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CS SAB Chair Agenda Items

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1 CS SAB Chair Agenda Items
Jon Rosdahl IEEE Computer Society 2017 Vice President Standards Activities IEEE Computer Society Standards Activity Board (SAB) 14 June 2017

2 1.4 SAB Chair Remarks

3 Standards Getting Others involved with Standards
Getting involved in IEEE standards provides you with opportunities to network with industry peers and broaden your understanding of your industry and technology, as well as gain familiarity with the content of standards in which you are involved—facilitating early compliance and anticipating market requirements. Inviting others spreads that opportunity. Standards should be market relevant with broad support. Corporate Standards require at least 3 Corporations Standards by Individual Working Groups have at least 10 people IEEE Initiatives on future Technology:

4 SAB Chair Remarks Goals for 2017
Goal #1 - Develop standards and framework models for emerging technologies and cross disciplinary sciences Goal #2 – Create a standards education portfolio and be the leading society in the delivery of standards-related professional education Goal #3 – Make Computer Society standards the most used standards in industry and government Portfolio Review – Review the standards under development and/or published by the Computer Society Make CS SAB Information easier to locate on website Add to the Goals for 2017

5 Standards Future direction of Standards – Strategic Plan Inputs Identify how Standards can support Business opportunities stemming from Future Technology. Future Technology –discussed and presented in Conferences – Computer Society Standards created Concepts for Ethics of Future Technologies for Consumers and Producers. Autonomous Processing Security methods Artificial Intelligence Cloud Computing and Resources

6 2.2 - Status of Recent Committee Actions

7 March 2017 IEEE-SA Standards Board Resolution
IEEE-SA STANDARDS BOARD RESOLUTIONS March 2017 The SASB recognized Power and Energy Society/Energy Storage & Stationary Battery, to be abbreviated as PE/ESSB, as an official Sponsor, in accordance with IEEE-SASB Bylaws The SASB disbanded Computer Society/Storage Systems (C/SS) and moved the Working Groups associated with C/SS to Computer Society/Microprocessor Standards Committee (C/MSC) [P1890 and P2200]. The SASB disbanded Computer Society/Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (C/FIPA) and moved to C/SAB Special Projects the PAR for the open project [P2409].

8 Status and Actions needed on committees
Voting Systems Standards Committee (VSSC) Discussion for Retiring VSSC occurred in June SAB mtg. Action item in January 2017: Jonathan Goldberg to reach out to VSSC about continuing efforts. - Status Report due at February Telecon, and Final action to be taken by SASB on April Telecon. February Telecon – extended April Telecon – Request for one last letter to be sent. There are two PARs that have already been withdrawn – & The work has not started in earnest and lack of desire to complete , , , and All are expected to be withdrawn, however expires in 2017, , , and expire in 2018 and expires in 2019.

9 Status and Actions needed on committees
Voting Systems Standards Committee (VSSC) Apr Jon Rosdahl Jon will compose and send a formal notification letter (with history of decision) to John Wack, copying SAB, to inform him of SAB’s intention to disband the VSSC and specify a June 1, 2017 deadline for response. From April Telecon Minutes: MOTION: Moved, SAB intends to disband VSSC at its June 14, 2017 meeting. The SAB chair will send a formal notification letter to the VSSC chair, copying SAB, to inform him of SAB's intention and specify a June 1, 2017 deadline for response. The letter will include the history of why SAB's decision was made. Letter was sent – Response was acknowledged.

10 Status and Actions needed on committees
Motion to disband: Voting Systems Standards Committee (VSSC) MOTION: Moved, to Disband Voting Systems Standards Committee (VSSC) and move IEEE Std to be sponsored by C/SAB and the 5 active PARS will be withdrawn. P — Standard for Event Logging Data Interchange Format P — Recommended Practice for Election Modeling P — Standard for Election Systems Usability and Accessibility P — Recommended Practice for Voting Methods Mathematical Models P — Standard for Electronic Pollbook Data Interchange Format Moved: 2nd:

11 3.3 Overview of SC Portfolios

12 MSC Status Report – June 2017
SUMMARY OF MSC ACTIVITIES -- Ralph Baker Kearfott: 1. Transfer of CCSC activities to the MSC has proceeded .  This includes two working groups,       * P1890 (error correction coding for non-volatile         memories), and       * P2200 (high quality mobile experience working group)    Kiran Gunnam, P1890 chair, has been actively participating in MSC activities. Work is proceeding, and Kiran has submitted an extension PAR that the MSC has approved.    We are in contact with Bill Fisher, representing P    A PAR extension request, along with a change from entity-based to individual-based, should be forthcoming. Bill Fisher, Christy Bahn, and the MSC chair are    corresponding concerning this.

