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2. Build Credibility of Added Value

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1 2. Build Credibility of Added Value
Placing the message in a credibility editorial, strive to create a “visual identity”

2 Public Relations = Is what the Public Perceives.
= Total of what the Public Sees, Reads, Hears, Feels.

3 Process of Perceives We experience everything in the world not ”as it is”- because there is no way that we can know the world ”as it is” – but only as the world comes to us through our sensory receptors. From there, these stimuli go instantly into the “data storage banks” of our brains, where they have to pass through the filters of our censor screen, our brains, where they have to pass through the filters of our censor screen, our decoding mechanism, and the collectivity of everything we have learned from the day we were born . Judith Martin dan Thomas Nakayama (2003: 45)

4 Hati-hati dengan Persepsi Anda

5 Process of Perceives Sensory receptors.
The “data storage banks” of our brains The filters of our censor screen, our brains, the filters of our censor screen, our decoding mechanism, The collectivity of everything we have learned.

6 Total of what the Public Sees, Reads, Hears, Feels.
The Brand Touch Smell Touch Taste Sound Sight BY: MARTIN LINDSTROM

7 Message in a Credibility
Rhetoric Dramatism Narrative Paradigm.

8 The Rhetoric (Aristotle)
Making Persuasion Probable. Aristotle classified rhetoric as a counterpart or offshoot of dialectic. Dialectic is one on one discussion; rhetoric addresses specific. Rhetoric is the art of discovering ways to make truth seem more probable to an audience that isn’t completely convinced

9 Hati-hati Kalau Anda Jadi Orator

10 Dramatism ( Kenneth Burke)
Life is not like a drama; life is drama. Act Scene Agent Agency Purpose response situation subject stimulus target

11 Narrative Paradigm (Walter Fisher)
All forms of communication that appeal to our reason are best viewed as stories shaped by history, culture and character. Narration is communication rooted in time and space.

12 Narrative Paradigm (Walter Fisher)
People are essentially storyteller We make decisions on basis of good reasons. History, biography, culture and character determine what we consider good reasons. Narrative rationality is determined by the coherence and fidelity of our stories. The world is a set of stories from which we choose, and thus constantly recreate, our live.

13 Build Credibility of Added Value
The five - Dimensional (5-D) Brand The Visual Brand. Brand Sound The Brand Smell The Brand Touch The Brand Taste

14 3. Stimulate Sales Forces and Dealers
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing (Al Ries & Jack Trout)

15 The Law of “Perception” (4TH)
Marketing is not a battle of products, but it is a battle of perceptions. (Pemasaran bukanlah perang produk tetapi perang persepsi)

16 Produk Rame-rame

17 The Law of Exclusivity (6th)
Two companies can not own the same word in prospect’s mind (Dua perusahaan tidak dapat memiliki kata yang sama dalam benak prospek)

18 COLA?

19 The strategy to use depends on which rung you occupy on the ladder
The Law of Ladder (7th) The strategy to use depends on which rung you occupy on the ladder (Strategi yang digunakan tergantung pada tahapan yang anda gunakan pada tangga)

20 4. Holding Down Promotion Costs

21 (Situasi sering berlawanan dengan caranya muncul dalam pers)
The Law of “Hype” (20th) The situation is often the opposite of the way it appears in the press. (Situasi sering berlawanan dengan caranya muncul dalam pers)

22 The Law of Acceleration (21th)
Successful programs are not built on fads, they’re built on trends. [Program yang sukses tidak dibangun di atas mode (gelombang), tetapi di atas tren (naik terus)]

23 The Law of Resources(22th)
Without adequate funding, an idea won’t get of the ground. (Tanpa pendanaan yang memadai, suatu ide sulit diwujudkan)


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