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100 200 300 400 500 600.

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1 100 200 300 400 500 600

2 Heard animals are usually concentrated in the _____ biome.

3 Microscopic organisms that float in the sunlit regions of the ocean are ________

4 The great northern coniferous forest are part of the ___ biome

5 _____ is a layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year

6 ____ is a major limiting factor of the tundra biome.

7 A body of water near the coast that is partly surrounded by land and contains both fresh and salt water is known as the ________ estuary

8 Phytoplankton, which obtain energy by photosynthesis, are usually found concentrated in the ____ zone of the ocean. photic

9 Succession ______ is the replacement of one community by another as environmental conditions change

10 A _____ community is usually the stable result of succession.

11 The region of the ocean shallow enough for sunlight to penetrate is the ________
Photic zone

12 _____ factors restrict the numbers of organism that can exist.

13 The portion of the shoreline that is affected by high and low tides is the ______ zone.

14 Age, physical condition, and stage in its life cycle may all influence an organism’s limits of ______ tolerance

15 Conditions that restrict the existence, population size, reproductive success, or distribution of organism are called ___________. Limiting factors

16 The range of factors under which an organism functions and survives is known as ________

17 The _______ community is a stable, mature community that undergoes little or no succession.

18 The _____ is a region dominated by deciduous trees.
Temperate or Deciduous forest

19 The colonization of new sites by communities of organism is _______ succession.

20 A large group of ecosystems characterized by the same type of climax community is called a _________

21 The ____ is an arid region characterized by little or no plant life.

22 An uncut lawn becomes a meadow and eventually a forest
An uncut lawn becomes a meadow and eventually a forest. This process is an example of _____ succession. secondary

23 In oceans _____ produces food by photosynthesis
In oceans _____ produces food by photosynthesis. _____ eats phytoplankton, which is eaten by _____ Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, fish

24 Tolerance and intolerance
If fish in a tank of slightly alkaline water, the fish stop reproducing if the water becomes too alkaline. This is an example of _____ Tolerance and intolerance

25 The factor that differentiates the photic and aphotic zones in oceans is _______.

26 The stable ecosystem that develops due to succession is called a ______ ______
Climax community

27 _______ is the ability of an organism to withstand changes in abiotic and biotic factors in an ecosystem Tolerance

28 What is a succulent plants with thorns that are common in desert biomes?

29 The first organisms to appear in an area undergoing succession are known as _______
Pioneer species

30 The absence of permafrost and presence of coniferous trees as the dominant climax plants characterize the ____ biome. taiga

31 Salt marsh ecosystems are usually associated with _______.

32 The concentration of dissolved salt in estuary water would be between the concentration of salt in river water and _____ water. Ocean

33 In a _________ biome, decomposition occurs too quickly for humus to form.
Tropical rain forest

34 Water temperature and light are two ____ (abiotic or biotic) factors that affect the tolerance range of organisms in a lake. abiotic

35 Fires, natural disasters, and human intervention are possible causes of _______ succession.

36 ______ communities are characterized by complex food webs, many different species of organisms, and little or no succession. Climax

37 Intertidal zone produces (few or many) produce
Why? Crashing waves allows For little floating Or take hold on bottom

38 In which biome would you find only shallow-rooted grasses and small plants like lichens and moss.

39 In which biome would you expect to find the greatest biomass?
Tropical rain forest

40 Another name for grasslands is ____

41 The floating protists, animal eggs and larvae in photic zones are known as ________

42 The top layer of the rain forest is called?

43 The lowest layer of the tropical rain forest is the ______.

44 The middle sections of the tropical rain forest is the ___________

45 Another name for the Taiga is _______
Boreal or northern Coniferous forest

46 The causes of ocean tides rising and falling is ___________
Gravitational pull Of sun and moon

47 The thick matt of grass that traps organic material in the aquatic biomes.
Salt Marsh

48 Two examples of pioneer species are ________.
Moss and Lichen

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