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Krodh and Madd.

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1 Krodh and Madd

2 What is Krodh Krodh means anger
Anger is a weakness but people think of it as strength. The person who does not display anger has more inner strength than the one who displays it.

3 How does Krodh come about
Whenever we do not get what we want we get upset and mad and depending upon the situation either we throw things or use harsh words or think bad things We usually become angry when things do not go our way, or when the other person does not understand us or when there is a difference in our viewpoints. We become angry when we are accused of being wrong when we think we are right. We become angry when someone insults us Vachnamrut Amdavad 8 gives examples

4 Vachanamrut Amdavad 8 We may become angry during questions and answer sessions We may become angry on certain points We may become angry when an exchange takes place of something Sometime we become angry on someone's punishment Some we become angry when a sadhu is treated bad Some we get angry when we don’t get the right amount of prasad Anger will cause you to destroy Tapa (penance), Japa (chanting bhagwans name) and Gnan (Ultimate Knowledge) When we get insulted we tend to generate anger

5 Examples of Krodh that people have possessed.
Durvasa Rushi – Curse Alaya Khacher

6 What Krodh can do to you? You will loose control of yourself
Your aim to reach bhagwan fades out You will not be afraid of anyone Your anger and greediness will cause you to steal. i.e. breaking panch Vratman. We take their avguna (bad qualities) You get a bad reputation Your aim to reach Akshardham fades away You will not be considered a Satsangi of this Sampraday

7 Vachanamrut Loya 1 If you process a little anger it is like being in a presence of a snake If a tiger is roaring on the outskirts of the village and nobody hears it they will not come out their house. Similar if someone processes a slightest bit of anger it would create a devastating impact.

8 Vachanamrut Amdavad 8 give answer
What you should do if you have developed Krodh Vachanamrut Amdavad 8 give answer One should beg for forgiveness from the one on whom has become so angry on. Such act of begging should be performed with open heart and polite language. This is bhagwans order.

9 How to defeat Krodh Respect Daily routines (niyams) Bhakti
Sant Samagam Bhagwan Mahima

10 What is Madd Madd means Arrogance

11 Examples of madd Raavan – Vibhishan
Vibhishan came to Ravan & fell at his feet. He told him that if a person wanted fame & fortune in life, he should not even look at another person’s wife. Kam & Krodh always brought about destruction; therefore they should leave everything & take Ram’s name since he was the King of all Kings, & would give riches, fame, knowledge & vairagya, destroy enemies & preserve dharma. Ravan was angry because they are in praise of his enemy. Vibhishan also tells Ravan about good & bad thoughts as Subudhi & Kubudhi, where Subudhi will always bring peace, goodwill & happiness but Kubudhi will bring about destruction & unhappiness. He also gives him many examples from the Vedas & Puranas but these only angers Ravan further. Ravan tells him that he was being traitor & taking the enemy’s side although he was his brother. Nobody had ever defeated him so he had nothing to fear. This is why he kicked his brother Vibhishan out.

12 Examples of madd Dritrashth - Vidurji
When, after losing in the game of dice, the Pandavas successfully passed the period of their exile and stay in appearance, and were denied even then of their rightful share in the kingdom, Vidurji was summoned for consultations. Vidurji had then suggested Dhritrashtra thus "O king, if you wish to save your family, you please abandon Duryodhan who is a picture of all the evils. He is jealous of none other than Lord Krishna. That is why you are getting dull day by day and loosing your happiness. These words infuriated Duryodhan so much so that he began to abusively insult Vidurji. But, Vidurji didn't mind his words even though he felt seriously hurt at heart. Dhritrashra didn’t also want to abandon his son so he kicked his brother Vidurji out of the kingdom. Vidurji silently left Hastinapur and went on a pilgrimage.

13 Sources Vachnamrut Loya 1 and Amdavad 8
Subodsagar moksha margano darvajo

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