13 MSC Status Report – June 2017
SUMMARY OF MSC ACTIVITIES: 2. We reviewed expiring PARs and standards Most of those listed were judged to be obsolete, good      candidates for administrative withdrawal. IEEE 1394 (Firewire) is no longer ubiquitous, but still has sufficient niche deployment to warrant a revision. Les Baxter has submitted a PAR extension for the revision, that MSC approved.    * It is recommended that lapse.    * P1363 is in limbo, since there is only William Whyte has been active on it, and he has limited time Regarding the other active projects:    P1788.1:  * Consensus was reached within the working group concerning the p document, Mandatory Editorial Coordination has occurred, a Sponsor Ballot invitation has been initiated, and an MSC vote to allow Sponsor Ballot is underway. (Most members have already voted "yes".)

14 3.4 Strategy Plan #9 C/SAB Input

15 H. Kasahara, CS SP9, For Breaking Down of Each Goal, April 10, 2017
Goals for SP9 The goals of SP9 will aim at realizing the key issues for future of IEEE Computer Society as below based of visions of SP8 considering the current difficulties in finance, electric publication, membership, and so on. We will have advices from a consultant company for two years to cope with the difficulties. Please keep in mind, we need to incorporate the advices in our plans. 1. Operating as the leading professional organization in computing technology. 2. Creating a sustainable financial model for the Computer Society. 3. Increasing the number and improvement of satisfaction of members in Computer Society. 4. Revitalizing volunteer activities considering incentives based on the appreciation. 5. Organizing the leading conferences, meetings and events. 6. Offering the leading journals, magazines, and network contents attractive both for industry and academia. 7. Creating the leading educational contents and disseminating them to international professionals and K12. 8. Being the leading organization in standards. 9. Collaborating with the other IEEE societies and international sister societies synergistically. 15 H. Kasahara, CS SP9, For Breaking Down of Each Goal, April 10, 2017

16 Schedule for SP9 Development in 2017
Drafts from Section Leaders: Apr 30 President and Vice President Review:  May 3 and 4 Remote Working Session: 2nd Week of May Modify the proposal:  May 31 In-person working session at BoG: June 13 Circulate draft to the BoG: June 25 BoG feedback due: July 9 Draft as needed:    July 23 Final remote working session: Week of Sept 17 Final draft sent to BoG: Oct 15

17 Strategic Plan #9 input Template
SP9.6: Be the Leading Society in Computing for Standards Goal SP9.6: Be the Leading Society in Computing for Standards Background Information and introduction of the Goal SP9.6.1 – Specific Goal Metric(s): How to measure the process toward meeting the Goal Criteria for Success: SP9.6.1 Year 1: 1st Year Criteria SP9.6.1 Year 2: 2nd Year Criteria SP9.8.1 Year 3: 3rd Year Criteria

18 Strategic Plan #9 EXAMPLE
Goal SP9.8: Evolve the Computer Society's Organizational Structure to Effectively Meet Current and Future Challenges [Hironori Kasahara, President-Elect 2017] Computer Society needs to evolve so that can effectively meet current and future challenges considering collaboration among multiple SP9 goals and with other societies in IEEE.

19 Strategic Plan #9 EXAMPLE
Example Continued SP9.8.1 Stronger Relationship between conferences and publications Publication has been one of the most important activities in Computer Society. However, currently we should think new movements like on-line free journal online. Next, three year, Computer Society will need challenges to find ways to give members valuable contents through Journals. Also, Conferences are most important activities for current and future Computer Society. They need also value added features as Computer Society to be a leading society for Next-Generation. As a challenge for the next generation, this goal tries to publish short special issues in Transactions related with CS prestigious conferences, which are delivered in six months after the conferences every year inviting the PC chairs as guest editors, with SP9.1 Conferences and SP9.2 Publications. This challenge will allow us to have high quality papers for both Trans. and Conferences. 

20 Strategic Plan #9 EXAMPLE
Example Continued Metric(s): Number of regular special issues in Transactions related with CS Conferences  Criteria for Success: More than 50% of Transactions publish Special Issues of the CS Conferences  SP9.8.1 Year 1:  Two or Three transactions publish short special issues within 6months after selected CS conferences.  SP9.8.1 Year 2: More than Five Transactions publish short special issues within 6 months after selected CS Conferences  SP9.8.1 Year 3: More than 50 % of Transactions publish short special issues within 6 months after selected CS Conferences.

