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2016 Arizona veterans conference

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Arizona veterans conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Arizona veterans conference
Federal Hiring 2016 Arizona veterans conference Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

2 Welcome Christine Carlson
dex.htm Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

3 Agenda - AM Welcome/Introductions/Ice Breaker
Why Pursue Federal Employment? Federal Jobs – Pay and Benefits Veterans Employment Initiative Barriers to Federal Jobs/Banning the Box/OF-306 Understanding the Federal Job Process USAJobs – Creating a Profile and Researching Job Announcements Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

4 Agenda - PM Analyzing Vacancy Announcements/KSAs
The Federal Resume – Creating and Submitting Federal Interviewing Getting the Offer Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

5 Ice Breaker Name Your Table
Find one thing that everyone at your table has in common. Stay away from physical traits if possible. Write your table name on the placard with the marker on the table. If you don’t have a marker, borrow from an adjacent table. Name Your Table Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

6 Why Federal Employment?
Wide range of available A comprehensive package of benefits. A more level playing field during the selection process. A variety of veteran preferences. Job Opportunity Announcements provide clear explanations of the job and requirements. Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

7 This just in… Executive Order 13706
Establishes paid sick leave for Federal Workers Published Sept. 30, 2016 Requires certain employers that contract with the Federal Government to provide their employees with up to seven days of paid sick leave annually, including for family care and absences resulting from domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

8 AZ Government Employment
Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

9 AZ Federal Employment Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

10 Arizona Civilian Employment by Agency 2013
Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

11 Federal Jobs: What’s the Difference?
Resumes Application Process Competition Specific agency requirements Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

12 Ex-Offenders and the Fed
Being an ex-offender does not prevent someone from obtaining Federal Employment. OPM or the hiring agency considers criminal conduct in determining suitability but there are no general prohibitions against hiring an ex-offender. There are some regulations which will prohibit someone from working in certain positions if they have a specific conviction. Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

13 Veterans Employment Initiative
Increase the employment and retention of veterans in the Federal Government. The establishment of a Veteran’s Employment Program Office (VEPO) in each of 24 Federal agencies within the Executive Branch. Creation of the website. Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

14 Veterans Employment Initiative

15 Question What Agency has the highest percentage of ALL Veterans?
What Agency has the most Veterans with Preference? How many total veteran new hires were there in 2014? What percentage of all employees was that? What Agency had the highest Disabled Veteran new hires? Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

16 Question What Agency has the highest percentage of ALL Veterans? Air Force – 56.9% What Agency has the most Veterans with Preference? Defense – 271,094 How many total veteran new hires were there in 2014? 59,992 What percentage of all employees was that? 33.2% What Agency had the highest Disabled Veteran new hires? VA – 9,996 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

17 Question What is the primary purpose of the Veterans Employment Initiative? What is the name of the website that was created as a result of VEI? What is the website’s purpose? What Federal Agency has the most employees in Arizona? Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

18 Question What is the primary purpose of the Veterans Employment Initiative? Increase the employment and retention of veterans in the Federal Government. What is the name of the website that was created as a result of VEI? FedsHireVets What is the website’s purpose? To serve as the principal portal on Federal employment information for Veterans, transitioning service members and their families, hiring managers, and HR practitioners. What Federal Agency has the most employees in Arizona? Department of Homeland Security. Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

19 Ban the Box Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

20 Declaration for Federal Employment
OF-306 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

21 Comprised of 3 Distinct Services:
Federal Civil Service Competitive Service Excepted Service Senior Executive Service Comprised of 3 Distinct Services:

22 Comparison of Services
Competitive Service Excepted Service You compete for your job with the general public. You can earn tenure ie: status You cannot be easily fired You earn raises according to a formula of time served Open jobs must be posted online Exceptions are made in hiring by OPM, Agency, law or Exec. Order You cannot earn “status” You may be hired or fired for special reasons You earn raises according to performance Open jobs do not have to be publically posted Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

23 Question How many types of Federal Service are there? What are they?
What is the difference between Competitive Service and Excepted Service? Who can “except” agencies? Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

