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Literacy/Social Studies

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1 Literacy/Social Studies
We’re winding down! In March, fifth grade general math students will focus on beginning algebraic concepts, and then begin working on problems involving volume. Fifth grade accelerated students will be focusing on problem solving with area, volume, and surface area. It’s amazing to think that the fifth grade experience for your child is nearly complete. We only have three months to go! It’s tremendously important that your fifth grader continues to come to school ready to learn with a positive attitude. We have many great fifth grade events upcoming, and we want all students to be able to attend. Thank you! Math News Literacy/Social Studies Reminder In Literacy, students will continue to study the qualities of heroes. They will read myths and legends, and begin preparing to write a literary analysis essay as the culminating project for the quarter. In Social Studies, we will begin to examine how our government began, including studying the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution Proofs of Residency are required for all fifth graders transitioning into middle school. Your child should have come home with a note from the office letting you know about acceptable proofs. ALL PROOFS ARE DUE APRIL 1, and your child will not be permitted to register for middle school until they are received. Contact the main office at Berry or your child’s teacher if you have any questions. Grade 5 News Berry Elementary March 2017

2 5th Grade Math – Parent Cheat Sheet
Area Volume Area of a parallelogram: A=LW (Length x width) Area of a triangle: A = ½(LW) (1/2 x length x width) Volume of a prism: V = LWH (Length x width x height) Surface Area Use the formula for area of all sides, and then add!

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