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IP3 Recap and lessons learned

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1 IP3 Recap and lessons learned
Russell Binns CEO of AST

2 IP3 Introduction The secondary patent market presents many challenges:
NPEs proactively offer to buy patents before they are even offered for sale Operating companies sift through mountains of patents for sale yearly IP3 was a cost-effective, proactive experiment to clear patents for operating companies and mitigate risk. Modeled after Google’s Patent Purchase Promotion (PPP), IP3 simplified and made a more efficient buying process: Participants determine what to buy All Participants receive a license to all patents purchased Purchased patents are released back onto the open market after the program ends Aids operating companies in proactive defensive strategies

3 Google’s Patent Purchase Promotion (PPP)
Background Google’s Patent Purchase Promotion (PPP) Launched in May 2015, Google wanted to remove the friction to buy patents by: Shortening response time to sellers Simplifying the entire process Eliminating the “used car-like” price haggling Results: 4x the expected submission rate Simplified decision-making process High quality patents submitted and purchased

4 IP3 Goals Improve efficiency of the transaction market
Get submissions that we might not otherwise see, and potentially disrupt private transactions, particularly to NPEs Get good patents at reasonable prices with no negotiation Data gathering Publicity for AST to a wider audience of potential sellers and potential members

5 Results Very strong and positive media response
Nearly 1400 patent families submitted 85% of the submissions below $500k 65% of the submissions under $125k Median price – $100k 52% from brokers Purchased Deals 55 deals acquired Ranged from $10,000 to $325,000 Avg price per family – approx. $96,000 Took 4 rounds of voting and demonstrated the power of group thinking and wisdom, where Participants got the benefit of collective thinking of similarly- situated sophisticated companies.

6 IP3 – Why It Worked and What We Learned?
Proven Model Google PPP program Transparent, cost effective risk mitigation via patent purchases Members choose acquisition targets from open market deal flow Pre-approved budgets Aligned w/ AST Mission & Practices Deadlines to spur coordinated and collective action Seller provides “Buy It Now” price, removing bidding uncertainty Batching increases efficiency Pre-approved budget enables more efficient “shopping” Crowd sourced acquisition decisions (proxies and leadership) Easier to Buy

7 IP3 – What We Learned? That there is a strong demand from companies to participate in an experiment and a strong demand to participate in future IP3s There was a realization that there is strength in numbers and we saw Participators successfully recruiting other Participators. Group thinking/crowd sourcing among similarly situated sophisticated companies lead to higher satisfaction and confidence in acquisition decisions, and made for quicker decision making Many sellers have difficulty valuing assets and naming their own price Sellers also had difficulty with understanding family members and terminal disclaimers Need to do a better job educating and instructing sellers. Sellers and the market are clearly looking for better solutions in the secondary market Strong interest from brokers, companies, and individuals IP3 brought awareness of AST to more sellers and to potential members

8 Benefits from IP3 Cleared: 55 patent families, >$5M
Obtained reasonable price points Many unsold assets added deal flow into AST’s normal business Cost Effective Risk Mitigation Targets Different Seller Segment AST: 87% of transactions via brokers, 3-12 month cycle time IP3: 71% of transactions directly via sellers, 3 month cycle time Helps sellers to transact their patents with minimum effort Siphons deal flow from NPEs Excellent marketing vehicle for AST’s business Provides expanded deal flow, comps, and market insight Infrastructure

9 438 sellers submitted 1,378 patent families to IP3
The Submissions Submission period: May 25th to June 10th, 2016 Sellers & Brokers were invited to submit their assets at Over 2,400 visitors to the site with 70% from North America, 15% from Europe 1,378 Total Deals submitted by 434 Patent Owners 1,268 Valid Submission Deals 55 Purchased Deals 110 submissions removed due to: 72 Expired/Lapsed Patents 32 Duplicate or Withdrawn Submissions 6 Invalid patent numbers

10 434 Patent Owners and 61 Brokers/Intermediaries
Type of Sellers Out of 1,378 total deals, 697 (52%) deals offered by a Patent Broker or Intermediary and 656 (48%) deals directly by Patent Owners. 434 unique Patent Owners/Sellers 23 owners with 10 or more submissions 297 owners with single submissions 61 Patent Brokers/Intermediaries 186 patent owners represented Average 11.4 submissions/broker

