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Key figures for NVM Quantities ’ m ’ m ’ m3 Productivity 58,9 m3/t 64,4 m3/t.

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Presentation on theme: "Key figures for NVM Quantities ’ m ’ m ’ m3 Productivity 58,9 m3/t 64,4 m3/t."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nordic-Baltic wood measurement seminar and excursion 2008 Information from Norway

2 Key figures for NVM Quantities ’ m ’ m ’ m3 Productivity ,9 m3/t 64,4 m3/t 67,5 m3/t NOK / m ,00 kr/m3 6,36 kr/m ,22 kr/m3 Employees

3 The Boards expectations to NVM
Grading and scaling function: Priority on reducing costs within the main core activity Adequate settlement basis Other tasks: Must be developed further, has to support rational scaling. New service offer: Must create value for the business chain

4 Boards expectations to NVM
Control results: Goal: 0 - outcome Methods should be evaluated Increased automation – changing conditions Development projects saw logs Single log test sampling procedure Objective measurable criteria – automatically registered Development projects pulpwood: Photo and web technology NVM should be engaged in development and not research

5 Basis of values Impartial: We shall perform impartial and professional in co-operation with seller and buyer Added value: Our services shall provide values within the business chain by fulfilling the customers expectations and demands Target aims: Organised for result orientated effort and job satisfaction among our fellow workers through openess and communication

6 Organisation development
Basis of values Management principles Operational critical aims Organisation analysis Improvement

7 Employees view of their job satisfaction

8 Development projects in NVM
More efficiennt and correct measuring of sawlogs 3D-UB – volum-measuring under bark “Quality-on-line” Laser- and Photo-technology in the norwegian wood measurement Modus 2000 Photo-web

9 Modus 2000 – installed in Opsund:
The laser is set up in connection to a normal measuring platform. The laser with the securing cover.

10 Camera house for outdoor use with heating element.
- By means of 2 cameras the position and speed of the lorry are calculated. - Traffic light in the front and back edge. Camera house for outdoor use with heating element.

11 State of affairs and further work – Modus 2000
Good measuring results regarding repeatability The systematic deviation of the volume is to big. Further testing of the laser equipment with the aim of using the values form the laser as the ordinary settlement of the measuring act.

12 Photo-web technology The method is a variation of our ordinary SWVM-grading and scaling system The various dimensions is measured directly on the pictures Correct calibrating of the cameras is a presuppose for correct measuring Independent of where and when the grader is working

13 The measuring platform
Idea of organising the cameras (Braskereidfoss): Red circle = camera; 3 cameras alongside the lorry and trailer to registrate the volume of each stack. 3 cameras to survey each end face of each stack. Yellow circle = possible additional cameras; 1 camera to identify the lorry. 1 camera to survey the top and the other side of the vehicle. The measuring platform Office

14 The equipment is set up on moveable poles – giving full flexibility in the testing period.
A standard monitoring camera has been tested in stage 1. Upgraded in stage 2 with a camera with 5 mega pixels

15 The pictures are presented in a standardised set-up on the PC-screen.

16 The electronic ruler can be used in various positions on the screen:

17 The grader can zoom within the pictures to study various details closer.
2 1

18 The quality of the pictures will be further improved after calibration and fine-tuning of the equipment.Coming generations of equipment will improve the possibilities further. 1 2

19 The good zooming possibilities gives a good overview and a great flexibility for the grader:

20 The installation at Norske Skog Skogn:

21 The data from the Photo-web-project
77 stacks pulpwood of spruce 55 stacks of pulpwood of pine 41 stacks of saw timber spruce 10 graders have done the interpretation of the pictures Data from two measuring sites in Norway The tests have been done in spring – summer 2008

22 Pulpwood of spruce

23 Volume spruce pulpwood located to each grader
Spruce – average volume per grader 14,50 14,00 13,50 Volum 13,00 12,50 12,00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTALT Grader 13,80 13,77 13,60 13,34 13,19 13,13 13,17 13,31 13,27 13,70 13,40 SWVM 13,05 13,12 13,12 13,12 13,12 13,12 13,12 13,12 13,10 13,18 13,12 True 12,99 13,03 13,03 13,00 13,00 13,00 13,00 13,00 13,00 13,20 13,03 Målere i forsøket

24 Pulpwood of pine

25 Volume pine pulpwood located to each grader
13,50 13,00 12,50 Volum 12,00 11,50 11,00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTALT Grader 12,48 13,15 12,44 12,60 12,11 12,03 12,50 12,62 12,16 11,78 12,39 SWVM 11,56 11,44 11,44 11,44 11,44 11,44 11,44 11,44 11,44 11,44 11,44 True 11,78 11,61 11,61 11,61 11,61 11,61 11,61 11,61 11,61 11,61 11,61

26 Saw timber spruce

27 Spruce saw timber average gross volume located to each grader
. 16,00 15,50 15,00 14,50 Volum 14,00 13,50 13,00 1 2 3 4 TOTALT Grader 15,03 15,53 14,61 14,85 15,00 SWVM 14,19 14,21 14,19 14,21 14,19 True 14,44 14,45 14,44 14,45 14,44 Graders

28 Further work with the Photo-web
Further testing of the grading specially for the winter. Building knowledge – training of a number of graders in Photo-web. Plan and specify a technical requirement for an ideal measurement site equipped with Photo-web. Describe procedure of grading through Photo-web including routines for control. Clarify investments in cooperation with our owners. Ambitions – common grading through Photo-web in 2010.

29 Summary of the Photo-web
NVM think the Photo-web will give: - Efficient grading - An improved use of our grading capacity - A safer data - registration - A safer documentation – The pictures can be filed - 24 hours open measurement site for the lorries without graders on the spot all the time. NVM believes that the SWVM-method can through Photo-web be done independent of where and when the grader is working.

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