow an introduction, body, and conclusion structure. 3. The audience can be anyone: provides little control over who the final audience will be. can help you accomplish various purposes: to schedule meetings, update or brainstorm with team members on a project, contact people for answers you need, and send simple memos in electronic form. 4. Style: Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation; avoid abbreviations, emoticons, and casual phrasing. Tone: Avoid excessive informality; be polite, professional, and respectful. Etiquette: Don’t use when your message is complex or sensitive; respect privacy; avoid excessive ing; avoid attaching large files. 5. Stick with basic fonts such as Times Roman or Helvetica. If you include photographs, charts, graphs, and other visuals, do not paste these items directly into the type.

19 Review Questions (continued)
6. What are the ethical and legal implications of using on the job? 7. What are three situations in which you should avoid using ? 8. What are the audience and purpose considerations you should keep in mind when using text messaging on the job? Answers (continued) 6. Copyright issues and privacy issues. 7. Don’t use when a more personal medium is preferable. Don’t use for a complex message. Don’t use for most formal correspondence. 8. Audience: Not everyone’s cell phone package has a text messaging plan, and some plans charge extra per message. Purpose: Although useful for rapid exchanges, texting is a poor choice for communication that requires careful planning, composing, and editing.

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