11 5% of all reviewed deals were purchased by IP3
Submissions by Technology Categories Each Deal was assigned one or more of 7 categories by Seller and enhanced by a few changes by AST 16% of all Automotive Deals were purchased 11% of all Communication Deals were purchased Category Valid Deals Reviewed Deals Purchased Deals Purchased as % of Reviewed Computers and Software 596 513 42 8% Semiconductor/ Components/ Lighting 392 379 5 1% Communication 343 283 31 11% Consumer Electronics 331 291 23 Automotive 101 83 13 16% Healthcare/Medical 58 47 1 2% Financial Services 52 2 5% Total Valid Submissions 1,268 1,110 55

12 Price expectation varied from $700 to $6B
Median Seller’s Price Expectation = $100,000 $123K average price for Brokers Deals (<$1M) vs. $184K when Seller is selling directly Top 5 Value Deals $100,000 292 $50,000 181 $25,000 127 $75,000 92 $150,000 55

13 55 IP3 Deals Purchased - $10,000 to $325,000
Average Purchase Price for IP3 = $96,071 Price distribution for purchased assets is very similar to all Reviewed Deals Median purchase price is $75,000 64% of purchased deals are offered directly by Sellers while only 36% from Brokers 87% of AST deals are from Brokers

14 Price Expectation by Technology Category
Deals Average Price Median Price Automotive 90 $196,826 $100,000 Communication 312 $188,407 Computers and Software 545 $170,176 Consumer Electronics 308 $155,145 Financial Services 46 $218,772 $125,000 Healthcare/Medical 50 $168,752 $87,500 Semiconductor/ Components/ Lighting 385 $97,435 $80,000 Total Reviewed Deals 1,175 $152,593 IP3 Purchased Deals 55 $96,071 $75,000 Software and Services assets are generally higher priced compared to Hardware assets

15 What was Purchased? 55 Patent families purchased in IP3 comprising 107 active patent filings 86 US Patents 17 US Applications 2 Great Britain, 1 Germany and 1 French Patents Average 1.84 US assets per family. 33 with single US patent 12 with two US filings 11 with 3+ US filings 2 with 7 US filings 2 with foreign filings

16 - Number of Transactions and US Assets by Assignment Recording Year -
AST IP Transactions Market Report, Sept Number of transactions has increased in recent years - Number of Transactions and US Assets by Assignment Recording Year - AST reassignment analysis as of September 30, 2016

17 - Number of US Assets per Transaction and by Transaction Year -
524 transactions (80% of total) recorded in 2016 have less than 10 assets - Number of US Assets per Transaction and by Transaction Year - 67% of transactions have < 5 assets 3% of transactions in 2010 were >50 assets Vs. 7% in 2014, 5% in 2016 72% of transactions in 2010 were <5 assets compared to 64% in 2016 AST reassignment analysis as of September 30, 2016

18 - Number of Transactions by Industry Category* -
31% of all 2016 transactions are related to Software compared to 24% in 2015 - Number of Transactions by Industry Category* - 331 transactions (20% of all SW) to Intellectual Ventures 53% transactions to Non-Practicing Entities 73% transactions to Practicing Entities 55% more transactions in 2015 & 2016 compared to 2014 AST reassignment analysis as of September 30, 2016 * One category per transaction

19 - Number of Assets by Transaction Level Category* -
Software (26,335) and Communication (25,159) account for over 48% of all transacted assets - Number of Assets by Transaction Level Category* - Rockstar to RPX 2,557 Panasonic to IP Bridge 865 IBM to LinkedIn 801 Ericsson to Optis 808 HP to Samsung 820 Kodak to IV 1,294 HP to Qualcomm 1,426 Ericsson to Unwired Planet 883 IBM to Twitter 943 Freescale to Wi-Lan 1,294 Infineon to Wi-Lan 3,521 Rockstar to Apple 1,169 Nortel to Rockstar 3,918 AOL to Facebook 847 Micron to Round Rock 3,787 IBM to Google 2,156 AST reassignment analysis as of September 30, 2016 * One category per transaction

20 - Transactions by Type of Parties (Jan-Sept 2016) -
NPE purchases are down to 25% of total market in 2016 compared to 50% in 2012 - Transactions by Type of Parties (Jan-Sept 2016) - Who is selling? Who is buying? AST reassignment analysis as of September 30, 2016

21 - Transacted Assets by Type of Parties (Jan-Sept 2016) -
Majority of transacted assets are sold by and purchased by Practicing Entities (PEs) - Transacted Assets by Type of Parties (Jan-Sept 2016) - Who is selling? Who is buying? AST reassignment analysis as of September 30, 2016

22 For More Information

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