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FOT Software Tools Mark Lewis.

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1 FOT Software Tools Mark Lewis

2 Overview of Software Tools
Developer Function Platform Comments GTDS GSFC Ephemeris Generation, Mission Design, Orbit Determination Solaris In Operation at MOC Already GMAN Maneuver Planning FreeFlyer AI Solutions Windows XP Alternate Commercial Solution SatTrack BTS Orbit Analysis, Pass Scheduling, Product Generation, Networking, 3-D Visualization, Ground Station Control Solaris, Linux MSASS Attitude Determination Solaris, Windows XP In Operation at MOC Already, Upgrades To Be Provided by GSFC MTASS To Be Provided by GSFC ITOS Hammers Probe Command and Control, Telemetry Monitoring, Limit Checking VirtualSat Probe Simulation To Be Supplied with FlatSat MPS Command Load Generation BEARS UCB Emergency Response System Under Development at SSL as Replacement for SERS BTAPS Probe Bus and Instrument Trend Analysis Under Development at SSL for MOC and SOC APGEN JPL Task and Event Scheduling TeamTrack TeamShare Anomaly Tracking Currently Used by Hammers

3 FOT Software Tools Overview Workspace Configuration
Configuration Control Integrated Test and Operations System (ITOS) Telemetry Processing Berkeley Emergency Anomaly Response System (BEARS) Berkeley Trending And Plotting System (BTAPS) Mission Planning System (MPS) Command Load Generation

4 Workspace Configuration
Several Workspaces Generic top level THEMIS workspace: themisops Holds Common Software and Configuration Files BEARS, BTAPS, MPS, APGEN ITOS Pages and Procs directories common to all Probes Each Probe will have a dedicated workspace: e.g. themisopsA Holds Databases and Configuration Files specific to each Probe ITOS Telemetry and Command Databases Configuration files for BEARS, BTAPS, MPS ITOS Pages and Procs specific to each Probe Page Header files

5 Configuration Control
Software Configuration Control Each Workspace is under SCCS Configuration Control Continue to use for software already under Configuration Control ITOS, MPS, APGEN Also Use SCCS for Configuration Control of New Tools GTDS, MSASS, MTASS, BEARS, BTAPS Probe Configuration Control File Each Probe will have a Configuration File under SCCS Includes physical configuration Deploy status of booms, Fuel Remaining, etc Known hardware failures or anomalous behaviors Expected clock drift Software configuration Onboard FSW version and patch level Probe specific Telemetry and Command Database versions

6 Configuration Control
Software Test and Development Environment Provide Workspace for Off-line Testing “Demilitarized Zone” (DMZ) Developers have their own copy of workspaces allowing for simultaneous development and testing Virtual Network Computing (VNC) Environment Secure Remote Access to Swales FlatSat and Probes during I&T VNC Protocol Runs on Detached X-Server Client/Server Environment Configuration Control Board (CCB) Approves Software before moving to Secure Operations Net Approves Hardware changes to MOC equipment Bus TLM/CMD Databases Under Configuration Control at Swales until L-60, then Transfers to Berkeley

7 Flight Software Maintenance
Flight Software Patches Developed by Hammers Carefully Tested on FlatSat Prior to Upload Upload Strategy Upload to One Probe Only, if Patch Is Probe Specific Upload to All Probes if Patch Fixes FSW Bug or Optimizes Science Data Acquisition and/or Processing Will Still be Loaded to One Probe First Flight Software Configuration Control Flight Software Images and Tables Current and Previous Versions for Each Probe Stored on the Ground BAU Flight Software Under Configuration Control at Swales IDPU Flight Software Under Configuration Control at UCB

8 General ITOS Requirements
THEMIS Will Be Using the Commercial Version of ITOS Same as I&T System Similar to FAST and RHESSI See ITOS Standard Documentation Implementation of New Features Decompression of THEMIS Telemetry Data in Real-time May Be Enabled or Disabled, Depending on Instrument Data Type Desirable Features for Constellation Operations Telemetry Server for Distribution of Data Streams to Multiple ITOS Clients Status Displays for Telemetry Points Across Multiple Probes ITOS Telemetry Server

