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Student Support Top Tips

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1 Student Support Top Tips
Student Support Officer (SSO) Jacqui Double Room G-08, on ground floor of Jarman Building past the stairs by the post-box Tel: | |Student Support Office Hours Monday: Drop-in 12-3pm  Tuesday: ILP Appointments Wednesday: Drop-in 12-3pm Thursday: Drop-in 10-1pm Friday: By appointment only

2 What’s the Difference? Taught Research
See SSO for advice and information on wider Support Services on campus See SSO for Inclusive Learning Plan requirements See SSO for Concession enquiries, including issues with submission deadlines See SSO regarding Intermission See SSO for advice and information on wider Support Services on campus See SSO for Inclusive Learning Plan requirements See Supervisor for Concession enquiries, including issues with submission deadlines See Director of Postgraduate Study regarding Intermission What’s the Difference?

3 Fresher’s Flu & other illness is no fun – enrol with the University Medical Centre
Eat well and make time for ‘you’ as well as your work Taught PG: avoid absence but let us and your seminar leader know if you can’t attend. Everyone feels tired, sad, ill, homesick or anxious at some point each term – if it doesn’t go away, get help - talk to your friends, your GP and Student Support Look after yourself

4 Inclusive Learning Plans
You may already have registered your specific learning difficulties, physical or sensory impairments, medical conditions, or mental health concerns with Student Support and Wellbeing If not, you can still do so It is my role to agree that your ILP requirements can be met by the School of Arts and to support you whilst you study You’ll be invited to meet with me soon to talk your requirements through and ask any questions You can find more information here Inclusive Learning Plans

5 Your Supervisors and Seminar Leaders are there to help with assessments and academic worries on a module or with your research. They want you to do well and will be happy to help. Talk to them. If you have wider academic worries, about returning to writing essays or managing your time whilst researching ask your Supervisor or Academic Advisor for guidance and consider The Student Learning Advisory Service International Students: the Centre for English and World Languages (CEWL) offer in-sessional English skills courses in Grammar, Essays, Listening and note taking, discussion and presentation skills, and individual writing tutorials. You need to book them quickly  PG Taught: If you are worried about completing your work on time, talk to your seminar leader or – if this is due to illness or other exceptional circumstances – come and see me to discuss if you are eligible for an Extension Academic Worries

6 Submitting Your Assessments
Noon is when the door closes – you can upload earlier Back-up your work: use a USB device, the Cloud (Drop Box, One Drive, Google Drive etc) or your 1GB IT Account Learn about our Moodle Pages here Or here for further advice Submitting Your Assessments

7 Don’t wait! Get some support:
Student Finance: or Student Union Advisors: Problem with the balance between studying and paid employment? Feeling overwhelmed when trying to organise your money? Not sure if you have everything you’re entitled to? Find yourself without any? Money Worries

8 Join Union Societies during Fresher’s week: you don’t need to have done them before – give them a try Even if you feel homesick, get out and get involved with things Look out for events run for mature students Or events for International Students You are not in this on your own – find us on the ground floor of the Jarman Building, past the stairs Social Support

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