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Diversification & Risk – Day 2

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1 Diversification & Risk – Day 2
Directions: Apply your understanding of savings and investment you learned yesterday to several scenarios. Feel free to reference your notes and discuss amongst your table partners.

2 The Pyramid of Risks and Reward
Using evidence and details from Handout 5, transfer the list of investments accordingly. Highest Risk - Highest Potential Return or Loss 4. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 10. Lowest Risk - Lowest Potential Return or Loss

3 The Pyramid of Risks and Reward
Diversification and Risk The Pyramid of Risks and Reward Highest Risk - Highest Potential Return or Loss 4. government bonds 3. certificates of deposit 5. corporate bonds 6. mutual funds 7. stocks 8. real estate 9. collectibles 1. cash and checking accounts 2. savings accounts 10. commodities Lowest Risk - Lowest Potential Return or Loss


5 certificate of deposit
checking account vs. certificate of deposit Back

6 savings account vs. U.S. government bond Back

7 certificate of deposit
vs. U.S. government bond Back

8 U.S. government bond vs. municipal bond Back

9 municipal bond vs. special purpose bond Back

10 special purpose bond vs. corporate bond Back

11 corporate bond vs. growth mutual fund Back

12 growth mutual fund vs. blue chip stock Back

13 blue chip stock vs. real estate Back

14 real estate vs. gold and silver Back

15 art collection vs. income mutual fund Back

16 stuffed animal collection
vs. gold and silver Back

17 gold and silver vs. savings account Back

18 income mutual fund vs. growth mutual fund Back

19 penny stock vs. blue chip stock Back

20 Please complete Handout 2 on your own or with the collaboration of a partner. You can rank each scenario separate from the others or in comparison to them – you choose!

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