9 Dedicated Workstations
ITOS Configuration Dedicated Workstations Basic Configuration Is One Dedicated ITOS System per Probe Same Workstation will Always Support each Probe unless there is a Problem with the Primary Workstation Flexibility Built Into System for Dynamic Allocation of Workstations Capability to Route Telemetry to Multiple Workstations Allows Many Engineers to Monitor Spacecraft during LEO Operations Command Only Enabled on Primary Workstation Multiple Hot Back-up Systems Upgrade Path To More Complex Future Missions ITOS Connects to SatTrack Gateway Server (SGS) ITOS Specifies Mission (e.g. THEMIS) and Leaves Individual Object and Facility Unspecified SGS Assigns Individual ITOS System to a Particular Pass Support Routing of Telemetry and Command Connections Via FrameLink ITOS in Turn Loads TLM/CMD Databases and Supports Pass

10 Mission Control Network
Network Architecture All Ground Stations Connect to Dedicated Ports on IP Router to Establish TLM and CMD Socket Connections Router Switches TLM and CMD Socket Connections Through to Multiple ITOS Systems Process Controlled by Automated Scheduling System

11 Telemetry & Command Routing Scheme
TLM & CMD Data Routing Telemetry & Command Routing Scheme Router Acts as Server Incoming Connections from Ground Stations and ITOS Clients Port Assignment Ground Stations: Each Has Dedicated Ports for TLM & CMD ITOS Clients: Can Connect to Any Ground Station by Selecting Appropriate TLM and CMD Ports Standard Frame Format for All Data Flows I&T End-to-end Tests Ground Stations Router Establishes Connections Based on Scheduling Information from Gateway Server

12 Telemetry Data Format Telemetry Data Format CCSDS V1 Frame Format
Telemetry Data Routed by Virtual Channels Annotated Channel Access Data Units (CADUs): 1276 Bytes Telemetry Frame Delivery Header: 10 bytes (Attached at Ground Station) Attached Synchronization Marker: 4 bytes Virtual Channel Data Unit: bytes Frame Error Control Field: bytes Reed-Solomon Code Trailer: bytes Virtual Channel Priority Data Type Data Source VC0 Real-time Probe State-of-health Data (BAU) VC1 1 Playback VC2 2 Instrument Data (IDPU) VC3 3 VC4 N/A Not Used VC5 VC6 4 Probe Bus Events (BAU) VC7 5 Fill Data Generate Fill Data (CIM)

13 Telemetry Data Delivery
Delivery of Real-time Telemetry Data Real-time TCP/IP Network Socket Connection Initiated by Ground Station Data Routing Transfer Medium Virtual Channels Maximum Data Rate BGS to MOC Secure Local Area Network (100 Mbps) VC0, VC1, VC2 kbps NASA/GN to MOC Secure, Shared TCP/IP Network Connection (T1 Line, 1 Mbps) VC0, VC2 kbps WSGT to MOC Secure, Dedicated TCP/IP Network Connection (38 kbps) VC0 4.096 kbps

14 Command Data Routing Command Data Format CCSDS V1 Frame Format
Command Data Routed by Virtual Channels VC1: Commands Decoded and Executed in Software BAU Switched Service Commands IDPU Commands FSW Commands Table Load Commands Data VC2: Commands Decoded and Executed in Hardware Processor Resets and Others Command Link Transmission Units (CLTUs): Variable Length Command Delivery Header: bytes (Stripped at Ground Station) Acquisition Sequence: bytes Start Sequence: bytes Telecommand Codeblocks: 37 x 8 bytes (max.) Tail Sequence: bytes

15 Standard Features in ITOS Page Template
ITOS Page Layout Standard Features in ITOS Page Template Uniform Page Header and Page Layout Probe Identifiers: Probe Bus and Constellation ID UTC and Probe System Time Sub-headers, Data Columns, Grouping of Parameters SI Units: V, A, s, m, kg, C, K, N, Pa, T

16 Command and Telemetry Naming Conventions
TLM and CMD Naming Telemetry & Command Naming Rules for ITOS Database Unmistakable Naming Conventions Reduce Operational Risks CLEAR Commands to Clear Counters or Status Flags Only RESET Commands to Power Cycle or Reboot Subsystems Only Identify Subsystems in Commands and Telemetry Mnemonics Consistent Use of SI Units Command and Telemetry Naming Conventions CMD Prefix TLM Prefix Subsystem A Attitude Control System B Probe Bus (BAU) - Not Subsystem Specific C Command & Data Handling Subsystem I Instruments (IDPU, IFGM, ISCM, IESA, ISST, IEFI) M Memory Management P Power Subsystem R Reaction Control System T Thermal Subsystem X Transponder GBL_ Global Variables / Mnemonics (Reserved for ITOS System) GND_ Ground Defined Mnemonics

