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Policy Instruments Addressing Existing Farms

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1 Policy Instruments Addressing Existing Farms
Regional Facilitation Office (RFO), FAO

2 Question What approaches and policy instruments can be implemented to effectively and efficiently reduce environmental impacts on existing farms?

3 Path 1: Environmental legislation does exist
Review of the policies in light of international standards and conventions Partners / institutions involved Compliance Non compliance

4 Review of the policies Adjustments and updating
Regulatory approaches: command and control on the emissions into the air, water and soil Economic instruments: subsidies, levies, taxes Technology support Capacity building Awareness raising Institution development / privatization Infrastructure development

5 Review of the policies Level of compliance and enforcement
Monitoring, enforcement, institution capacity Financial / economic incentives Social incentives Awareness of farmers and consumers

6 Partners / institutions involved
Government agencies Academic agencies Farmers Consumers

7 Compliance What are the reasons for non-compliance?
lack of enforcement: lack of technical capacity (staff, equipment, expertise) lack of technical knowledge on the side of producers regulations not communicated

8 Non compliance Review of magnitude of the problem
Review of the responsible agencies and their possibility of intervention Strengthen agencies – issue of privatization/licensing Provide grace and bridging period for farmers to reach compliance Evaluate public sector support and subsidies

9 Non compliance Review of magnitude of the problems Financial problems
Institutional problems Social problems Other problems (i.e., political problems)

10 Non compliance Review of the responsible agencies and their possibility of intervention Review capacity of the government agencies Center for assisting the farmers to comply to the environmental policy (PCD, Thailand) Capacity of academic agencies in knowledge management in distribution Problems of the farmers to comply with laws Environmental awareness of the consumers

11 Non compliance Strengthen agencies – issue of privatization / licensing Capacity building (training of the trainers) Financial support Social incentives

12 Non compliance Provide grace and bridging period for farmers to reach compliance Small, medium, large farms Backyard, peri-urban, industrialized farming

13 Non compliance Evaluate public sector support and subsidies
Information provided Cooperation among the officials Financial support Subsidies (negative or positive effects)

14 Path 2: No environmental legislation
Assess magnitude of the problems Identify institutions and partners public and private sector Develop legislation and standards Time frame of implementation Check on alternatives i.e. spatial planning Target time of compliance Control and enforcement public and private Public support to meet standards

15 Path 2: No environmental legislation
all three countries have legislation but certain regulations may be missing participatory approach in devicing/updating regulations consider training requirements consider phasing and scaling of new regulations consider costs and required enforcement capacity

16 Questions for the working groups
Are there specific instruments addressing new/existing farms in the countries? [note: if not then all instruments apply to all farms] What is the estimated turnover of farms in the countries, i.e. what is the estimated share of the production that comes from farms that have been built over the last 2 years? Is this trend going to change in the near future? Are current regulations enforceable on existing farms? [note: For example, Thai discharge standards are unenforceable on many farms as they would just put them out of business] If yes: what can be done to ease enforcement? targeting farms in most sensitive areas phasing enforcement, e.g. enforce standards gradually training and awareness raising financial incentives for early adopters If no: what are the options to be considered? progressively close farms that can’t comply and provide exit strategies limit intervention to training and awareness raising adapt regulation

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