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Priority Areas Cross-fertilisation Workshop Competitiveness and Internationalization of SMEs in Bioeconomy in Danube Region Dr. Jonathan Loeffler Managing.

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Presentation on theme: "Priority Areas Cross-fertilisation Workshop Competitiveness and Internationalization of SMEs in Bioeconomy in Danube Region Dr. Jonathan Loeffler Managing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Priority Areas Cross-fertilisation Workshop Competitiveness and Internationalization of SMEs in Bioeconomy in Danube Region Dr. Jonathan Loeffler Managing Director Steinbeis 2i GmbH Vukovar,

2 Pilar C Building Prosperity in the Danube Region
Pillar C focuses on innovation, information society, competitiveness of enterprises, education, labor market and marginalized communities. PA8 Competitiveness – is coordinated by the State Baden-Württemberg (Germany) and Croatia. WG Innovation and Technology Transfer – is coordinated by Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum

3 Danube Transfer Centers
Baden-Württemberg pilot initiative to support the competitiveness of enterprises in Danube Region Project Ojective - fill the gap between research and innovation Installation of Danube Technology Transfer Centers (DTC) organized as “one-stop-shops” mainly for SMEs in regard of innovation & technology transfer. Results: 4 DTCs operational (Nitra, Cluj-Napoca, Vukovar, Novi-Sad) 2 DTCs working together (Maribor, Ruse) 2 DTC Letter of Intent (PBN Hungary, TU Bucharest) 7 R&D organisations with project collaboration

4 Danube Transfer Center Ceremony (at 5th Annual Forum of EUSDR)
signing  Letter of Commitment with DTC Maribor and Memorandum of Understanding with DTC Slavonski Hrast

5 DTC „SLAVONSKI HRAST“ 02-04.05.2016 in Karlsruhe
Connect Ideas2Business 2016 Karlsruhe, Germany Wood Competence Center Baden-Württemberg

6 DTC „SLAVONSKI HRAST“ Karlsruhe, Germany

7 Projects synergy .

8 Made in Danube Made in Danube Kick-Off Event – 22nd of March, Stuttgart Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)

9 Wokshop Objective Supporting the competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs in Bioeconomy in Danube Region To open Priority Areas (PAs) cross-fertilisation perspectives on common understanding of innovation and technology transfer priorities for the Danube Strategy with the participation of relevant representatives for the area of research and innovation, potentially from all PAs. To realize synergies between the actors and experts in innovation and technology transfer, efforts concretized by identifying concrete recommendations for future Research and Innovation actions in Danube Region.

10 “Missing links” at local level - Network of Networks

11 Technology Readiness Level
Actorss Actors Developer University R&D organisation Company Recipient Facilitator EEN DTC Needs Technology Readiness Level

12 Technology Readiness Level
Build the bridge Technology Basic Research Research to prove feasibility / Lab Prototype Dev. Phase / Ind. Demonstration Available on the market Type of SMEs Pioneers (1-2%) Early Followers (3-5%) Late Followers (10-15%) Techn. Users (80%) Capacity of R&D organisation to transfer new knowledge Capacity of SMEs to absorb new knowledge Needs Technology Readiness Level

13 Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Example of applied research project – design of an advanced cooling system Product Design Based on technical specifications Simulation Air flow Temperature distribution Acoustics - sound absorbers Mechanical properties Functional tests Production Local university + University 2 Company Local university Company

14 Flexible Innovation Eco-systems
(Innovation 2.0) combined with S3 regional strategies Macro-regional level - EUSDR Regional / Local level – S3 Company / Organisation level

15 Three main priorities Barriers Needs Priority I - Achieve a shift of mentality at University/R&D organisations and SMEs Priority II - Support the competitiveness of companies through new product development in collaboration with Universities or R&D organisations Priority III - Forster the knowledge exchange and the financing of support/ facilitator structures at Danubian level Lack of trust Mentality shift Lack of communication Lack of innovative thinking at business level Cooperation with stakeholders Lack of knowledge about TT Exchange of best practices Lack of financing for projects Long term strategy for cooperation Training for cooperation

