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KYHMIS BOS Quarterly Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "KYHMIS BOS Quarterly Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 KYHMIS BOS Quarterly Meeting
August 15, 2017 2:30 p.m.

2 Housekeeping Purpose: Quarterly Webinars with mandatory attendance
To keep all KYHMIS BOS users informed with the same timely information Quarterly Webinars with mandatory attendance Recording sent out afterwards and must be watched within 1 week of webinar if missed License will remain inactive until requirement is met Suggestion for topics can be made through the HelpDesk

3 Help Desk Etiquette Must fill out all fields or it will not submit the ticket Agency name must be populated If requesting assistance with errors on a report, or a report question, please attach the report in question to the HelpDesk ticket HelpDesk guarantees quickest response rate

4 Agency Admin Role Agency Admin is the liaison between HMIS Lead Agency (BOS-KHC) and other HMIS users within the agency Assist In: Report Development System Testing Updating, correcting, and maintaining the participating agency information in the KYHMIS

5 Newborn Date of Birth Update
Many questions have been submitted asking about errors in the PII table related to newborns with DOB = Project Entry date. Prior guidance incorrectly indicated that a newborn’s Project Entry date should be set = to newborn’s DOB. 2017 HMIS Manual Guidance: If a new client is added to a household after the original household members’ start dates, the new client’s start date should reflect the actual day that client started the project. If this client is a newborn baby, the project start date should reflect the date the newborn actually started the project, which may be any date on or after the baby’s actual date of birth. Programming instructions for this error in the PII table will be modified to exclude children so this error stops being reported for children, but it is still critical to accurately collect the Project Start date and not default to just using the newborn’s DOB.

6 Data Quality Framework and New CoC APR

7 Print Canned Reports to PDF

8 Print to PDF with MAC If using a MAC computer – go to Print Screen there should be a drop down box that has ‘Saved to PDF’

9 Data Quality Plan CoC projects will be contacted prior to their APR being due to help with any errors Worked with ESG Projects for CAPER submission Quarterly review of all KYHMIS agencies Data Quality Plan located on the Helpdesk under KYHMIS Administrative Documentation

10 2017 HMIS Data Standards A “test” environment will be given to System Admins by 9/1/17 Users can expect to have access to the new in-take forms, and updated assessments in HMIS by 10/1/17 New manual can be found on the HUD Exchange General Changes Include: Option differences throughout Changes in Data Collection Stages Removed references to “Unaccompanied Youth” as term no longer in use

11 2017 HMIS Data Standards – Data Collection Stages
Project Start (new) = Replaces Project Entry Annual Assessment = HoH’s Anniversary Data will now apply to all household members, regardless of project entry

12 2017 HMIS Data Standards – Universal Data Elements
Gender – wording changes to options Now “Trans Female (MTF or Male to Female)” Now “Trans Male (FTM or Female to Male)” Now Gender Non-Conforming (i.e. not exclusively male or female)

13 2017 HMIS Data Standards – Universal Data Elements
Project Start – this replace Project Entry Street Outreach = Date of first Contact Emergency Shelter = Night of First Shelter Stay Safe Haven and Transitional Housing = date of move in to residential project All Permanent Housing, including Rapid Rehousing = date of admission into the project Project Entry Date will be replaced with Project Start; a date matching this date will auto be put in to the Project Housing Move In Date All other projects it’s the date the client first began working with the project

14 2017 HMIS Data Standards – Universal Data Elements
Destination/Living Situation Options – changes to options Now Permanent Housing (other than RRH) for formerly homeless person Now Rental by client, with RRH or equivalent subsidy Relationship to Head of Household – clarification Clarification that if there is an adult in the household, the adult must be marked HoH

15 2017 HMIS Data Standards – Universal Data Elements
Housing Move in Date – New Element This is renamed field of “Residential Move In Date” Now being used for ALL permanent projects including RRH Collected for Heads of Household at Update, which will happen when the client moves Housing Move in Date is entered as soon as the client moves into housing, regardless of the funding source or whether the project is providing rental assistance Retired Fields Housing Status Non-Cash Benefits Options Retired “Section 8, Public Housing, or Rental Assistance” and “Temporary Rental Assistance” subsidies Disability Types Retired “Documentation of disability and severity” and “Currently receiving services” Retired all PATH specific questions related to Mental Health and Substance Abuse Contact Location field retired; New field regarding whether client is on streets, in ES or SH added Residential Move in Date

16 2017 HMIS Data Standards – Program Specific Data Elements
HOPWA No changes PATH

17 2017 HMIS Data Standards – Program Specific Data Elements
VA New Elements: Connection with SOAR Last Grade Completed Employment Status General Health Status Retired Use of Other Crisis Services VAMC Station List – now a dropdown VASH Voucher Tracking (New) Date of Voucher Reason for Voucher Change VASH Exit Information (New) Case Management Exit Reason

18 2017 HMIS Data Standards – Program Specific Data Elements
RHY Data Collection Stages altered for a few questions Retired Referrals Provided By Family Unification Achieved Reduced option values: referral sources, BCP Status, Services Provided, Project Completion Status, Aftercare Counseling and Safe and Appropriate Exit – new field Family Critical Issues – reduced option

19 Qlik Reporting Tool Currently in testing with System Admins
Refresh rate upgrades Use any browser with Qlik Users more empowered to customize reports to their liking Will look at usage reports for rebuilding customized reports

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