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The Engineering Design Process

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1 The Engineering Design Process
The Engineering Process Introduced

2 Come up with three important
facts about the engineering design process that you learned from the video yesterday. Engineers, scientists and inventors follow the engineering design process, when they create a solution to a problem.

3 What is Engineering? Engineering deals with designing and building solutions to problems. Engineering is essential to improving structures, machines, electronic devices, materials and systems important to society. Scientists who use engineering to solve problems are called engineers. Engineering is different from conducting an experiment. The purpose of engineering is to solve a problem. The purpose of conducting an experiment is to answer a testable question. Types of Engineers

4 Step 1: Define the Problem
Identify the problem- a difficulty or need that must be overcome or solved There are 3 questions to ask when defining a problem: What is the problem or need? Who has the problem or need? Why is it important to solve the problem?

5 [Who] needs [what] because [why].
Once you have answered these questions, you should write the problem as a statement. [Who] needs [what] because [why]. This is a good time to question the design criteria and constraints (see back of tape in) If a scientist or an engineer knows the design task’s criteria and constraints there is more chance that the design solution will be successful.

6 Design Criteria and Constraints
Who is it for? (Client) What budget do you have? How long do you have to make it? What materials can you use? What scientific principles need to be applied?

7 Imagine if a scientist was engineering a hover board
Imagine if a scientist was engineering a hover board. If they were unaware of the design criteria and constraints, they might make it out of the wrong materials; making it too expensive. Or they might not give it enough power, meaning it will not be able to lift the rider. CRITERIA Must lift someone that is over 200lb Must cost less than $300 to produce Must be made from light weight materials; plastic, wood, aluminum This hover board does not even hover!

8 Step 2: Develop/Design a Solution
PART A: Design possible solutions Developing solutions is the process of researching and exploring multiple possible solutions. You should research multiple ways to solve the problem. You can work individually or with a team. Write down and draw every idea that you have related to the problem You need to research to see what designs are already out there - you don’t want to design something that has already been created! No idea is too silly

9 Step 2: Develop/Design a Solution
PART B: Choose the best solution Once you have come up with multiple ways to solve the problem, choose the best solution. The best solution has the greatest chance of solving the problem. Consider the cost, benefits, risks, and feasibility when choosing the best solution. Draw a preliminary plan of what it will look like. board thrust

10 On the back of Step 2 tape in
Brainstorm any and all ideas As a team choose which idea has the best chance of solving the problem?

11 Step 3: Optimizing the Design Solution
PART A: Build and Test your Prototype Follow your designs and drawing to create a prototype, or first model Models do not necessarily have to be something you “build” it can be a blueprint of your design. Not all models have to be to scale. Once you have built the model, you can test it to see if it works

12 BIOLOGYGUY © It is important that the engineer tests their model. They must then modify it based on the test results. OK, Prototype #2 has the desired thrust TEST #1 TEST #2 Prototype #1 Prototype #2

13 They might follow a checklist or have a rubric which will help them determine how well they have met the design criteria and constraints of a problem. CRITERIA CHECKLIST Can it move on uneven surfaces? Can it carry someone that is more than 300 lb? YES/NO X

14 BIOLOGYGUY © Sometimes the engineer might have several design solutions, which have not met the criteria. However by combining the different designs they might create a new design that is better than all of its predecessors. That is why you can never have too many models. They are important in finding the best design solution. NO GOOD!

15 Step 3: Optimizing the Design Solution
BIOLOGYGUY © It is still missing something PART B: Redesign where needed After testing your prototype, you should try to improve it so it better solves the problem or is more practical. Ask yourself: Does it meet the design criteria and design constraints? If you are unsure, you need to see how you can improve your model. Steps 1-3a may need to be repeated to improve your model. Don’t be afraid to start from scratch! It’s ok to start over again!! I think I am going to start over!

16 On the back of Step 3 tape in
Have we solved the problem? How can we make it better?

17 Rescue Robot A mother of three, Debbie Theobald knows all about coming to the rescue. Watch how Debbie and a team of engineers bring to life BEAR, a robot designed to remove people from dangerous settings and situations.

18 Criteria or Constraint. You must invent a new candy dispensing machine
Criteria or Constraint? You must invent a new candy dispensing machine. Your machine must dispense 3 small candies at a time. You are limited to using 3 straws, 1 bowl, tape, 1 cup, 2 pipe cleaners, and 2 rubber bands. You may not use any glass, because that is very expensive. Your candy dispenser must be able to hold at least 12 grams of candy and can not cost more than $50. Criteria Constraint ___________ 3 straws ___________ must hold at least 12 grams ___________ may not use glass ___________ must dispense at least 3 candies ___________ 2 rubber bands ___________ Can not cost more than $50 Criteria Constraint Constraint Constraint

19 Engineer or Scientist? Scientist Engineer Engineer Scientist Engineer
Why is the phone slowing down? What can be done to make the phone operate faster? What can we do to make sure that app is compatible with the new iPhone update? Why does the Snapchat app keep closing? How can we improve the Snapchat app? Scientist Engineer Engineer Scientist Engineer

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