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The NRF and Me.

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Presentation on theme: "The NRF and Me."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NRF and Me

2 The Dreaded Rating Give the best account of your career that you can (NOT in 3rd person!) – EMPHASISING YOUR LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION eg: In this evaluation cycle, then, I have established both an excellent infrastructure and solid expertise in a variety of vaccine protein expression systems as well as in crop plant biotechnology, which has recently enabled us to source funding from the European Union (FP6 and FP7 awards), as well as from international companies (Era Biotech, Spain; Pannar Ltd).

Publications: Put EVERYTHING in, and EMPHASISE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS CLEARLY AND SUCCINCTLY: GRANT OWNERSHIP STUDENT SUPERVISION OWN RESEARCH WRITING SUBMISSION – AND PUT CITATIONS IN AND IMPACT FACTOR OF JOURNAL! Eg: GOOD “Project owner, originated project, main supervisor of PhD student, responsible for final draft and submission” “Co-wrote about one-third of review article” “Co-supervisor, helped with paper drafts” “Originated idea for review, coordinated other authors, responsible for final draft and submission” BAD: “25%” “Supervisor of student”

4 Conferences / Invited Talks
This where you show local / international recognition: Plenary lectures Invited talks Published abstracts Conference talks / posters

5 Patents are an important part of recognition:
Other outputs: Patents are an important part of recognition: RCIPS keeps track of these if you lodged them via UCT, and has worked with NRF to establish the format to include them

6 Best outputs: a chance to shine
Make sure you use the space given TO REALLY SAY WHY THIS WAS GOOD: eg This article established that, unlike previous investigations, it was possible to get high-level expression of HPV-16 L1 protein via transient expression in plants, that it assembled into VLPs, and that it elicited neutralising antibodies in mice. It has been cited 34 times, but also formed the basis for a patent application which is being licenced to a major international company. Think about using AltMetrics and accesses here:

7 Put in too-late-for-assessment publications
Completed Research SAY WHAT IT IS YOU’VE DONE: SUCCINCTLY explain your research EMPHASISE your contribution HIGHLIGHT collaborations Put in too-late-for-assessment publications

8 Summarise YOUR advancement of your field
Self Assessment: BYOT BE HONEST BUT NOT TOO MODEST: TELL people why you’re good ESPECIALLY highlight local and/or international impact Summarise YOUR advancement of your field

9 Ongoing / Planned Research
Briefly detail what it is you’re doing right now Go into more detail on what you concretely plan to do: Eg: Thus, in the next six years we will start working on producing reagent- and diagnostically- important proteins for immediate commercialisation, as well as continuing work on emerging and pandemic flu vaccines as emergency response candidates. … Reagent production is the subject of a pending application to the Tech & Innov Agency (TIA); success would allow stability for 5 years. An exciting new project possibility is working on fish diseases, and vaccines and reagents for prophylaxis and diagnosis and therapy of these….

10 Reviewers DON’T USE: Friends or colleagues Exclusively local people
DO USE: Respected international authorities Appropriate international peers Good (ie: respected) locals

11 Intermission

12 How Auto-Googling Can Help You
Or: Citation Metrics for Self-Advancement

13 Autogoogling: needs some setting up

14 Autogoogling 2 To start with: Need a Gmail address for sign-in
Need to train GSC as to which are your papers What you can do: Immediately see your Hirsch or h-index* (which is usually significantly higher than the Scopus or ISI measure AND WHICH THE NRF NOW ACCEPTS) See your 5-year h-index&, which is a good measure or your (or other person's) recent impact *h-index is the largest number h such that h publications have at least h citations & largest number h such that h publications have at least h new citations in the last 5 years.

15 Useful Google Scholar tricks

16 Thanks AJ Cann!


18 Harzing’s P or P Google Scholar / H or H might be best for:
Publish or Perish is a software program that retrieves and analyzes academic citations. It uses Google Scholar to obtain the raw citations, then analyzes these for: Total number of papers Total number of citations Average number of citations per paper Average number of citations per author Average number of papers per author Average number of citations per year Hirsch's h-index and related parameters Egghe's g-index The contemporary h-index The age-weighted citation rate Two variations of individual h-indices An analysis of the number of authors per paper. The results are available on-screen and can also be copied to the Windows clipboard (for pasting into other applications) or saved Training resources A 15-minute audio & slide presentation on citation analysis and Publish or Perish can be found on Slideshare. Google Scholar / H or H might be best for: Business, Administration, Finance & Economics; Engineering, Computer Science & Mathematics; Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities.

19 ISI Web of Kn​owledge / Web of Science



22 Elsevier's Scopus

23 Getting in with Scopus Note: VERY useful for future searches




27 Scopus agrees with Google Scholar citations for papers

28 AltMetric-ing





33 The End of the Story…

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