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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO 5TH GRADE! Mrs. McMullin."— Presentation transcript:


2 ABOUT ME! I grew up in Bountiful.
I graduated from Weber State University. I am the proud mom of a beautiful daughter. I love to read, scrapbook, spend time with my family and travel at any given opportunity. I am excited to be teaching in my 5th year at Syracuse Elementary.

3 Being Successful in 5th Grade
Come to school each day prepared to learn. Come to school each day with work/assignments complete and done neatly. Come to school with an understanding and determination to follow school and classroom expectations. Come to class ready to contribute to our classroom experience by sharing your knowledge and experience, listen with the respect to others.

4 Parent Responsibilities
Please make sure your child is in school every day. Please know what your child is expected to know and do in our classroom. Please be available to review homework. Please stay in communication with me regularly. Most concerns or problems can be resolved quickly if we address them right away.

5 Reward Systems

6 Super Improver Wall The purpose of the Super Improvers Wall is so that the children can play an important role in goal setting, so they are self motivated and fully committed to reaching for their goals every single day. The more effort they put into it, the higher they will get on the Super Improvers Wall. The way it works is, about once a day, if I see your students working hard to reach their individualized goal(s), they earn a star sticker on their labeled, colored star. Once they earn 10 star stickers, they move up a level and so forth.

7 Teamwork BINGO! The class will work together to earn an activity after the class gets 10 in a row. Some ways they will earn numbers: 100% class attendance Compliment from Prep teacher Compliment other teachers Positive behavior in class No missing assignments

8 HOMEWORK Weekly Homework packet:
At-home reading: 30 minutes a night (150 minutes/week) to reach term reading goal Keyboarding/Writing practice Math review Literacy review Any work that does not get completed in class will be brought home to finish. Occasionally, homework may include special projects or writing assignments that will need to be completed at home.

9 BIRTHDAYS Birthday treats are welcomed (not required).
District policy is that the treats must be “store bought”. If your child’s birthday falls in the summer, their half birthday will be celebrated.

10 VOLUNTEERS We will need volunteers for… Class parties Tuesday folders
Field trips Math and reading skills practice Volunteer sign up sheets will be available at Back-to-School night

11 Reading Skills! In Fifth Grade, we do daily fluency practice and focus on comprehension. While reading each week’s stories, we will use graphic organizers to create deeper understanding. These graphic organizers will be specifically made to master each strategy and skill. i.e. Text Organization, Author’s Viewpoint, Problem and Solution We will break down stories with strategies such as “Close Read” Done with Direct instruction Partner and Independent Work

12 Weekly Reading Report Expected to read 30 minutes each night.
Due every Monday. End of the Term Reading Party – students who reach the goal will be invited to attend a reading party. End of the Year Reading Party – those students who reach 3 out of the 4 term reading goal minutes will participate in an end of the year reading party. 1st Term Reading Goal Minutes = minutes August 28th – October 22nd 2nd Term Reading Goal Minutes = minutes October 23rd – December 17th 3rd Term Reading Goal Minutes = minutes January 1st – March 4th 4th Term Reading Goal Minutes = minutes March 5th – May 20th

13 Writing Skills! Writing is incorporated in to each week’s stories.
Specific writing traits will be spotlighted in our writing. Writing will be assessed with in-class essays. We will focus on narrative, explanatory/informative and persuasive essays. A well constructed essay in fifth grade consists of five paragraphs Introduction Three well crafted, detailed oriented paragraphs Conclusion

14 Math! A sense of basic math facts is imperative, this is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Strategies and methods for each 5th Grade Math standard will be taught; this may be different from what you are used to. Each child will have a math journal that they can take home nightly. We will be drawing pictures to explain a math problem. We will be using manipulatives to explain a math problem. Example…… WHY, do we teach this way? Teach to a deeper level of knowledge and understanding.

15 Looking at DESK Standards…
Number and Operations in Base 10 Understand the place value system (decimals to thousandths) Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths Operations and Algebraic Thinking Write and interpret numerical expressions Analyze patterns and relationships Number and Operations – Fractions Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions Measurement and Data Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system Represent and interpret data Understand concepts of geometric measurement and volume, as well as how multiplication and addition relate to volume Geometry Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems in quadrant one Classify two-dimensional figures into categories cased on their properties

16 Science Earth’s Surface Matter Magnetism and Electricity Heredity

17 Explore the United States’ past and connections to the present
Social Studies Explore the United States’ past and connections to the present Projects/Reports North America’s exploration and colonization American Revolution, Constitution and U.S. Government Early growth and territorial expansion of the United States Civil War America’s role as a world power Explorer Report – 1st Term Ancestor Report – 2nd Term At the end of the year each student will complete a report about one of the 50 United States. This project is completed at school, but may be an assignment that is worked on at home.

18 Other Information Missing/Congratulations Letters are sent weekly.
Tuesday note will explain what we are learning each week and upcoming events.

19 QUESTIONS Back to School open house Email
Tuesday, August 22nd, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Phone: (801)

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