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February 7, 2017 Agenda: Vocab Unit 36 Notes and Flashcards

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Presentation on theme: "February 7, 2017 Agenda: Vocab Unit 36 Notes and Flashcards"— Presentation transcript:

1 February 7, 2017 Agenda: Vocab Unit 36 Notes and Flashcards
Objective: I will master Vocabulary for Unit 36 ...AND: Create flash cards or some other kind of study implement.

2 Announcements I do not look at ed essays or notecards. Submit via Turnitin. Recover your lost password or check my classroom website for registration information. Double-check your binders before asking for an extra copy or asking me to look for something. Tomorrow we are in Room 150 downstairs. It will be a regular day, except we are displaced for testing. They want to use my room because it is the best.

3 Vocab Unit 36

4 1. abscond (ab SKOND) verb Definitions: to leave secretly and hide
Synonyms: flee, fly Derivatives: absconder, absconded The thief has once again absconded with his ill-gotten gains!

5 2. atone (uh TONE) verb Definitions: to make amends Synonyms: repent
Derivatives: atoned, atoning, atoner, atonement Nadine will atone for her rudeness by apologizing to everyone in the auditorium.

6 3. capitulate (kuh PICH uh late)
verb Definitions: to surrender Synonyms: defer, relent, submit, succumb, yield Derivatives: capitulated, capitulating, capitulation Brutus fell on his own sword rather than capitulate to a hated enemy.

7 4. castigate (KAS tuh gate)
verb Definitions: to punish or subdue by punishment; to criticize with drastic severity Synonyms: punish, chastise Derivatives: castigated, castigating, castigates, castigation, castigator, castigatory The principal publicly castigated the vandals, describing their crimes in detail.

8 5. champion (CHAM pee un) verb
Definitions: to defend or to support Synonyms: Derivatives: championship, championless, championlike, championed, championing My friends and I give blood four times a year and champion blood donation at school.

9 6. coagulate (ko AG yuh late)
verb Definitions: to gather together in a mass, to clot; to congeal Synonyms: Derivatives: coagulable, coagulant, coagulated, coagulating, coagulation, coagulative, coagulator In horror, we watched the gelatin salad coagulate into a lumpy green mess.

10 7. compress (kum PRESS) verb
Definitions: to contract, to reduce in size or volume Synonyms: condense, constrict, contract, deflate Derivatives: compressible, compressibility, compressed, compression, compressive, compressor, compressively, In the afternoon, two classes were compressed into one classroom.

11 8. converge (kun VERJ) verb Definitions: to move together Synonyms:
Derivatives: converged, converging, convergence, convergency, convergent Parallel lines will never converge, no matter how long they are.

12 9. countenance (KOUN tuh nuns)
verb Definitions: to condone or to give approval Synonyms: approve, sanction, endorse Derivatives: countenanced, countenancing, countenancer The committee cannot countenance the plan to impose a tax on that item.

13 10. defrock (de FROK) verb Definitions: to deprive the right to be in a profession (usually applies to a priest) Synonyms: Derivatives: defrocked, defrocking When the priest was defrocked, his shame drove him to drink.

14 11. enfranchise (en FRAN chize)
verb Definitions: to give or to bestow the right to vote or citizenship Synonyms: Derivatives: enfranchisement, enfranchiser Harrison lobbyied against the bill that would enfranchise convicted felons.

15 12. ennoble (en NOE bul) verb
Definitions: to elevate, to raise in rank Synonyms: Derivatives: ennobled, ennoblement, ennobling, ennoblish Volunteer work not only helps people in need but ennobles the volunteers.

16 13. enumerate (eh NOO muh rate)
verb Definitions: to count one by one Synonyms: Derivatives: enumeration, enumerative, enumerator She ennumerated his many virtues until she ran out of fingers to count on.

17 14. obtrude (ub TROOD) verb
Definitions: to thrust out, to thrust forward Synonyms: intrude Derivatives: obtrusive, obtruder, obtrusion, obtrusively, obtrusiveness Her sloped, pointed nose obtruded from her face like a tiny ski jump.

18 15. refute (reh FYOOT) verb
Definitions: to disprove, to show as erroneous Synonyms: Derivatives: refutable, refutability, refutably, refutal, refutation, refutative, refutatory, refuter I cannot refute your claim that nobody likes my "tuna surprise"; it may be true.

19 16. relish (REL ish) verb Definitions: to take great pleasure or delight in Synonyms: Derivatives: relishable, relished, relishing The children always relish the opportunity to go to Six Flags over Texas.

20 17. truncate (TRUNG kate) verb Definitions: to shorten by cutting
Synonyms: Derivatives: truncated, truncately, truncation, truncature If the message is too long, it may be truncated to fifty lines or shorter.

21 18. understate (UN dur state)
verb Definitions: to show restraint or lack of emphasis Synonyms: Derivatives: understated, understatement She understated the disaster: in fact, we had lost not hundreds but thousands of dollars.

22 19. utility (yoo TIL uh tee)
noun Definitions: usefulness Synonyms: Derivatives: utilize, utilization, utilized, utilization I like the utility of having a coffee machine that grinds the beans for each individual cup of coffee.

23 20. validate (VAL eh date) verb Definitions: to give official sanction
Synonyms: authenticate, confirm, corroborate, substantiate, verify Derivatives: validation, validatory, validity, validly You haven't officially won the lottery until the Lottery Commission validates your ticket.

24 Vocab Unit 36-- Assignment
We could do Vocabulary Squares again… But I will accept flash cards with the word on one side and the definition/part of speech/synonyms/sentence instead. You can use index cards, copy paper, or notebook paper. Or…a digital alternative? If you have your own method of studying besides flash cards, you can check with me and I may accept that instead. Or maybe not. No, “nothing” is not a viable study method, sorry.

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