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AT Assessment Tools & Interventions: Tots can Tech too!

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Presentation on theme: "AT Assessment Tools & Interventions: Tots can Tech too!"— Presentation transcript:

1 AT Assessment Tools & Interventions: Tots can Tech too!
Cheryl L. Temple, Ph.D., Manager, Assistive Technology Services, Fairfax County Public Schools Celeste Rodrigo, Ed. S., EC/AT Specialist, Fairfax County Public Schools Malia Waller, BCBA, AT Resource Teacher, Fairfax County Public Schools

2 Referral Process School Based Interventions are considered
AT Assessment is requested through the IEP team Assessment is completed by ATS Resource Teacher Report with recommendation is provided to IEP team and parents Addendum to IEP documents AT support

3 Areas for Assessment Readiness Communication Access

4 *Sample WATI (Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative)
Readiness Cause and Effect Maintaining Attention Manipulating Objects Independently Classroom Participation Classroom Transitions *Sample WATI (Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative)

5 Communication Present Methods of Communication
Intelligibility of Communication Current Level of Receptive Language Current Level of Expressive Language Social Communication Abilities Physical Consideration Related to Device Access Vision Considerations *Sample WATI (Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative)

6 Access Fine Motor Abilities Range of Motion
Accuracy and Ease of Motion Fatigue Other Pertinent Health Issues Access Options: Direct Select Switch Type and Activation Type Scanning *Sample WATI (Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative)

7 Interventions Readiness Communication Access

8 Readiness – Visual Supports
Printed Transition Supports On-Screen Transition Supports

9 Readiness – Cause and Effect

10 Communication – Noun Based Overlay

11 Communication – Core Language Overlay (Low Tech)

12 Communication – Core Language Overlay (High Tech)

13 Communication – Core Language
small number of words can be used for most messages usable across many situations (Ex: “Want”, “Go”) Fringe: large number of words mostly nouns infrequently used words applicable to specific situations EXAMPLE: “Can we go to Chipotle and get a Burrito bowl?”. “I want to go to the zoo to see a puffin.”

14 Low Tech Communication Supports
Examples: BigMack Twin Talk Tech Talk 8 Go Talk Tech 32 Compartment Communicators

15 Low Tech Communication Supports
Adaptation: 4 Cell Compartment Communicator

16 Low Tech Communication Supports
Adaptation: Twin Talk

17 Low Tech Communication Supports
Adaptation: Tech 32

18 High Tech Communication Supports
Examples: iPad: Words for Life ProLoQuo Accent Devices Tobii Eye Gaze

19 High Tech Communication Supports
Adaptation: LAMP Words for Life App

20 Pairing Readiness with Access

21 Access Adaptation: Head Switch Switch Adapted Toy

22 Access Adaptation: Senso Dot Switch Switch Adapted Toy

23 Access Adaptation: Battery Interrupter Jelly Bean Switch

24 Access Adaptation: Switch Click Software: Tar Heel Game Play

25 Access Adaptation: Jelly Bean Switch DJ Switch Interface Software:
ChooseItMaker 2

26 Access Adaptation: Joystick Roller Software: SMART Notebook

27 Access Adaptation: DJ Switch Interface Jelly Beamer Software:
Powerpoint E-book

28 Any questions? Cheryl Temple:
You can find us at: Cheryl Temple: Celeste Rodrigo: Malia Waller:

29 We want to hear from you! At the end of the webinar, please fill out the brief survey When you complete your survey, visit the link provided to get your Certificate of Participation.


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