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Happy Friday! Write today’s agenda

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Friday! Write today’s agenda"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Friday! Write today’s agenda
Turn in any welcome letters if you have them. Due Monday! Open your iPad and make sure you have Showbie. Open up the app if you do! If not, find Self Service on the iPad

2 Showbie codes

3 Procedures Open your class
Click on the first (and only!) assignment “Procedures in History Class” You can annotate (write) and/or create text boxes for your responses! This will be turned in

4 Procedures in Mrs. Davenport's Classroom
How to succeed

5 "Give Me 5" When I need your attention, we will use the "Give Me 5" plan -When I start to count down from 5, you start to quiet down Here is what will happen: 1. Eyes on speaker 2. Quiet 3. Be still 4. Hands free (put things down) 5. Listen

6 Voice Levels Level 1: Barely a whisper
Level 2: your group voice, or "lean-in" voice--I should not be able to hear you across the classroom Level 3: Used when answering/asking a question or adding to class discussion Level 4: Public speaking voice, used when talking to class Level 5: Yelling and screaming, never to be used except if you are on fire.

7 No Whining Zone

8 Beginning of class EVERYDAY there will be something posted on the board. EVERYDAY you will come in quietly and get started right away. *IF I am not in the classroom when the bell rings, you will have already started quietly on whatever assignment or activity is posted. 

9 Sit, Agenda, Bellringer!

10 Asking/Answering a Question
Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged by the speaker. Do not wave your hand around and say "ooh-ooh!" We are not monkeys!  Please be sure that all questions and comments are relevant to the topic.

11 If you are late... Do not interrupt class with your reason for being late.  You may place your tardy slip or note on my desk, sit down, and begin working on what we are doing for the day.  You may speak with me after class or while others are working if you need to.

12 Class/Group Discussion
If you do not agree with classmates, don't put them down Stay silent when others are speaking Comments/questions must be relevant to the discussion

13 Leaving your seat Please stay in your seat while I am giving instructions, while another person is speaking, or during announcements You may sharpen your pencil during work time or group time, but never while people are speaking You may throw things away during work time or group time, never while people are speaking

14 Group work in this classroom will not look like this:
In this class, you will be working in groups often. We will spend the next couple weeks getting used to group work. Group work in this classroom will not look like this:

15 Group Work My expectations:
Every group member will always be participating This also means that no one is left out While working and discussing in your group, you will always be at voice level 2 unless presenting to the class You will NOT complain about who is in your group. Remember the "No Whining Policy!" If there are real issues, please speak with me privately

16 Turning in Work (papers)
Your class has its own container at the back of the room Please make sure your NAME is on your paper Place your paper neatly in the container. If the papers that are already in there are messy, please take a few seconds to straighten them 

17 Turning in Digital Work
Assignments will be given and turned in on Showbie You will get notes from Google Drive, these do not need to be turned in. You will use them for study guides, other work, and to study for tests

18 What to do when you are finished
What Now? What to do when you are finished Work on other unfinished work Read a good book Do a crossword puzzle, wordfind, or sudoko Draw a picture Clean up your group's area Do jobs for the teacher

19 Make up Work If you miss this class, you will have make up work.
Check the "What Did I Miss" bulletin board for your paper work and an explanation of what you missed. See me with any questions. Other notes and assignments may be on Google Drive or Showbie. It will be clearly laid out on the 6th grade website, with links to click.

20 Parking Lot This is for questions or comments that we don’t have time for in class Write it on a post it and stick it on! I will try to answer it next class I may also use it as a “ticket out the door” activity

21 Group Grid Earning points: Losing Points:
Every member fills out agenda Good behavior Correct answers & participation Losing Points: Off task talking

22 Rewards for winning group!
Blue Slips for all! Couch/Table and chairs for the whole next WEEK

23 Dismissal The bell does not dismiss you.
Please stay in your seats until I dismiss you. ”I love you guys!"

24 On a Post It… On a post it, please write your name and one procedure you may have a question about. If you don’t have any questions, make a suggestion for a procedure I may have left out!

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