21 Strategic Plan #9 input SP9.6: Be the Leading Society in Computing for Standards Goal SP9.6: Be the Leading Society in Computing for Standards Background Information and introduction of the Goal SP9.6.1 – Specific Goal Metric(s): How to measure the process toward meeting the Goal Criteria for Success: SP9.6.1 Year 1: 1st Year Criteria SP9.6.1 Year 2: 2nd Year Criteria SP9.8.1 Year 3: 3rd Year Criteria

22 Work to be done

23 2017 work to be done Updates on the CS website –Each Sponsor chair to review and update. Provide information to promote more activity in Standards Reach out to Technical Conferences with relevant technology Efforts to identify Workshop or outreach from our Sponsors Complete SP9 Input

24 New Sponsor – EAI/SC (Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Standards Sponsor Committee)
Review proposed Sponsor Charter and P&P of other Emerging Technologies

25 New Technologies for Standardization
TAB’s Challenge Topics for 2017 Food Engineering IEEE in the North and South Poles Dig Once Design for Ethics

26 New Technologies for Standardization
The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems Launched in April 2016 Purpose: To ensure every technologist is educated, trained, and empowered to prioritize ethical considerations in the design and development of autonomous and intelligent systems. Ethically Aligned Design, Version 1 – Request for Input made available in December Comments welcome! mous_systems.html

27 New Technologies for Standardization
The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Wellbeing with Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems represents the collective input of over one hundred global thought leaders from academia, science, government and corporate sectors in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, ethics, philosophy, and policy. Chapters: Executive Summary, General Principles, Embedding Values Into Autonomous Intelligent Systems, Methodologies to Guide Ethical Research and Design, Safety and Beneficence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI), Personal Data and Individual Access Control, Reframing Autonomous Weapons Systems, Economics/Humanitarian Issues, Law

28 New Technologies for Standardization
The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems 100s of experts from around the globe engaged What field are included: Robotics Artificial Intelligence Computational Intelligence Machine Learning Deep Learning Cognitive Computing Affective Computing Algorithmically based programming The initiative will influence: Government policy makers Corporate Board members and C-level executives United Nations and other international agencies Academics & Educators

29 New Technologies for Standardization
The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems Standards projects continue to be spun out: P Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns During System Design (Computer Society) P Transparency of Autonomous Systems (VT/ITS/RAS) P Data Privacy Process (Computer Society) P Algorithmic Bias Considerations (Computer Society) (Not yet approved) P7XXX - Child and Student Data Governance (Computer Society) (To be submitted) More already in the pipeline Many more expected

30 Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Standards Sponsor Committee(EAI/SC)
Review Sponsor P&P Move to approve the formation of Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Standards Sponsor Committee(EAI/SC). The Sponsor P&P are subject to approval by the C/SAB via a 15 day Letter ballot to start on 15 June 2017. Move 2nd:

31 Next Meeting Plans

32 Next Meeting Telecons: 4th Thursday – Noon ET – Feb/April/Aug/Oct
Requested Agenda Items due 15 days in advance Cancellation notice to be no less than Monday prior. Next Face to Face Meeting: Second 2017 Standard Activities Board Meeting Hyatt Regency, Phoenix, AZ USA June 14, 2017

33 SAB Chair’s Contact Info Jon Rosdahl IEEE Computer Society 2017 Vice President Standards Activities Office: Address: N 5750 W Highland, UT 84003

34 2017 Computer Society Standards Activity Board Members

35 SAB Officers 2017 Officers SAB Chair: Jon Rosdahl
SAB Vice‐Chair: Paul Croll SAB Secretary: Debbie Trotter Brown SAB Policies and Procedures Committee: Robby Robson SAB Vitality Committee: Annette Reilly SAB Sponsor Committee Chair: Paul Eastman

36 SAB Members Sponsor Committee Chairs
Cloud Computing Standards Committee: Steve Diamond Design Automation Standards Committee: Stan Krolikoski Cybersecurity and Privacy Committee: Eric Hibbard Learning Technology Standards Committee: Avron Barr LAN/MAN (IEEE 802) Standards Committee: Paul Nikolich Microprocessor Standards Committee: Baker Kearfott Portable Applications Standards Committee: Joseph Gwinn Software & Systems Engineering Standards Committee: Paul Croll Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization Standards Committee: Katherine Morse Test Technology Standards Committee: Adam Cron

37 Society Representatives
Appointed by IEEE CS ExCom at their November 2016 meeting Society Representative to ISO/IEC JWG16 : Annette Reilly Society Representative to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7: Annette Reilly Society Representative to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 27: Eric Hibbard Society Representative to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38: Eric Hibbard Society Representative to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 40: Annette Reilly

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