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Welcome to Year 2.

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1 Welcome to Year 2

2 Staff in Year - Classteacher – Teaching Assistants Mrs Hazel Niemczyk
Mrs Bron Kitson (Tuesdays) Mrs Futers-Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri mornings Miss Rosie-Wed, Thur, Fri mornings Mrs Grey-Every afternoon Miss Leafe-Mon and Tue morning Mrs Walsh-Wednesdays all day

3 Typical Day

4 Monday - Thursday 8. 50am School opens 8. 55am Registration opens 9
Monday - Thursday 8.50am School opens 8.55am Registration opens 9.00am Registration closes 8:50-9:00 Pupil response to feedback 9.00am Reading 9.30am Maths 10.15am Worship 10.30am Morning break 10.45am Maths 11.05am English pm Lunch 1.00pm Spelling, handwriting (KS1—Phonics) 1:20 Curriculum Sessions 3.10pm School closes

5 Friday 8. 50am School opens 8. 55am Registration opens 9
Friday 8.50am School opens 8.55am Registration opens 9.00am Registration closes 8:50-9:05 Pupil response to feedback 9.05am Worship & achievements - Everyone welcome 9.30am Reading 10:00 am English 10.30am Morning break 10.45am English 11:00 Maths pm Lunch 1.00pm Spelling, handwriting (KS1—Phonics) 1:20 Curriculum Sessions 3.10pm School closes

6 School Uniform The Governors expect all children to wear one of the following versions of the school uniform: · Grey skirt/tunic OR grey (not black) school trousers · White blouse/shirt (to be tucked in) with a school tie · Bottle green or yellow/gold polo shirt · Bottle green jumper or cardigan · Summer - Green or yellow check/stripe dress, grey school shorts · Indoor Shoes with non-slip soles for wet days i.e. black pumps

7 P.E. and Games kit · Black P.E. Shorts
· Plain round necked t-Shirt (in team colour) · Change of socks · Plimsolls for indoor activity · Trainers for outdoor activity (on days required) · Outdoor PE kit – jogging bottoms and sweatshirt Pupils are not permitted to wear any jewellery for PE lessons. Any children who cannot remove their earrings themselves should have them removed at home on PE days

8 School Uniform IMPORTANT: IDENTIFICATION OF CLOTHING AND PROPERTY Please mark all items of clothing, footwear and other property brought to school with the child's name. Lost property boxes are located in KS1 and KS2 cloakrooms.

9 Class Routines Items the children need everyday Changing reading books
PE lessons Collection at the end of the school day

10 Curriculum Core Subjects: English (reading, writing, speaking and listening) Maths Science Computing R.E. Foundation Subjects: History / Geography Music PE Art / Design Technology PSHCE MfL

11 Practising developing reading skills
Reading in Year 2 Sharing reading 1. It’s still good to share 2. Take the lead 3. Encourage an option 4. Make links Practising developing reading skills 1. It’s still important to listen 2. Still phonics first 3. Spot letter patterns in words 4. Get your child to perform 5. Quiet time and silent reading 6. Bug Club

12 Maths ·Times Tables – knowledge of times tables is vital as it supports many areas of maths including written method of multiplication and division. Children need to know times tables with rapid recall Children need to know not just the times tables fact, but the related division facts and these are often best learnt together. Children need to be able to recall these out of order and not just be able to chant them in order. Mathletics – this is an on line resource which with the support of the PTA we have subscribed to. Feedback when it was introduced from parents and children was fabulous. It can support children’s learning of times tables Will be used in and out of school to support all areas of the curriculum May be used to set homework

13 Maths Useful websites and/or ways to support your child with learning their times tables. Some our favourites: APP ~ Maths Rockx

14 Homework Homework to be set weekly: Reading Spelling Maths Homework to be set half-termly Topic Maths KIRF (key Instant Recall Facts)

15 Trips & Visits 3rd October-Skelton Grange
Waste free pack lunch challenge.

16 Behaviour and Discipline
At St. Chad’s Church of England Primary School we believe that the management of pupil behaviour is best achieved through praise and reward. We appreciate that children are still learning about acceptable behaviour and will need guidance and support as they evolve their own internal understanding. We also want children to appreciate the consequences of their actions and that this will involve the use of sanctions if appropriate. We acknowledge that learning about acceptable behaviour is not confined just to timetabled activities in the classroom but permeates the whole of the time which children spend on the premises or engaged in school related activities.

17 ‘We care, we share, we laugh, we learn’
School Rules ‘We care, we share, we laugh, we learn’

18 Aims To encourage a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere within the school To encourage increasing independence and self-discipline so that each child learns to accept responsibility for their own behaviour To make the boundaries of acceptable behaviour clear and to ensure safety To raise awareness about appropriate behaviour To foster positive, caring attitudes To encourage pupils to display good manners at all times To promote a fair and consistent approach so that everybody in the school community knows their expectations

19 Implementation We will make clear our expectations of acceptable behaviour through use of the school rules We will encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions and behaviour We will discourage unacceptable behaviour We will praise good behaviour both privately and publicly

20 We expect our children to:
Follow the rules at all times Be actively engaged in their learning and support others to do the same Treat others with respect Co-operate with adults and other children Take care of property and the environment in and out of school Be well mannered

21 As a staff we will: Treat all children fairly, recognising their individuality and needs Raise children’s self-esteem and develop their full potential Provide a challenging, interesting and relevant curriculum Create a safe and pleasant environment, physically and emotionally Use rules and sanctions clearly and consistently If appropriate you may need to include that we are a very inclusive school and some of our children do have additional needs which reflect in their behaviour. Where this is the case we work very closely with parents and other relevant agencies to support the individual child.

22 Zone Boards Please talk through how the zone board works as in the appendix of the Behaviour and Discipline policy. Make parents aware that this policy is available on the website or if they don’t have access they could request a copy at the school office.

23 General Information Weekly information sheets can be found on the school website and displayed in the notice board by the school gates. They include a lot of useful information including: Christian Value Focus for the Half Term This Week’s Ethos Statement Active Listening Music and Key Question This Week in School…

24 General Information Friday Worship 9.05am – Everyone is welcome Church services – You are welcome to join us for ANY of our Church services PTA – You are all automatically members of the PTA, please join us for meetings or to help at any fundraising events.

25 Questions

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