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Literary Techniques & Word Order of Adjectives and Noun Phrases

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Techniques & Word Order of Adjectives and Noun Phrases"— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Techniques & Word Order of Adjectives and Noun Phrases
Jeopardy Literary Techniques & Word Order of Adjectives and Noun Phrases Micro-Teaching Alice Kim

2 Goals To recognize & understand the different types/uses of literary techniques To practice arranging words in the correct order, within noun phrases & adjectives

3 Objectives (SWBAT) Play Jeopardy, answering questions about noun phrases, adjective order, and literary techniques Identify the literary techniques used in given examples Rearrange words in the correct order for noun phrases & adjectives

4 Brainstorm on the Board
Write as many literary techniques as you can think of (e.g., metaphor) Write examples of noun phrases containing more than one determiner, quantifier, intensifier, and/or adjectives (e.g., the two extremely beautiful) (2 mins)

5 Rules The first team will select a category & point value, then work together to answer the question correctly If the team answers incorrectly, the other 2 teams will be given a chance to answer The team that answers the selected question correctly will be awarded the points The team with the most points wins! (9 mins)

6 Songs Movies & Television Poetry History Natural Disasters 100 200 300 400 500

7 Name the word(s), in this song by Black Eyed Peas, that sound like the object they describe.

8 What takes on human characteristics in this song by Green Day

9 What is the literary device used in this song by Neyo

10 What is the literary device used in this song by Miley Cyrus

11 1. Name the literary device used in this song by Uncle Kracker. 2
1. Name the literary device used in this song by Uncle Kracker? 2. What letter sound was repeated? 2:35-2:50

12 State three Disney characters’ names that are examples of alliteration.

13 In the clip, Ham says, “Your killin’ me, Smalls
In the clip, Ham says, “Your killin’ me, Smalls!” What literary device is this an example of? 1:15-1:30

14 Name the literary device used in this clip. 3:55-4:07 http://www

15 1. Name the literary device used in this clip. 2
1. Name the literary device used in this clip. 2. What example can you find of this literary device? 0:00-0:19

16 1. What is the literary device used in this clip. 2
1. What is the literary device used in this clip? 2. What is “V’s” purpose? 0:34-1:29

17 What is the literary device used in “Where the Sidewalk Ends” by Shel Silverstein? There is a place where the sidewalk ends And before the street begins, And there the grass grows soft and white, And there the sun burns crimson bright, And there the moon-bird rests from his flight

18 How many adjectives are used in “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
How many adjectives are used in “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost? (30 seconds) Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both, And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could, To where it bent in the undergrowth

19 How many times is onomatopoeia used in “Running Water” by Lee Emmett
How many times is onomatopoeia used in “Running Water” by Lee Emmett? water plops into pond splish-splash downhill whoosh, passing breeze flags flutter and flap frog croaks, bird whistles babbling bubbles from tap

20 Name the literary device used in this poem: The teapot sang as the water boiled The ice cubes cackled in their glass The teacups chattered to one another.

21 1. What is the literary device used in this poem. 2. What is the theme
1. What is the literary device used in this poem? 2. What is the theme? A mountain of baby carrots, a turkey the size of a cow, a river full of gravy, a dog that says meow. Every pie known to man and gallons full of ice cream. By the time my dinner is over I surely won’t be lean. By the time my dinner is over I surely won’t be lean.

22 Place the following words in the correct order: Egyptians of stone slept made pillows on the ancient

23 Place the following words in the correct order: the 116 actually Hundred War years Years lasted

24 Place the following words in the correct order: army joined young lot American men a of the in 1940

25 Place the following words in the correct order: the Black more of Europe’s killed population Death than half

26 Place the following words in the correct order: the Great had by was Alexander nearly the half he 20 years old known the time conquered world

27 Which of the following word(s) is not related to earthquakes. A
Which of the following word(s) is not related to earthquakes? A. Richter scale B. magnitude C. ash D. tremor

28 The following sentence is an example of what literary device
The following sentence is an example of what literary device? Last year’s tsunami was literally 2,000 feet high.

29 Place each of the words in the correct order: volcanoes are islands the five Hawaiian formed from all of

30 Place each of the words in the correct order: the weeks has for past the hot excessively two been weather

31 Place each of the words in the correct order: of the extremely this three recorded most were powerful year and hurricanes destructive in existence

32 Answer: boom pow

33 Answer: The city sleeps

34 Answer: alliteration

35 Answer: repetition

36 Answer: alliteration “L” sound

37 Answer: Donald Duck Mickey Mouse Minney Mouse

38 Answer: hyperbole

39 Answer: personification

40 Answer: hyperbole He’s so fluffy I could die

41 Answer: alliteration He has a vendetta; revenge

42 Answer: repetition

43 Answer: 2

44 Answer: 7

45 Answer: personification

46 Answer: hyperbole Thanksgiving

47 Answer: The ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone

48 Answer: The Hundred Years War actually lasted 116 years.

49 Answer: A lot of young American men joined the army.

50 Answer: The Black Death killed more than half of Europe’s population.

51 Answer: Alexander the Great had conquered nearly half the known world by the time he was 20 years old.

52 Answer: (C) ash

53 Answer: hyperbole

54 Answer: All the five Hawaiian islands are formed from volcanoes.

55 Answer: The weather has been excessively hot for the past two weeks.

56 Answer: Three of the most extremely powerful and destructive hurricanes in existence were recorded this year.

57 Group Discussion In your groups, (1) summarize the contents covered in this activity, and (2) discuss aspects that you are still confused about (2 mins)

58 Complete In Charge 2 workbook pg. 66-67
Homework Assignment Complete In Charge 2 workbook pg Practices 4-6 Next Class: Unit 9 Review

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