24 Question How many types of Federal Service are there? 3
What are they? Competitive, Excepted, Senior Executive Service What is the difference between Competitive Service and Excepted Service? You must compete with other applicants for competitive jobs. Who can “except” agencies? OPM and Federal law mandate what agencies can use exceptions Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

25 Veterans’ Preference Facts
Does not guarantee Veterans a job, but confers preference over other applicants Not all Veterans receive preference Must submit form SF-15 You must have been discharged or released from active duty under honorable conditions Retirees are not included unless a you are a disabled Veteran or retired below rank equivalent of 0-4

26 Veterans’ Preference Veterans’ Preference CPS (10) CP XP TP (5)
SSP (0) Veterans’ Preference

27 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

28 Category System Highest Qualified Well Qualified Qualified
Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

29 Apply Veterans’ Preference for Certificate of Eligibles
Eligibles Ranked by Quality Category Based on Review of Qualifications & Assessment Tool(s) Identify Preference Eligibles Apply Veterans’ Preference for Certificate of Eligibles Highest-Qualified Kathleen Dempsey Levi Cox Jackson Eagye(CPS) Well-Qualified Kirk Hamre Anne Grady Anne Grady (TP) Qualified Mark Fisher Jackson Eagye Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

30 Apply Veterans’ Preference for Certificate of Eligibles
Eligibles Ranked by Quality Category Based on Review of Qualifications & Assessment Tool(s) Identify Preference Eligibles Apply Veterans’ Preference for Certificate of Eligibles Highest-Qualified Kathleen Dempsey Levi Cox Jackson Eagye(CPS) Well-Qualified Kirk Hamre Anne Grady Anne Grady (TP) Qualified Mark Fisher Jackson Eagye Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

31 Apply Veterans’ Preference for Certificate of Eligibles
Eligibles Ranked by Quality Category Based on Review of Qualifications & Assessment Tool(s) Identify Preference Eligibles Apply Veterans’ Preference for Certificate of Eligibles Highest-Qualified Kathleen Dempsey Levi Cox Jackson Eagye (CPS) Well-Qualified Kirk Hamre Anne Grady Anne Grady (TP) Qualified Gari Helms Jackson Eagye Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

32 Question How many types of Veteran’s Preference are there?
What are they? What three preferences are 10 pts? What do they have in common beside 10 pt. preference? What are the names of the three categories for ratings? Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

33 Question How many types of Veteran’s Preference are there? 5
What are they? CPS, CP, XP, TP, SSP What three preferences are 10 pts? CPS, CP, XP What do they have in common beside 10 pt. preference? They are for disabled vets. What are the names of the three categories for ratings? Highest Qualified, Well Qualified, Qualified Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

34 Special Hiring Authorities for Veterans
VRA VEOA 30% or more disabled VA Training Program Schedule A Special Hiring Authorities for Veterans *

35 Job Classifications - WG vs GS
Hourly positions with benefits Considered blue collar jobs Positions have steps 1-5 Wage Grade (WG 1-15) Salaried positions with benefits Considered white collar Jobs Positions have steps 1-10 General Schedule (GS 1-15)

36 Federal Wage System (FWS) Pay scales in Arizona for 2016
* Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

37 Question Hourly positions in the Civil Service are often referred to as what? How many Federal WG pay scales are in AZ? How many steps are there in GS positions? What is pay banding? Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

38 Question Hourly positions in the Civil Service are often referred to as what? Wage Grade (WG) How many Federal WG pay scales are in AZ? 4 How many steps are there in GS positions? 10 What is pay banding? Grades are banded together into a wider cluster. Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

39 Mil2FedJobs Maryland AJC
Helps match military jobs to a Federal Job Series Great spot to learn about Federal Jobs * Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

40 * Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

41 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

42 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

43 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

44 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

45 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

46 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

47 Question Do you have to have a USAJobs account to search for a job?
What form must be submitted to apply for 10-point Veteran’s preference? What supporting documentation must you also provide? Where can a veteran obtain a copy of their DD-214? Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