16 Top priorities to achieve a shift in mentality
Public Authorities Changing the curricula at the level of Universities Organising Dissemination Events Changing the regulatory framework to support innovation Opening Labs for business purposes Research, Science, Education Good examples and leaders Legislation support Culture to accept change Framework conditions to encourage service to society at the operational level Companies, Clusters Opening Innovation towards universities Include clusters or intermediaries as interfaces Sharing information, vision, bring the Universities to the companies List of programs for undergraduates for future leaders

17 Top priorities to support collaboration between
enterprises and R&D institutions Public Authorities Special calls for technological transfer Voucher system from SMEs to R&D Establish incentives conditioning funding on collaboration Favorizing the partnership projects Research, Science, Education Financial Programs to initiate industry academia consortia Structures for building networking Demand driven research Integrate experts from the industries to teach Companies, Clusters Invest in gathering company data and use for communication and dissemination Technology Transfer office takes administrative tasks Transparent, efficient Contractual Procedure Professors associate - volunteers

18 Top priorities for knowledge exchange
and lack of financing Public Authorities Less bureaucracies to address structural funds Elaborate a good cluster policy Foster knowledge to access financing Political Consensus Research, Science, Education Online instruments Staff exchange Adapt good practices Study visits Companies, Clusters Provide support and guidance (ex. Innovation management audits) Media for promoting technology transfer Flexible – small and quick financing Basic funding to go out

19 Wood Competence Center Vukovar
Case study Wood Competence Center Vukovar

20 Action plan What should be done in the first 2 years?
List of concrete measures to be performed from the perspective of Public Authorities Research, Science, Education organisations Companies representatives, clusters

21 Workshop – working in groups
3 Tables Table I - Public Authorities Table II - Research, Science, Education Table III - Companies, Clusters, etc. 3 „Table host“ + 3 moderators „Travellers“ or „ambassadors of meaning“ 3 priorities x 20 minutes rounds of conversation Initiate a period of sharing informations per groups – prioritization of the conclusions - 30 minutes Presentation of the results minutes (3x10 minutes)

22 Workshop – working in groups
Table 1st round 2nd round 3rd round Table 1 Public Authorities PA Companies R&S&E Table 2 Research, Science, Education Table 3 Companies, Clusters e.g.

23 Table I - Public Authorities (PA)
1st round PA 2nd round R&S&E „as PA“ 3rd round Companies „as PA“

24 Table II - Research, Science, Education (R&S&E)
1st round R&S&E 2nd round PA as R&S&E 3rd round Companies as R&S&E

25 Table III - Companies, Clusters e.g.
1st round Companies 2nd round R&S&E as Companies 3rd round PA as Companies

26 I&TT phases I&TT phases
Awareness raising Events Workshops Communication campaign Company visits Trainings Analysis of needs Innovation audits Business consultancy Surveys, interviews Matchmaking Brokerage events TO/TR database Technology scouting Innovation partnerships Platforms, networks Implementation R&D consultancy, R&D contracts Innovation funding Innovation management (training, coaching, mentoring) Living labs, Fablabs

27 Objectives versus needs of SMEs
Business development New products with new functionalities New clients and new markets Internal company development Improve quality of existing products Reduction of costs Knowledge Contacts Financing Management Equipment Qualified personal

28 How can I&TT helps? – Innovation perspective
How can I&TT help? – Innovation perspective How can I&TT helps? – Innovation perspective Internal solutions External solutions Knowledge R&D department Production Contacts Marketing Selling Financing Stakeholders Capital Management Executive Management Innovation Manager Equipment Production machines Testing equipment Qualified personal Internal training R&D consultancy, feasibility tests, prototyping, co-creation, TO/TR, Licensing, Tech. Scouting Matchmaking events, networking support, I-Partnership agreement Public funding, Joint Venture Business plan support, Management of RDI projects, IPR Living labs, Fablabs, Manufacturing agreements (subcontracting & co-contracting) Open Innovation Trainings

29 Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum
Contact Details Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum Haus der Wirtschaft Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19 70174 Stuttgart Tel.: Fax: Haus der Wirtschaft Erbprinzenstr. 4-12 76113 Karlsruhe Tel.: Fax:

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