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The American Journal of Occupational Therapy

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1 The American Journal of Occupational Therapy
From: Application of Data-Driven Decision Making Using Ayres Sensory Integration® With a Child With Autism Am J Occup Ther. 2015;70(1): p p9. doi: /ajot Legend: Note. BMC = bilateral motor control; CPr = constructional praxis; DC = design copy; DD = definite difference; FG = figure–ground; GRA = graphesthesia; KIN = kinesthesia; LTS = localization of tactile stimulus; MAC = motor accuracy; MFP = manual form perception; OPr = oral praxis; PD = probable difference; PPr = postural praxis; PRN = postrotary nystagmus; PrVC = praxis on verbal command; SIPT = Sensory Integration and Praxis Test; SPr = sequencing praxis; SV = spatial visualization; SWB = standing walking balance; T = typical. Date of download: 10/7/2017 Copyright © American Occupational Therapy Association/AOTA Press

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