48 Question Do you have to have a USAJobs account to search for a job? No
What form must be submitted to apply for 10-point Veteran’s preference? Form SF-15, Application for 10-point Veterans’ Preference What supporting documentation must you also provide? DD-214 Where can a veteran obtain a copy of their DD-214? National Archives Veterans’ Records Service Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

49 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

50 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

51 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

52 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

53 Creating a Profile In USAJobs Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

54 Job Search Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

55 Advanced Search * Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

56 Job Announcements Pay attention to: Agency or Organization Mission
Duties Specialized Experience Qualifications Assessment Questionnaire * Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

57 Analyzing Job Announcements
Carefully Read the Announcement, especially: Who may be considered Qualifications and Evaluations How to Apply and Identify the Keywords * Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

58 Exercise: Analyzing Job Announcement
Pg. 51 Maintenance Mechanic. Answer questions on pg. 50. Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

59 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

60 Private Sector vs Federal Resume
Resume written to get interview Resumes are short and targeted Normally have cover letters Manager reads resume, interviews and hires Resumes written to get the job Resumes are long (3-5 pages), detailed and targeted Resumes rely on KSAs There is a questionnaire Hiring authority picks from a list of qualified applicants Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

61 Don’t let this happen to you…
Your resume did not document either the number of hours worked per week for all jobs listed, a detailed description of your duties performed, or the month/year worked for all jobs listed, as required by the vacancy announcement. Please be sure to read each announcement for complete qualification requirements and instructions on “How to Apply”. Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

62 Federal Resume You will need to tailor your resume:
Paid and non-paid experience Military Service Volunteer Work Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

63 Federal Resume You will also need to describe your: Duties
Responsibilities, and Accomplishments Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

64 What are KSAs? Knowledges Skills Abilities Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

65 Federal Resume Make sure to include all relevant: Education Training
Knowledges Skills Experience Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

66 Federal Resume Before you hit Submit, review:
The job announcement one more time, Your resume, and Your answers to the Occupational Questionnaire. Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

67 Exercise: Read over the Safety Conversation between the DVOP and the veteran client, Tim. On pg. 68 in your manual, or on your note pad, create three accomplishment statements that match up to three duties from the Job Opportunity Announcement. Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

68 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

69 Applying for a Job Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

70 Select Resume Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

71 Select Documents Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

72 Review Package Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

73 Personal Information You can also choose not to answer.
Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

74 Continue Application with Agency
Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

75 Occupational Questionnaire Example
Indicate the extent to which you have communicated orally with various levels of employees to obtain and provide information. A. I have had no experience in performing this task. B. I have communicated orally with others to obtain or verify information or to provide routine information. C. I have communicated orally with supervisors, managers, or office personnel to notify them of decisions, problems, or further actions needed, or to explain the organization's programs or services. D. I have given short oral presentations at departmental or organizational briefings and meetings to convey information on program activities or to describe the impact of new organizational policies on operational responsibilities. E. I have led briefings or taught courses on highly technical or complex material to audiences such as high- level managers or executives. Occupational Questionnaire Example Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

76 USAJobs Status Notifications
Four Stages: Application Received Application Reviewed Referred Selected Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

77 Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

78 Federal Interviewing Features
Questions are developed by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) based on job-related competencies All candidates are asked the same questions in the same order A panel of trained interviewers take detailed notes on the candidates responses All responses are evaluated with the same rating scale Interviewers agree on acceptable answers Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

79 References Identify and prepare your professional references
Get permission to use someone as a reference Contact Information Brainstorm Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

80 Getting the Offer What You Can (might be able to) Negotiate: Salary
Leave/Vacation Your Starting Date Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

81 Welcome to the Federal Government!
Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

82 Review Federal Employment Benefits Federal Jobs
Veterans Employment Initiative Barriers to Employment Understanding the Federal Job Process Creating a USAJobs Account and Profile Researching Job Vacancies The Federal Resume Federal Interviewing Getting the Job Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

83 Thank You Arizona! Tuesday Afternoon FVE - CC

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