17 Probe Status Monitoring
SatTrack Interface to ITOS Data Point Server (DPS) SatTrack DPS Client Program Connects to SatTrack Gateway Server One Instance of DPS Client Can Handle Multiple Probes Simultaneously Receives Pass Schedule Information in Real-time Connects/Disconnects to/from ITOS Supporting a Pass for a Given Probe Connects/Disconnects Can Be Interleaved for Multiple ITOS Systems Polls Values for List of Mnemonics and Saves Values in Local Database (One File for Each Probe) MNEMONIC: STATUS STRING Periodically Generates Web Page with Constellation Status Top Level Constellation Overview Contact Schedule Summary Probe Bus Status Instrument Status Performs Yellow and Red Limit Checking with FOT Notification

18 Probe Status Monitoring

19 Probe Status Monitoring

20 Probe Status Monitoring

21 Probe Status Monitoring

22 Mission Planning System
MPS Configuration Mission Planning System Command Loads Built Using Mission Planning Products Station View Periods Based on Station Masks Includes Confirmed Support Schedules Link Access Periods Dynamic Link Margin Calculated for Optimum Telemetry Data Rate Duration Events Shadow Periods Conjunction Region Crossings Central Canada Region Crossings Orbit Events Apogee and Perigee Crossings Node Crossings Thruster Operation Command Sheets for Maneuver Execution Special Commands Inserted Manually

23 Command Load Requirements
Typical Command Load Requirements per Orbit Housekeeping Functions Clock Adjustments ATS Buffer Switching Communications Telemetry Data Rate Selection Transmitter Control Telemetry Transmission Instrument Control Conjunction Region Radiation Belt Crossings Special Instrument Commands Configuration of IDPU, FGM, SCM, ESA, SST, EFI

24 Maneuver Command Loads
GMAN or FreeFlyer Generates Thruster Firing Timeline Timeline Translated into Typical Probe Command Sequence 2006/306:01:12:43, COMMAND1, ARG1=X1, ARG2=Y1, … 2006/306:01:12:53, COMMAND2, ARG1=X2, ARG2=Y2, … 2006/306:01:13:03, COMMAND3, ARG1=X3, ARG2=Y3, … Timeline Merged with Other Probe Commands Using MPS Only One Maneuver per ATS Maneuvers Scheduled during Contacts Only Add ATS Pointer Skip Command to Each Maneuver First Command of Maneuver Set Will Skip ATS Pointer Past All Maneuver Commands Once Good Two-Way Has Been Established, FOT Will Skip ATS Pointer Back to Start of Maneuver Sequence

25 Maneuver Command Loads
Maneuver Command Sequence Preparation: Configure Telemetry Filter Table for Thrust Mode May require several commands First Attitude Maneuver: Catalyst Bed Heater On (for 60 min) Catalyst Bed Heater Off (Just Prior to Thrusting) Enable Thrusters Select Thruster Mode Set Thrust Phase Angle, Pulse Width and Number of Pulses May be Repeated up to 10 Times Set Thrust Start and Stop Times Disable Thrusters

26 Maneuver Command Loads
Maneuver Command Sequence Orbit Maneuver: Catalyst Bed Heater On (for 60 min) Catalyst Bed Heater Off (Just Prior to Thrusting) Enable Thrusters Select Thruster Mode Set Thrust Phase Angle, Pulse Width and Number of Pulses (for Pulse Thrusting of Tangential Thrusters) Set Thrust Start and Stop Times Disable Thrusters Second Attitude Maneuver: Same as First Attitude Maneuver Shutdown: Configure Telemetry Filter Table for Normal Mode May Require Several Commands

27 Flight Software Features
ATS and RTS Load Sizing ATS and RTS Loads Need to Support 5 Days of Operation Seconds Field Is 4 Bytes Wide Maximum Concurrently Executing Sequences: 1 ATS, 16 RTS ATS Loads 2 ATS Buffers Maximum Size of ATS Buffer: 8,192 Bytes Average CCSDS Command Size: 20 Bytes Maximum Number of Commands in Load: 409 Uplink of One ATS Load Requires 65 s at 1.0 kbps RTS Loads 64 RTS Buffers Available for Probe FDC and Operations Maximum Size of RTS Buffer: 256 Bytes Average Command Size in RTS: 18 Bytes Maximum Number of Commands in RTS: 14 Uplink of All RTS Buffers Requires 130 s at 1.0 kbps

