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Chapter 5, Lesson 3 EQ: What motivates people to act?

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1 Chapter 5, Lesson 3 EQ: What motivates people to act?
A Call to Arms Chapter 5, Lesson 3 EQ: What motivates people to act?

2 Ch. 5, Lesson 3: HOME LEARNING Define Vocabulary
Minutemen Loyalists Patriots Continental Congress (pg. 126)

3 What motivates people to act?
Essential Question What motivates people to act? What brought about the clash between American colonists and British soldiers at Lexington and Concord?

4 Pre-Reading Activity, Ch. 5, Lesson 3
As you read, list three actions (decisions) of the Continental Congress (pg ) Continental Congress

5 The Continental Congress
September 1774, 55 delegates from the colonies (except Georgia) met in Philadelphia => Continental Congress They met to represent American interests and challenge British control

6 B. Explore a new continent C. Challenge British control
Section 3 The purpose of the Continental Congress was to accomplish which of the following tasks? A. Support British rule B. Explore a new continent C. Challenge British control D. Establish a new boycott A B C D

7 Delegates to the Congress
Massachusetts sent Samuel Adams and his cousin John Adams New York sent John Jay Virginia sent Richard Henry Lee, Patrick Henry, and George Washington

8 Speculate What effect do you think these words might have had on other colonists? 

9 Decisions of the Congress
The delegates called for a repeal of the acts They believed the acts violated their rights Voted to boycott British trade Called for people to arm themselves against the British People formed militias (groups of citizen soldiers)

10 Exit Slip: Activity Answer the following behind the graphic organizer:
What was the purpose of the Continental Congress? How did support for the Suffolk Resolves push the colonies closer to war?

11 Training Militias Mostly in New England Had training sessions
Made bullets Collected rifles and muskets Minutemen were ready to fight on a minute’s notice

12 Britain Sends Troops King George III: Americans were “in a state of rebellion” April 1775, thousand British soldiers land in Boston Under the command of Thomas Gage, the British were to take the weapons of the militias The British go to the town of Concord (MASS.) to take weapons and arrest leaders

13 Militia Weapons Gage learned that the weapons and ammunition was at Concord About 20 miles northwest of Boston Colonel Francis Smith and 700 troops were sent to Concord to “seize and destroy all the artillery and ammunition you can find”

14 The British are Coming! On April 18th, 1775 Dr. Joseph Warren saw the British begin to march out of Boston Warren told Paul Revere and William Dawes (members of the Sons of Liberty) They rode to Lexington to warn Samuel Adams, "The British are coming!” Adams said: “What a glorious morning this is!” ready to fight for independence!

15 Battles of Lexington At dawn the Redcoats approached Lexington (west of Concord) 70 minutemen were there led by American John Parker Minutemen stood on the town common with muskets in hand The British yelled: “Throw down your arms, ye villains, ye rebels!”

16 The Shot Heard Round The World
Somebody fired, then both sides exchanged bullets 8 minutemen were dead British troops moved to take the ammunition, but most had already been moved They destroyed the remaining supplies

17 Battle of Concord British continue to march to Concord
Concord’s North Bridge, the Minutemen turned back the British—VICTORY FOR PATRIOTS!! Militiamen hid behind trees and fired at British as they marched British go to Boston = 174 were injured and 73 were dead Battle for Independence had begun British take control of Boston

18 Where did the first battles of the Revolution take place?
Section 3 Where did the first battles of the Revolution take place? A. Boston and New York B. Washington and Philadelphia C. Suffolk and Charlestown D. Lexington and Concord A B C D

19 Activity: Story Mapping
Re-read your notes and pages The British on the Move and Lexington and Concord to complete a Story Mapping of the Events of the Battles of Lexington and Concord

20 Building Forces Committees of Correspondence sent out calls for volunteers to join the militias The colonial militia grew 20,000 strong British and Colonists: waited for who would make the next move?

21 The Battle of Bunker Hill
June 1775 about 1,200 Patriots under William Prescott Set up forts at Bunker Hill across the harbor from Boston The British decided to take the hill American Colonel Prescott said “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes”

22 British General William Howe with 2,200 redcoats soldiers
Formed assault lines Guns ready, drums beat, marched up the hill 15 paces away the Patriots began firing

23 Battle of Bunker Hill Results…
Twice the British went up the hill—twice they were turned back American gunpowder ran out British took the hill *Although the British won, the Patriots viewed this as a victory Over 1,000 redcoats were killed or wounded = 400 Patriots died. Patriots could beat the world’s most powerful army!! British learned that defeating the Americans would not be quick or easy

24 Which of the following shows the correct chronology?
Section 3 Which of the following shows the correct chronology? A. Bunker Hill, Lexington, Ft. Ticonderoga B. Concord, Yorktown, Lexington C. Yorktown, Lexington, Concord D. Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill A B C D

25 Choosing Sides: Patriot vs. Loyalist
Americans had to make a choice Join the rebels or remain loyal to Great Britain Those that stayed with the British were called Loyalists Those that sided with the Minutemen were called Patriots This war was not just between the British and the Americans, but a civil war between the colonists

26 Activity: Patriots vs. Loyalists
Read Choosing Sides (pg. 131). Copy Questions, and Draw the Chart. Why did the colonists sided with the British and the Patriots? Loyalists Support British Patriots support American colonists 1. 2. 3.

27 Activity: A Letter Home
1. Discussion: Partner up and discuss. 2. Activity: Pretend to be British soldiers OR pretending to be Patriot minutemen. Individually, write a letter home to mom or dad describing the after mass of the Battle of Lexington and Concord. First, brainstorm ideas with your partner. Then, think about what you heard, saw, smelled, what role you played in the battle, your emotions, and what was the result of the battle. Finally, write a one page letter home.

28 Group Activity: Patriot vs. Loyalist.
In 20 words or fewer, tell why you would have been a Patriot or Loyalist at the beginning of the American Revolution. In 20 words or fewer, convince someone in your community to join your cause. Create a poster that can convince them to join your cause.

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