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Herricks Middle School

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1 Herricks Middle School
Special Education/Reading Department Stephanie Knowles, Chairperson

2 Herricks Special Education Parent Teacher Association
An active community organization of parents and teachers of students with special needs. SEPTA meetings are listed on our district calendar. For information contact Stephanie Knowles at

3 Transition Process to the Middle School
Visit the 5th grade teachers - January Present at the MS parent orientation -May Chair each CSE meeting for 5th graders – April and May Middle School Guidance department take current 6th graders to 5th grade classes for orientation - May 5th graders take a trip to the Middle School - June 5th grade special education teachers visit the Middle School special education teachers - June Parents bring their children to visit the Middle School - last week in August

4 Continuum of Special Services
Mainstream - General Education School Psychologist Speech and Language 504 Accommodations Plan Guidance Services Remedial Reading Consultant Teacher Services Wilson Reading Read 180 Social Worker Hearing Services Resource Room Physical Therapy Inclusion Co-Teaching Assistive Technology Occupational Therapy Individual Development Class Adaptive Physical Education School Nurse Life Skills Class

5 6th Grade Program Science Social Studies Mathematics Language Arts
Health/Art Physical Ed/Music Lunch (22 minutes) World Language

6 Special Services Remedial Reading Special Ed. Self Contained
Co-teaching Program Resource Room Services Wilson Reading Read 180 Class Individual Development (up to 5 periods) Guided Study Class Pull-Out Resource Room Class ID ELA Class Life Skills Class (up to 8 periods) Pull-Out Reading or Math Lab Class ID Math Class

7 Resource Room and Guided Study Support
Pre-teach and Re-teach content Organizational skills Prepare for tests Study skill techniques Provide test modifications Resource Room and Guided Study Support Assess students’ instructional and skill needs Improve written expression Support for classroom work (all content areas) Develop skills and learning strategies that apply to all content areas Monitor progress through ongoing contact with content teachers

8 6th grade schedule Period 1 Science Science 7:45-8:35
BLUE SILVER Period Science Science 7:45-8:35 Period Guided Study/RR Guided Study/RR ) 8:39-9:25 Period Language 6/Speech Health (Q1&2) 9:29-10:15 or reading or Math Art 6 (Q3&Q4) Period 4 ELA 6 ELA 6 10:19-11:05 Period 5* ELA 6 ELA 6 11:07-11:30 Period 6* Lunch Lunch 11:32-11:55 Period 7* Band/Chorus 6 Phys Ed 6 Period 8* Band/Chorus 6 Phys Ed 6 12:22-12:45 Period 9* Math 6 Math 6 12:47-1:10 Period 10 Math 6 Math 6 1:14-2:00 Period Social Studies 6 Social Studies 6 2:05-2:51 Period 12 Homeroom Teacher/Guidance Counselor

9 The Bell Curve Understanding Your Child’s Test Scores

10 Important Phone Numbers
Joan Keegan, Principal Tom Aird, Asst Principal MS Main Office Guidance Office Dana Lieberman, Nurse

11 6th grade ID Classes BLUE SILVER Period 1 Science Science 7:45-8:35
Period ELA ELA 8:39-9:25 Period 3 9:29-10:15 read Read 180 Period 4a Guided Study Gudied Study 10:19-10:41 Period 4b/5 Language/Speech HAelth (Q1 & Q2) 11:07-11:30 Art (Q3 & Q4) Period 6* Lunch Lunch 11:32-11:55 Period 7* Band/Chorus 6 Phys Ed 6 Period 8* Band/Chorus 6 Phys Ed 6 12:22-12:45 Period 9* Math Math 12:47-1:10 Period 10 MAth MAth 1:14-2:00 Period SS SS 2:05-2:51 Period 12 Homeroom Teacher/Guidance Counselor

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