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Workshop Oral History and Speech Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop Oral History and Speech Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop Oral History and Speech Technology
Arjan Van Hessen Stef Scagliola (Henk van de Heuvel - part of the team, but not present)

2 How Speech Technology Meets societal needs

3 Tax services Psychology Parliament Oral history

4 How Does it Work?

5 Requirements for ASR speech/ speaker speech recognition detection
transcript - Transcript is basis for time stamped index - Transcript supports search for what is said when Language model Acoustic model 50 h. audio M words 65 k. words Lexicon

6 Language Model

7 Acoustic model

8 Lexicon

9 Manual labour or Computer?
High Expensive Slow Human Human transcription Optical Character Recognition Human / Computer Respeaking ASR Computer Low Cheap Fast Ad Verbatim Close Retelling

10 An example Interview with a 93 year old lady who recalls her youth

11 Speech Technology No compression 16-bit recording
One speaker / channel Audio quality is good No or only a bit of background noise Automatic Speech Recognition works if: Spoken content is comparable with the actual Language Model LM build with newspapers


13 ASR Speech2Text Forced Alignment

14 What do we have at our disposal in terms of services and tools?

15 Alignment (all languages)
a variety of formats WebASR (EN) RUNASR (NL) ItaloASR (IT) PilzASR (CZ) Alignment (all languages) Format X,Y,Z Format A,B Format D,E Format F,G Format T,U

16 we want systems that talk to each other !
WebASR (EN) RUNASR (NL) ItaloASR (IT) PilzASR (CZ) moreASR OH-ASR Transcription Alignment (all languages?) Format A,B,C,D,X,Y,Z

17 How to reach this?

18 Proposal WebASR (EN) Translations REST Service RUNASR (NL)
ItaloASR (IT) PilzASR (CZ) Transcription Alignment

19 Convertor

20 What are we going to try out?

21 Step 1 – Digitize analog data

22 Step 2. Convert it to suitable format
From MP3-stereo To WAV-mono-16kHz

23 Step 3. Apply ASR to data

24 Step 4. Align text and audio

25 Step 5. Correction

26 Photo at the background
6. Prepare for uploading Photo at the background <h1>Title</h1> <p>Some text</p> <p> <video poster="/av/sybren/oratie.jpg" controls="controls" width="100%"> <source src="/av/sybren/oratie.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> <track kind="subtitles" src="/av/sybren/oratie.vtt" srclang="nl" label="Nederlands" default="" /> <track kind="subtitles" src="/av/sybren/oratie-en.vtt" srclang="en" label="English" /> </video> </p> Source (A or V) Default subtitle extra subtitle

27 Publish result workshop online

28 Questions? How to deal with IPR?

29 More?

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