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A Data Day Feast and other Mileposts Adventures

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1 A Data Day Feast and other Mileposts Adventures
Marcia Grabow, Data and Assessment Coordinator, Blaine County WIFI ACCESS: Network: Silverback Password: summit17 URL of presentation:

2 Plan for this morning: BCSD “training” (in 4 acts) goals Share ideas about what’s effective

3 Situation in September 2016
Goals required intentional focus on data Reduce achievement gap Increase students in Advanced Opportunities Focus on core instruction (41% F&R, 28% ELs at elementary) Attended Silverback Summit LOTS of new features Blaine County - Mileposts users for a LONG time; extensive elementary use of progress monitoring Opportunitity: Data Day (3 weeks into school year) Many competing demands (Literacy Plans, new website, …)

4 Teachers open my email with a smile
Teachers explore new features / reports

5 6:15 am on Data Day Subject: Data Day Feast


7 Appetizer: Grade level multi-assessment reports

8 Main Course

9 Dessert - STAR Reports (very strong correlation between STAR Scale Score and ISAT score)

10 Mileposts Cheat Sheet

11 October: Edify Training K - 5
In the schools - grade-level teams or staff meeting As soon as Unit 1 Math Assessment completed Teachers entered scores for each question Teachers used Edify reports Item distribution Score distribution Performance band

12 End of year: May 26 Data Day
Subject: Reflection Tools


14 Data Dig session for Principals: May 22
Previous year: Handed out charts / graphs on paper This year: Mileposts Assessment Analytics available, so work session Hello team - Please bring a laptop/Chromebook and your passwords for: Mileposts, Idaho Portal, and Renaissance Place. Thanks!

15 Data Dig

16 Sample ISAT Target Report (from Idaho Portal)

17 Situation for 2017-18 Focus on Clarity and Core Instruction
Reading, Academic Language, Engagement Know students name, strengths, and needs Teachers looking for actionable data Balanced assessment is understood and used as a powerful means of supporting student learning Multiple measures (see Brookhart); growth and proficiency Looking at growth based on starting point - more growth for students with low starting point Edify & Mileposts - even more new features!

18 Brookhart - 4-quadrant Framework

19 Blaine County Assessments

20 Some options for September 2017-18
Checklist Treasure Map Timeline Spa Dashboard Treasure Chest

21 Your Voice Counts! We want your feedback.
Please make the Summit great. Participate by taking a 1 minute session survey after each session attended. Use the QR Code or the URL to access.

22 A Data Day Feast
Marcia Grabow

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