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Oracle e-Business Suite

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1 Oracle e-Business Suite
MAGESight BI Oracle e-Business Suite

2 Human Capital Management Suite
MARVEL BI Packages Overview Financial Suite General Ledger Supports analysis of data in the General Ledger module of Oracle e-Business Suite and helps manage financial reporting for an organization. Accounts Receivable Supports analysis of data in the Receivables module of Oracle e-Business Suite that generates customer invoices and allows management and tracking of incoming payments. Accounts Payable Supports financial and operational analysis of Oracle Payables information, enabling financial management to better control the enterprise cash flow while maintaining supplier relationships in accordance with financial strategy. Fixed Assets Supports financial and operational analysis of Oracle Assets information, enabling better managing the company assets. Operational Suite Sales Supports analysis of data in the Order Management, Shipping Execution, and Accounts Receivables modules of Oracle Applications, allowing businesses to manage sales, services, and performance with customers and other business partners. Inventory Supports analysis of data in the Inventory module of Oracle Applications providing physical management of a company’s stock available for sale, distribution or internal consumption. Purchasing Supports analysis of data in the Purchasing module of Oracle Applications allowing businesses to manage purchasing aspects of their operations. Projects Supports analysis of data in the Projects module of Oracle Applications providing a complete enterprise project management solution. Contracts Supports operational and statistical analysis of service contractrelated information, helping companies manage internal and external obligations, control daily deliverables, and maintain focus on contractual goals. Human Capital Management Suite HR Provides analysis of data in the Oracle HRMS Suite (consisting of modules: Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Payroll, Oracle Advanced Benefits, Oracle Training Administration, and Oracle Self–Service Human Resources (SSHR)) It helps businesses analyze employee assignments, benefits, payroll, training, and other employment related information.

3 Financial Suite – Key Features
Rich reporting content: Multi-dimensional analysis using Accounting Flexfield segment hierarchies with drilling capabilities to an individual accounting transaction and sub-ledger document distribution level Rolling periods summary analysis (rolling 12 periods) Drill across capability between GL balances, journal lines, and sub-ledger transactions (Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Projects) Dimensions based on the Accounting Flexfield –easy to customize Support of multiple currencies, multiple sets of books within a single report Built-in data validation for selected fact tables Configurable aging periods for Payables and Receivables analysis Integrated framework: single data model, conformed dimensions, conformed ETL routines, conformed universes Extensive user documentation to answer business and technical questions Intuitive-to-navigate and easy-to-customize semantic layer Rich library of Web reports Sample financial statements Compatibility with Oracle e-Business Suite R12 –transparent for the end user

4 Typical Queries answered:
Financial Suite – General Ledger Typical Queries answered: What are the Actual-Budget Variance values per Account Name? What are the top 10 cost centres? What is my GL Balance Sheet Trend by Year-Period? What is this Account YTD Trend Analysis? Display GL Account Balance Period Drill-down Analysis Provide DSO Trend Analysis Display Journal Entry transaction details Display all intercompany transactions between multiple set of books Enable Business To: Create and analyse financial statements View multiple budget versions Drill down to accounting transaction level Perform Ad hoc financial analysis Measure company’s overall financial condition with financial ratios Perform audit and control analysis Analyse trends in revenue, cost, expenditure by chart of accounts segments and their hierarchies Financial Suite General Ledger Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Fixed Assets

5 Typical Queries answered:
Financial Suite – Accounts Receivable Typical Queries answered: How does the DSO look this quarter by business unit? What are open receivables invoices for selected organizations and collector names? Display 360 Customer snapshot Show me late payment trends for all organizations What are statistics on receivables amounts past due for this year? Show me overall company revenue trend analysis What are details of collection activities for this quarter? Who are my top 25 on-account customers? Enable Business To: Query receivables transactions Calculate and analyse key Receivables measurements Review information about open customer invoice items Investigate unapplied cash receipts to ensure accuracy of the current receivables balance Review customer credit information View dunning history for a invoice and analyse collection activities efficiency Financial Suite General Ledger Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Fixed Assets

6 Typical Queries answered:
Financial Suite – Accounts Payable Typical Queries answered: What are the top 10 spending accounts in the company? What is the number of duplicate payments as of today for this year? How many single payments over $1,000 issued and by whom? How does the DPO look this quarter by business unit? What is the discount utilization rate by business unit over time? What is the quarterly ratio between invoices on-hold and all invoices by supplier? What is the spending trend by cost centre, by product category? What it the trend for ratio of employee expense reports vs. total spending by business units? Enable Business To: Query payables transactions at invoice distribution level Calculate and analyse key Payables measurements (such as aging, DPO) Review unmatched items View on-hold invoices Perform ad hoc analysis View paid invoice history Analyse cash discount taken trends Analyse Payables clerk efficiency Perform audit of Payables transactions posted to GL. Financial Suite General Ledger Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Fixed Assets

7 Typical Queries answered:
Financial Suite – Fixed Assets Enable Business To: List assets by date placed in service and location View asset addition, retirement summary and details Produce depreciation reports (ex. accumulated depreciation balance) Analyse asset movement and capitalizations Compare capital budgets to actual spending Perform CIP cost balance and cost clearing reconciliation analysis List associated purchase orders and invoices Typical Queries answered: Can you list current fixed assets by category for business unit? What is asset distribution by location? Can you display depreciation by category? What is transaction history by transaction type? Can you display details of the retired assets including the overall gain/loss? Can you show details of retired assets by location? Can you show details of invoices and purchase orders associated with each asset? Financial Suite General Ledger Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Fixed Assets

