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War Game Four Australia, Down Under.

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1 War Game Four Australia, Down Under

2 1- 450. Which best describes the geography of Australia?
A. lake district across the southwest B. mountainous with scattered lowlands C. large tropical zone in the central region of the country D. large semi-arid, dry region with temperate climates in the southeastern coastal areas D. Large semi-arid, dry region with temperate climates in the southeastern coastal areas

3 2-- 451. Which statement describes a monolith?
A. giant salt lake B. massive sand-filled pit C. inactive volcanic crater D. visible tip of a massive underground rock D. Visible tip of a massive underground rock

4 3-- 452. What is the main reason few people live in the Great Victoria Desert?
A. It is too hot and dry. B. There are winter floods. C. Australians prefer city life. D. The area has not been explored. A. It is too hot and dry.

5 4-- 453. Where is the Great Barrier Reef?
A. Coral Sea B. Shark Bay C. Arafura Sea D. Tasman Sea A. Coral Sea

6 5-- 454. What climate conditions are found in central Australia?
A. hot and dry B. mild temperatures C. rainy with high humidity D. cold with likely snowfall A. Hot and dry

7 A. Southeast B. Northeast C. Southwest D. Northwest B. Northeast
Where is the Great Barrier Reef located in relation to Ayers Rock? A. Southeast B. Northeast C. Southwest D. Northwest B. Northeast

8 7-- 457. Which BEST describes where people live in Australia?
A. Most live in larger cities. B. Most live in rural areas on farms. C. Most live in the interior of the country. D. Most live on islands surrounding the mainland. A. Most live in larger cities.

9 8-- 458. What important business is done in the outback?
A. fishing B. mining C. farming D. Shipping B. mining

10 9-- 459. Why is southeastern Australia a popular place for Australians to live?
A. It is near Ayers Rock. B. Australians enjoy living near the ocean. C. The government tells people to move to this area. D. The climate in this region is not too hot or too cold. D. The climate in this region is not too hot or too cold.

11 10-- 460. Where is the largest concentration of people in Australia?
A. in the bush B. near Darwin in the north C. in central western Australia D. in the state of New South Wales D. In the state of New South Wales

12 11-- 461. Where is the coolest climate in Australia?
A. in the outback B. in western Australia C. in the Northern Territory D. in Tasmania and the southeastern coast D. In Tasmania and the southeastern coast

13 12-- 463. Which nation’s citizens visit Australia more than any other?
A. China B. Great Britain C. New Zealand D. United States C. New Zealand

14 A. coal B. gold C. uranium D. iron ore B. gold
Which resource attracted thousands of immigrants to South Australia in the nineteenth century? A. coal B. gold C. uranium D. iron ore B. gold

15 14-- 465. Which month is best for beachgoers in Sydney?
A. June B. March C. December D. September C. December

16 A. China B. United States C. New Zealand D. United Kingdom A. China
Which nearby country is most important to Australia for trade? A. China B. United States C. New Zealand D. United Kingdom A. China

17 16-- 472. What religion did most of the Australia’s Irish prisoners practice?
A. Baptist B. Anglican C. Presbyterian D. Roman Catholic D. Roman Catholic

18 Why did the Australian government restrict immigration after it became independent from Great Britain in 1901? A. The ports were blockaded. B. It felt the country had enough citizens. C. There wasn’t enough housing for immigrants. D. It only wanted immigrants that were of European ancestry. D. It only wanted immigrants that were of European ancestry.

19 18-- 474. What did English Captain James Cook name the first colony of Australia?
A. New Britain B. New Tasmania C. South Cockney D. New South Wales D. New South Wales

20 A. Dutch B. French C. English D. Aboriginal C. English
What language did the first European settlers speak in Australia? A. Dutch B. French C. English D. Aboriginal C. English

21 20-- 476. Which is an effect of a low literacy rate?
A. The population is generally wealthier. B. The population can expect to live longer. C. The population has a lower standard of living. D. The population competes better in the world economy. C. The population has a lower standard of living.

22 21-- 477. Which is TRUE of the literacy rate in Australia?
A. About one-third of Australians are literate. B. Nearly two-thirds of Australians are illiterate. C. Nearly all adult Australians can read and write. D. Only about half of the population can read and write. C. Nearly all adult Australians can read and write.

23 22-- 478. Which is TRUE about Australia’s standard of living?
A. There is no poverty in Australia. B. It is not very high compared to other countries. C. Australia has one of the highest standards of living in the world. D. Few Australians can afford good food, shelter, education, and health care. C. Australia has one of the highest standards of living in the world.

24 23-- 479. Which is TRUE of a confederate government?
A. Governing power resides with states. B. Individual counties do not have much power. C. The power resides with the central government. D. Power is split between a central authority and its states. A. Governing power resides with states

25 24-- 480. Which describes the government of Australia?
A. federal government B. unitary government C. confederate government D. both unitary and confederate A. Federal government

26 25-- 481. Which is an example of a confederation?
A. Australia B. European Union C. Australia and New Zealand D. Commonwealth of Nations D. Commonwealth of Nations

27 A. Unitary B. Federal C. Autocratic D. Confederate B. federal
In what government type is power split between a central government and the states? A. Unitary B. Federal C. Autocratic D. Confederate B. federal

28 27-- 483. Which gives the people the most voice in making laws?
A. oligarchy B. autocracy C. theocracy D. Democracy D. Democracy

29 A. oligarchy B. autocracy C. democracy D. Confederacy B. autocracy
In which form of government might a military dictator hold the power? A. oligarchy B. autocracy C. democracy D. Confederacy B. autocracy

30 29-- 485. Which statement BEST describes an oligarchy?
A. The citizens elect their leaders. B. A small group runs the government. C. The judicial branch controls political power. D. Self-appointed ruler holds the political power. B. A small group runs the government

31 30-- 486. Who represents the Queen in Australia’s government?
A. senate B. president C. prime minister D. governor-general D. Governor-general

32 31-- 487. Who has the most political power in the Australian government?
A. the monarch B. prime minister C governor-general D. High Court judge B. Prime minister

33 32-- 488. Which branch of government makes laws in Australia?
A. judicial B. monarch C. executive D. Legislative D. Legislative

34 Total your wins and losses….
Battle Four is over… Total your wins and losses….

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