28 Number of Executions Per Orbit **
ATS Buffer Sizing Probe Function Number of Commands * Number of Executions Per Orbit ** Number of Commands Per Orbit Pass Support 2 6 12 Shadow Entry / Exit 1 Radiation Belt Crossing 4 SAA Crossing Conjunction Instrument Operations 20 Probe Clock Adjustment Every 8 h 3 Miscellaneous Commands Orbit and Attitude Maneuvers 22 66 ATS Buffer Switch Totals *** 133 * Includes Use of RTS Calls For Many Routine Functions. ** Assuming 1-Day Orbits. *** Worst Case Assuming All Conceivable Operations Contained in One Command Load. Load to Cover 5 Days (Only 1 Maneuver) Requires 401 Commands.

29 BEARS Requirements BEARS Requirements
Anomaly Detection, Operator Notification and Response Handling Real-time Spacecraft and Ground System Fault Detection Parsing of Telemetry Playback Log Files to Detect Back-orbit Problems Parsing of Other Ground System Log Files for User Defined Keywords Interface with Various GDS Elements Via and/or Log Files Logging of Anomalies and Tracking of Discrepancy Reports Pass Summaries Ingested from Ground Station Monitor Blocks Monitor Blocks Not Available from All Antennas Multiple Instances of BEARS to Support MOC and SOC Independently Database with Problem Reports, Actions Taken, Fixes and Work-arounds Database with Contact Information of Operations Personnel Notification of On-call Personnel with Persistent Paging Capability Centralized Submission of Pages by External Facilities (e.g. NASA Scheduling) Remote Response Handling Via and Web Pages

30 BEARS Requirements − Continued
Improved Web Based User Interface for Reliable Access Interface with Scheduling System to Alert Personnel about Schedule Changes Capability to Temporarily Screen Paging During Special Operations ASCII Configuration Files No Compromise of Spacecraft and Systems Security

31 BEARS Implementation BEARS Implementation Under Development at SSL
Programming Language (Perl, MySQL) Solaris and Linux Platform Support Development of Tools for Procedure and Feature Testing Assignment of Programming Tasks Develop Individual Tools for Various Tasks Log Pre-filtering and Parsing Database Handling Web Interfaces Operator Notification with Accept / Defer Mechanisms Project Duration Currently Generating Requirements Complete One Year Prior to THEMIS Launch Configuration Control Under Workspace SCCS Control

32 BTAPS Requirements BTAPS Requirements
Hold All BAU HK Data For Life of Mission Hold All IDPU HK Data For Life of Mission Store Data in Raw Format Separate Engineering Conversion Table for Each Probe Conversions May Change Over Time Web Interface for Accessing Data Output Data in ASCII Format Over Any Time Range Produce Plots Over Any Time Range Include Up To Six Telemetry Mnemonics on One Plot Plot Mnemonics Versus Time or Other Mnemonics

33 BTAPS Implementation BTAPS Implementation Under Development at SSL
Programming Language (Perl, MySQL) Solaris and Linux Platform Support Development of Tools for Procedure and Feature Testing Assignment of Programming Tasks Develop Individual Tools for Various Tasks Data Acquisition Database Handling Plotting Web Interfaces Project Duration Version For RHESSI is in Early Testing Stages THEMIS Version to be Complete One Year Prior to Launch Configuration Control Standard Workspace SCCS Control

34 Anomaly Tracking System
TeamTrack Provided by TeamShare Used by Hammers to Track ITOS Bugs May Be Linked to Microsoft Access Database Used by Swales to Track Spacecraft Problems Option for Status and Anomaly Tracking at Berkeley MOC Berkeley Already Has Two Accounts

35 Software Verification Plan
Tool Heritage Function Method of Verification ITOS FAST, RHESSI Real-time Telemetry Acquisition Data Flow Tests from Ground Stations and TDRSS Post-pass Telemetry Playback Testing During I&T Telemetry Decoding Limit Checking Real-time Command Transmission Data Flow Tests to Ground Stations and TDRSS Real-time Commanding Table Load Uplink MPS ATS Load Generation Testing at MOC, Testing on FlatSat, Using THEMIS Products Generation of Integrated Prints Testing at MOC, Using THEMIS Products BEARS None Limit Violation Checking FlatSat Data, FAST/RHESSI Data Persistent Paging Two-Way Alpha Numeric Pagers Anomaly Reports, Web Access Test Using FAST/RHESSI Data, Test During I&T BTAPS Data Ingest to Databases Test Using RHESSI Data, I&T Plot Creation Web Access

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