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Being There and Being Together

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Presentation on theme: "Being There and Being Together"— Presentation transcript:

1 Being There and Being Together
Instructor Presence in Online Learning Louise Stern, MSW, PhD

2 presence teaching presence instructor presence social presence
Feeling like part of a community; connection; safety; interaction – the culture of the group Methods and design used to support community (design, instruction, discourse, assessment Observable behaviours and actions; in the live part of the course; inserting yourself

3 the first 2 weeks … introductions being seen and heard netiquette
an early activity (timely feedback) the first 2 weeks …

4 introductions

5 introductions to the course
Give alternatives to just reading…

6 videos

7 announcements

8 announcements

9 set your boundaries for your schedule and time
What you can do...

10 teaching

11 teaching Discussions:
Questions/topics posed must be interactive and engaging in nature (debate, find and share, post your scores, pull a quote) Facilitator’s role: Dis/agreement Consensus Acknowledge Set the climate Draw in and prompt teaching

12 Jing or Snagit teaching

13 teaching

14 assignments

15 assignment

16 Goodbye Video ritual

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