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Welcome! Have a seat, turn on computer/tablet and get ready to learn

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Have a seat, turn on computer/tablet and get ready to learn"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Have a seat, turn on computer/tablet and get ready to learn
Sign-in Log into the network Network: AoC Guest Network Password: stugu6ra Launch a browser Username: Password: Log into the ACT Aspire Portal Access the OCS Resource Portal

2 Welcome! Have a seat, turn on computer/tablet and get ready to learn
Sign-in Log into the network Network: AoC Guest Network Password: stugu6ra Launch a browser Username: Password: Log into the ACT Aspire Portal Access the OCS Resource Portal

3 Interpreting and Using ACT Aspire Summative Results
Spring 2017 Test Administration Dr. Mary Kearney, Associate Superintendent Dr. Jorge Peña, Director of School Improvement and Accreditation

4 Workshop Objectives 8:30 - 9:10 Objective 1- Build assessment literacy: understand how results are reported 9: :15 Objective 2- Analyze results by writing descriptive and specific statements 10: :25 Break 10: :30 Objective 3- Identify the skills that were the most challenging to students on the summative test

5 Prayer (Sign of the cross) Lord our God In your wisdom and love
You surround us with the mysteries of the universe. Send your spirit upon our students And fill them with your wisdom and blessings. Grant that they may devote themselves to their studies And draw ever closer to you, The source of all knowledge We ask this through Christ our Lod. Amen.

6 Workshop Norms Take an inquiry stance. Ground statements in evidence.
Assume positive intentions. Stick to protocol. Start and end on time. Be here now.

7 Check-in Activity: one-minute handshakes (or fist-bumps)

8 Archdiocese of Chicago Academic Improvement Goals
Reading and Math Student are to learn the Archdiocese of Chicago Curricular Benchmarks in English/language arts and math. As measured by meeting or exceeding ACT Aspire College Readiness Benchmarks: “ready” or “exceeding” Student growth from one year to the next is “high” or above the expected level of performance

9 Hopes & Fears Protocol What are your hopes about student performance on the ACT Aspire test from last year to this year? What are your fears about student performance from last year to this year on the ACT Aspire test? Pair Share

10 Understand how ACT Aspire results are reported
Directions: Log into the ACT Aspire Portal Choose grade 3 Generate the Educator Report: Current Progress Build assessment literacy: complete the Assessment Report Scavenger Hunt; work with a partner

11 Generate the report


13 Complete the Assessment Report Scavenger Hunt Protocol using the Current Progress Report

14 Workshop Objectives 8:30 - 9:10 Objective 1- Build assessment literacy: understand how results are reported 9: :15 Objective 2- Analyze results by writing descriptive and specific statements 10: :25 Break 10: :30 Objective 3- Identify the skills that were the most challenging to students on the summative test

15 Objectivity/Specificity Matrix


17 Focus area: reading Analyze the Current Progress report using the “I notice/I wonder” protocol Write specific and descriptive “I notice” statements Write specific and descriptive “I wonder” questions

18 Directions Generate the following reports for the grade 3:
Supplemental Scores Subject Proficiency by Student Skill Proficiency (choose reading, math, or science) Proficiency Summary (choose reading, math, or science)




22 The Proficiency Summary report can only be generated for 30 students or less

23 Turn and Talk

24 What is the bar for meeting the standards?
Access the ACT Aspire Readiness Level Ranges In reading for grade 3, identify the scale score range for “Ready” and “Exceeding” Access the ACT Aspire Performance Level Descriptors

25 Break : 10 minutes 10: :25

26 Workshop Objectives 8:30 - 9:10 Objective 1- Build assessment literacy: understand how results are reported 9: :15 Objective 2- Analyze results by writing descriptive and specific statements 10: :25 Break 10: :30 Objective 3- Identify the skills that were the most challenging to students on the summative test

27 Assessments Measure Standards
ACT Aspire measures the Archdiocese of Chicago Curricular Benchmarks Identify the lowest performing strand in reading

28 Identify the Skills Students Found Most Challenging
Access the AoC Curriculum Benchmark Reports Identify the skills for the lowest performing strand Access the Complexity Report What do you notice about the complexity of the skills in the strand Access the Sequence Report Identify when the skills are taught and assessed

29 Feedback Carousel Protocol
Purpose: To get a variety of different kinds of feedback from a number of people in a relatively short period of time. Directions: Your school has two large sticky posters. On one sticky poster write the name of the school, the name of the lowest performing strand in reading, and one or two skills associated with this strand. Divide the second sticky poster into 4 parts. Label each quadrant. The top left quadrant is for clarifying questions (what, when, where, who), the top right quadrant is for probing questions (why and how), the third quadrant is for recommendations/suggestions, and the fourth quadrant is for resources that would be useful for teaching and learning. Use the small sticky notes to write feedback and place the feedback in the appropriate quadrant. Rotate through as many posters as time permits.

30 Debrief with SUMI [5 minutes]
What Surprised you about this protocol? How would you Use this protocol? How can this protocol be Modified? What type of Impact do you think the protocol can have?

31 Children who believe “smart” is something they can acquire perform significantly better
“No matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment.” - Dweck, Carol. (2006). Mindset: the new psychology of success. Page 41

32 Next steps Review next steps:
Analyze student performance results on ACT Aspire in grades 3-8 with an emphasis on reading and math Replicate training with faculty at school Take an inquiry stance: or call questions to Dr. Jorge Peña:

33 Plus and Delta Protocol
+ Plus What worked well about this workshop? Pluses are specific and descriptive ∆ Delta What should change for the next workshop?

34 Thank you for all that you do on behalf of Catholic schools!!

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