8 Operational Suite – Key Features
Reach content: employee administration, benefit management, training, absence, and payroll Merge of date-effective data held in multiple tables into a single fact table (employee assignment, salary proposal, benefit administration) –no need for complex reporting queries for ‘as-of-date’ analysis Summary and detailed analysis with great level of detail –like payroll run details Position, Job, Grade, Cost Allocation, People Group flexfields as dimensions –easy to customize Analysis by organizational hierarchies: org unit, position, managing Integrated framework: single data model, conformed dimensions, conformed ETL routines, conformed universes Extensive user documentation to answer business and technical questions Intuitive-to-navigate and easy-to-customize semantic layer Library of Web reports and dashboards Compatibility with Oracle e-Business Suite R12

9 Typical Queries answered:
Operational Suite – Sales Typical Queries answered: Who are my top 5 customers by generated revenue of the current year? Can you compare quarterly bookings against returns by product for this customer for this year? Display details of shipment backlog by operating unit by product by sales order What is the company revenue by operating unit by sales rep? Display issued invoice summary with total revenue and total tax amount for the current year. Enable Business To: Analyse booking, margin, revenue trends by product categories, organizational units Determine customer behaviour Evaluate the performance of sales representatives View detailed (at line item level) information on sales orders, returns, deliveries, invoices, and credit memos Operational Suite Sales Inventory Purchasing Projects Contracts

10 Typical Queries answered:
Operational Suite – Inventory Enable Business To: Track transactions related to items in the inventory (receipt, transfer and issue of stock, adjustment of stock levels, and cost updates) Review aggregated current and historical daily counts of on-hand quantities of stock Maintain detailed records of physical inventory counts including rejected counts Review current and future requirements of items reserved for sales orders, accounts, account aliases, inventories or user defined sources. Typical Queries answered: Display quantities of items issued and received from and into stock by item category Display an inventory snapshot for September 20, 2005 Can you display physical inventory approved adjustments grouped by inventory? Can you provide a summary of sub inventory transfers grouped by the source sub inventory? Display currently reserved items grouped by item category Operational Suite Sales Inventory Purchasing Projects Contracts

11 Typical Queries answered:
Operational Suite – Purchasing Typical Queries answered: Show status of purchase requisitions What is the average cycle time from requisition release to date of goods receipt? What is the monthly trend in purchase requisitions by Vendor Group, by Product Category? Rank vendors according to total purchase order value Show percentage of items rejected by supplier Roll up analysis of purchasing by chart of accounts segments List suppliers sending unordered goods Enable Business To: Analyse purchase requisitions and purchase orders with drilling down to the distribution line level Track purchase receipt transactions, including receive, deliver, reject and return to vendor transactions Combine Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, and Purchase Receipt details into a simple purchase order history view Analyse the entire purchase cycle from a single query. Operational Suite Sales Inventory Purchasing Projects Contracts

12 Typical Queries answered:
Operational Suite – Projects Typical Queries answered: How does project profitability compare to last year or period? What is the distribution of total labour hours by resource for this quarter? List each expenditure item’s revenue amount, burdened cost amount, and billing status for a particular project Compare current asset costs against original costs List events that have been held from invoicing What is the variance in revenue, cost, and margin on projects by org unit? Enable Business To: Analyse estimated cost, revenue and labour hours See draft project revenue transactions prior to being transferred to other modules Review potential project invoices for approval View details of expenditure items Find capital and retirement adjustment assets View budget, project and transaction summary Analyse revenue generating activity not related to expenditure items Operational Suite Sales Inventory Purchasing Projects Contracts

13 Typical Queries answered:
Operational Suite – Contracts Typical Queries answered: Can you give me a lifetime list of contracts signed with this customer? Can you show me details of a selected contract organized by contract line types? What is a year-to-date contract billing activity for this customer? Show me contract billing transactions sent to the AR module Show me growth in yearly service contract bookings for this customer Can I check sales credits assigned to sales reps? Enable Business To: View Service Contracts summarized by service line or detailed to the covered product level List contracts expired but not renewed Report on contract status Analyse contract line discount and surcharge price adjustments Perform quality check on contract rules Analyse contract billing activities Review contract-related sales credits Operational Suite Sales Inventory Purchasing Projects Contracts

14 Human Capital Management Suite – Key Features
Reach content: employee administration, benefit management, training, absence, and payroll Merge of date-effective data held in multiple tables into a single fact table (employee assignment, salary proposal, benefit administration) –no need for complex reporting queries for ‘as-of-date’ analysis Summary and detailed analysis with great level of detail –like payroll run details Position, Job, Grade, Cost Allocation, People Group flex fields as dimensions –easy to customize Analysis by organizational hierarchies: org unit, position, managing Integrated framework: single data model, conformed dimensions, conformed ETL routines, conformed universes Extensive user documentation to answer business and technical questions Intuitive-to-navigate and easy-to-customize semantic layer Library of Web reports and dashboards Compatibility with Oracle e-Business Suite R12

15 Typical Queries answered: Human Capital Management Suite
Human Capital Management Suite – HR Typical Queries answered: What is my turnover rate by gender, nationality, and length of service? Show hierarchical employee head count within the corporate headquarter organization What were the average regular earnings by department and job during last year? List details of the last payroll run for a specific employee What is the trend in various quarter-to date earnings and deductions across departments? What is the total year-to-date overtime in hours by department? Show me employee absence details by reason What is the total number of employees currently enrolled in the company benefit programs? Enable Business To: Manage employee Report on employee administration, benefits, training, and payroll activities View organization structure and position hierarchies View benefits structure as of certain date Perform salary management analysis View historical records of previous changes for employees, employee assignment, benefits enrolment Perform ad hoc analysis Human Capital Management Suite HR

16 Customers

17 Thank You Relate IT LTD, 6 Seafield Place, Dalgety Bay, Fife, KY11 9YW

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