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Dividing the J/y / DY result by the normal nuclear absorption curve ⇒ 0.84  0.05 preliminary regions that will be exploited by the centrality study in.

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Presentation on theme: "Dividing the J/y / DY result by the normal nuclear absorption curve ⇒ 0.84  0.05 preliminary regions that will be exploited by the centrality study in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dividing the J/y / DY result by the normal nuclear absorption curve ⇒ 0.84  0.05
preliminary regions that will be exploited by the centrality study in Indium-Indium collisions Theoretical predictions for the pattern as a function of centrality are welcome!

2 How to compare J/ψ / DY between NA50 and NA60
The original problem We determine the ratio J/ψ /DY in 20 centrality bins for Pb-Pb We determine the ratio J/ψ /DY integrated on centrality for In-In We want to see if the results are compatible or not A simpler problem In the first case above, you want to compare the 2 “analysis”: a/ 20 bins in centrality b/ just ignoring the centrality information (1 single centrality bin)

3 Centrality Let b be the impact parameter of the collision
Let φ(b) the probability to have a collision with impact parameter b We consider either 20 bins in b with limits: b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 … b19 b Analysis F (like fine) Or one single large bin [b0 , b20 ] when ignoring centrality Analysis L (like large)

4 J/ψ, DY and their ratio We want to compute the ratio:
In analysis F, for a given Bi bin, with N(Bi) total number of collisions this ratio, is: with N(Bi) =

5 namely , the ratio: or, approximately, given that is almost constant within the Bi bin : NJ/ψ(Bi) / NDY (Bi)

6 In analysis L , we ignore the information we have on centrality.
We have, altogether, a given number of J/ψ events Nψ a given number of DY events NDY and a given total number of collisions N with impact parameter between b0 and b20. Nψ = NDY = N =

7 The ratio Nψ / NDY taken in a single large bin is now :
( i.e. the ratio of the averages in the large bin [b0 , b20 ] ) the average value of the impact parameter b is:

8 The question What is the relation between the fine bin determination
determined from analysis F and the value determined from analysis L ??

9 Homework Take NJ/ψ(b) like 1 / b3 Take NDY (b) like 1 / b
Take φ(b) like b Take b between 1 and 2 (1 or 20 bins) Compute the 20 ratios NJ/ψ(b)/ NDY (b) Compute the single ratio NJ/ψ / NDY Compute <b> Conclude

10 10 bins vs. 1 bin to start with
b J/ψ DY Ratio whereas J/ψ = 0.5, DY= 1 leading to a ratio 0.5 while <b> = 1.54 so that 1.5 – J/ψ / DY for <b> is 1.6 – for 10 bins 1.7 – for 20 bins 1.8 – and a ratio of 0.5 1.9 – is reached for b=1.4

11 20 bins vs. 1 bin J/ψ DY Ratio J/ψ DY Ratio
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦


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