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Introducing AQUAFAN+ Hydro-Powered Cooling Tower Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing AQUAFAN+ Hydro-Powered Cooling Tower Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing AQUAFAN+ Hydro-Powered Cooling Tower Technology

2 AQUAFAN+ Turbine Powered Cooling Tower with Backup Motor

3 Main Characteristics – AQUAFAN+
Uses system residue pressure of the cooling water to drive the fan via special design turbine. Makes sure these residue pressures built-into system design as “engineering cushions” are put to use, no energy goes to waste Forced Draft Cooling Tower Principle: Moving water and air are in contact in the tower to allow cooling through evaporation of a small %-age of the water. The tower infill increases retention time of water in the tower to facilitate the evaporation. Electric pumps and fan motors are required in conventional systems.

4 Key data / Power saving Cell modules of 3.6 meter (12’) with 2.4 meter fans Rotation generated by turbine up to RPM ( t-RPM [turbine RPM] depending on water pressure available) Total rotation required up to 400 RPM Typical total fan shaft power required up to 7.5 kW “Safe” system design leaves up to 0.5b residue pressure at top of cooling tower 250 m3 water over 12’ cell Water energy  3.3 kW Turbine efficiency = 50%  1.65 kW turbine contribution to system On total requirement of 6.5 kW  >20% energy saving

5 Principles of Operation
Residue water pressure from system pump gives basic rotation to the fan Water pressure will vary over time (between turn around moments) Electromotor brings up fan RPM to required level Spin from pressure relieves the motor current demand and saves energy.

6 Synergy effect in Combination EQOBRUSH on condenser / HE cleaning
Condensers and heat exchangers co-operating with cooling towers are designed on bar on pressure loss. Fouled units generate a pressure loss of up to 1 bar. System needs to be able to overcome this. In systems with fouling-free Condensers / HE’s (due to EQOBRUSH on-line brush cleaning system) additional residue pressure is available. Result: less energy consumption in the cooling tower fan motor.

7 Engineering aspects AQUAFAN

8 Modular Systems Flexible in capacity and construction by a applying a modular system. Extension of existing cooling towers is possible by simply adding modules. Cell sizes: 4 ft (prefab): up to 30 m3/hour 8 ft: up to 150 m3/hour 10 ft: up to 200 m3/hour 12 ft: up to 260 m3/hour No back-up units required for fail safe operations, Reduce system footprint

9 Construction Information
Cooling Tower part Material Turbine Nylon and Stainless Steel Fan ABS Structural Parts Pultruted FRP Cladding FRP Fasteners Stainless Steel 304/316 Piping PVC Drift eliminator Infill PVC or ABS Motor Support Motor IP56

10 Structure All FRP with Stainless Steel Fasteners
FRP meets CTI 137 standard with UV protection and 20+ yrs lifetime. Colors on demand Basins optional in FRP Components can be hand carried for easy assembly on site

11 Architecture Friendly
Drift eliminator is placed above fan stack: no visible fan cones The box-shaped the structure is easy to fit into architecture for buildings Possible variations in cover (= drift eliminator) of the installation offers a pleasant sight when viewed from above

12 Construction Turbine Light weight non corrosive materials only:
Aluminum Turbine House Stainless steel Turbine Ring and Hub Plate ABS / FRP / Alu fan PA6 molded turbine scoops and nozzles All parts can be assembled with simple wrench key On site repairs within 15 minutes and with 1-cell / lane shut down No vibration switches needed (total weight of 12 kg all centered in hub) (Plays in Power Point Show)

13 Water Distribution system
Add-on for critical selections FRP collector dome guides water over low pressure spray nozzle system Guarantee optimal distribution over CT surface Dome design variable to water volume and cell size

14 Variables in turbine control
Water pressure / volume Nozzle size Number of blades Angle of blades All variables extensively tested and documented for selection purposes.

15 Selection Calculation Approach
Required exchange surface Enthalpy balance  Optimal L/G ratio Pressure Losses over different stages of Tower Check fan diagram for required RPM at air movement level Select pump pressure and nozzle configuration at given water volume

16 AQUAFAN+ Variation Hybrid with motor backup
For critical water cooling jobs (low approach) and maximum flexibility Ensures that all cushion safety margins on hydraulic engineering of the system are put to use (in energy conversion) Typical: 0.5 bar equals to 25% of fan energy requirement Geared motor backup kicks in when needed. Guarantees performance and offers extreme flexibility over a wide cooling spread with minimum energy use.

17 AQUAFAN+ with VFD control
When energy savings on the cooling tower become possible and interesting due to variable WBT or thermal load. Principles: VFD on the backup motor with following functions: Reduce fan speed to save electricity Switch off motor support and run fan at water pressure only For extended flexibility and savings: VFD on system pump VFD's in communication: pump VFD only reduces volume/pressure when fan VFD is fully scaled down (eg fan powered by water pressure only).

18 AQUAFAN allows… >25% reduction of investments and operational cost of cooling tower operation Reduction of your footprint (carbon and physical) Substantial reduction of maintenance cost on the power system of your cooling towers

19 Application Areas Diary Industries Paper Mills Steel & Non-Ferro Mills
Power Stations HVAC - Comfort Cooling (hotels-office-hospitals) Pharmaceutical Industries Contaminant removal processes Chemical and Petrochemical Industries Casting & Die Casting Industries Plastics Industries Mining Industries Semi Conductor Industries Sugar Industries

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