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The Early Years until now .. Dr Allison Stanfield

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1 The Early Years until now .. Dr Allison Stanfield
Technology in the Law The Early Years until now .. Dr Allison Stanfield

2 The mid to late 1990’s Courts began to adopt medium neutral citations; previously, publishers “owned” citations AustLII commenced compiling primary materials for free access Courts began trialing electronic filing Beginnings of electronic discovery and electronic trials Involvement in the Council of Chief Justices’ Electronic Appeals project – recommendations of which all adopted

3 The new millennium HIH Royal Commission (2001-2003)
Completely electronic Space available in the custom-built courtroom for trolleys but rarely used Exhibits available electronically Transcript provided in real time and transmitted via the internet Practitioners could log in and receive streaming audio, transcript and see documents being referred to by counsel Media given access to real time transcript and audio/video feed of the hearings

4 The new millennium (cont’d)
Courts began issuing practice notes regarding electronic discovery Discovery became more complicated, with vast amounts of information being provided on hard drives Computer forensics grew to assist in document collections Software and services grew to provide assistance with electronic-to- electronic document discovery Electronic evidence – a new form of evidence – started to appear

5 2010 + now the accepted form of communication between practitioners and their clients, and each other Courts allow electronic filing of materials & start to insist upon it MyFiles systems pop up so users can access their files Electronic courts still for larger matters Changes in legal practice never seen before

6 2010 + (cont’d) “Digital disruption” :
Virtual law Practitioners can work from home Communication with clients in new ways Fixed fees Use of social media Artificial Intelligence being developed

7 The Future – Law as a Business
The legal profession has been disrupted Technology has helped remove the mystery The Future will include: Lawyers being seen as just another service provider Barristers will take over more litigation preparation More AI development

8 The Future – Courts Courts will be completely online
More remote hearings using technology Changes to Evidence Act will be required

9 Summary Huge changes in a small amount of time
Previously, changes occurred slowly over centuries Exciting times ahead!

10 Thank You Dr Allison Stanfield

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