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Development of RICH Detector and Large-area HPD for LHCb Experiment

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1 Development of RICH Detector and Large-area HPD for LHCb Experiment
Apollo Go CERN/EP for LHCb Pad HPD group* *A. Braem, E. Chesi, W. Dulinski, F. Filthaut, A. Go, C. Joram, G. Lion, J. Sequinot, P. Weilhammer, P. Wicht and T. Ypsilantis Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

2 LHCb Experiment Spectrometer at the LHC collider dedicated to study CP violation in B decays bb production cross-section peaks in the forward-backward direction  Forward geometry _ Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

3 Particle ID in LHCb Some of the interested B decays channels:
B0d  p+p- B0d  J/ KS B0S  DS K B0S  J/  B0d  D0K*0 Without K/p separation: B0d  p+p- would be contaminated with B0d  Kp, B0S  Kp, B0S  K+K- B0S  DS K would be contaminated with B0S  DS  Unable to tag B flavour through K ( b  c  s)  Need particle identification! _ _ _ Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

4 Particle ID requirements
Momentum coverage: (a) Up to 150GeV/c for B0d  p+p- and B0S  D-Sp+p+ p- (b) Down to 1GeV/c for kaon tagging  Use RICH Goal: K/p separation in 1-150GeV/c range Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

5 Particle ID requirements
Momentum and polar angle correlation  Two separate RICHs: RICH 1: wider angular coverage for softer momentum tracks, before the magnet RICH 2: very forward angle coverage but harder momentum tracks, after the magnet Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

6 RICH 1 Two radiators: 5cm Silica Aerogel 95cm C4F10 gas
Polar angle coverage: mrad Mylar window to cut Rayleigh scattered UV photons in Aerogel Spherical mirrors (190cm rad. of curvature) tilted by 250mrad to focus light onto 60cm x 100cm x2 photodetector area Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

7 RICH 2 180cm CF4 gas radiator: Polar angle coverages:
mrad in x (bending plane) mrad in y (non-bending plane) Spherical mirrors and flat mirrors to focus light onto 72cm x 120cm x2 photodetector area Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

8 Performance Performance:
Particle identification performances will be covered in R. Forty’s talk tomorrow. Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

9 Photodetectors Requirements: 3 options under study:
Total of 3m2 coverage, 73% active area 2.5 x 2.5 mm2 granularity, channels High quantum efficiency in the visible and UV region 3 options under study: Pad HPD: 127mm tube, 2048 channels Fountain focusing Analog readout Pixel HPD: 80mm tube, 1024 channels Cross focusing Binary readout Multi-anode PMT: (Hammamatsu R ) 64 channels (8x8) 2.3x2.3mm granularity Lenses needed to have comparable active area Prototype tests will be covered in S. Easo (next talk) Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

10 Pad HPD Overview HPD (Hybrid Photo Diode) = Photocathode + Silicon detector. 127mm diameter glass envelope with borosilicate UV-glass window Bialkali (K2CsSb) photocathode 4 focusing electrodes Baseplate with 40 feedthroughs and V-shaped groove for cold indium sealing Silicon sensor, 1x1 mm2, 2048pads Multiplexed analog readout Photocathode Borosilicate window Uc U1 114mm U2 U3 Focusing electrodes U4 Indium seal Silicon sensor baseplate Groove Feedthroughs Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

11 Silicon Sensor 50mm diameter, 300mm thick. Subdivided into 16 sectors
with 128 1x1mm2 pad sensor. The sensor is wire bonded to the printed ceramic with readout electronics. Test has been done with VA3 chip (1-2ms peaking time) with 10s signal/noise Next step: fast electronics SCT128A (25ns peaking time) will be used (ENC= 500) Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

12 Electron Optics To map 127mm diameter entrance window area onto 50mm Silicon sensor. Fountain focussing, 20kV 90% window area can be covered with 3 electrodes A 4th electrode (bleeder) needed to achieve unique mapping Simulation with MAFIA and SIMION: Without bleeder With bleeder Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

13 Electron Optics Optics has been verified with a non-sealed CsI tube and movable UV light source. Result: 114mm coverage with 2.7 demagnification, point spread function of 0.35mm Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

14 HPD Fabrication Plant A UHV plant was built for
photocathode evaporation Sealing of envelope and baseplate 4 moveable cariages Sb source K, Cs source baseplate glow discharge Heating element to control photocathode temp. Piston to seal the tube Entirely covered with heating jacket for bakeout Monitoring and Control using PC with BridgeView Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

15 HPD Fabrication Plant Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb

16 Photocathode Deposition
Bake-out at 250oC for more than 24hrs to reach a vacuum of 10-9 mbar Cool down to 70oC, deposit Sb till laser light (l=632nm) transmission reduces to 85% At 160oC, deposit K till max. Q.E. is reached at l=400nm Deposit Cs also till max. Q.E. is reached at l=400nm. If needed, evaporate K, Cs alternatively to replace re-evaporation loss and to further increase Q.E. Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

17 Evaporation Process Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb

18 Photocathode Effeciency
Q.E. (l=400nm) of 22 Photocathodes: Q.E. of 3 recent photocathodes: Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

19 Cold Indium Sealing Cold Indium sealing to avoid thermal load and contamination of silicon sensor. Nickel and Indium are deposited galvanically on the knife and on the groove to improve wetability High purity (99.999%) Indium wire is pre-melted at 400oC in the groove before mounting Piston pushes the baseplate onto the envelop with a force of 25kN One prototype 110mm tube sealed (with metallic anode plate) and stable for 80hrs Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

20 Summary & Outlook Individual components tested
Integration of all components is under way Further Q.E. optimization and stability of photocathode are under study First 2048 pad HPD with CsI photocathode will soon be produced for test beam at the end of November First bialkali HPD expected soon Apollo Go Development of RICH and HPD for LHCb 17/11/98

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