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Living free from the snare of the enemy

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1 Living free from the snare of the enemy
OVERCOMING FEAR Living free from the snare of the enemy

2 INTRODUCTION: A. Psychologists tell us that we are born with two fears, the fear of falling and the fear of noise; but we soon develop many more. 1. It would be interesting to know how many different “phobias” are mentioned in the dictionary. a. Indeed, our dictionaries betray us. b. Our age is frantic with fear.

3 2. Members of a psychology class asked 500 people, “What are you afraid of?”
a. Those 500 people listed 7,000 fears! b. But it need not be that way, for Christ came to deliver us from our fears.

4 THREE KINDS OF FEAR Natural Fear; is in the flesh of man , we call it self defense mechanism Commanded Fear; involves respect, honor, reverence, and sense of awe Forbidden Fear; synonymous with dread, alarm, fright, terror, apprehension, anxiety, perplexity and distrust

Men fear failure Matt 25:25 Men fear the unknown future Men fear responsibility Men fear old age Men fear insecurity Men fear what other men will say and think about them, or do to them.  Men fear death

1. Fear makes life a wretched experience and warps the personality a. This is seen in the life of Saul (1 Samuel 28) b. Fear is a dark room where negatives are developed 2. Fear will prevent one from doing the will of God a. Men make excuses … as in the case of Moses (Exodus 3) b. Do we disobey God for fear of persecution?

7 3. Fear renders one useless
a. There is no place in the kingdom of God for the fearful, because we are in a battle against Satan, and we need people of courage. b. We are in an important battle and we need people of courage 4. Fear brings on the very thing we fear a. Peter’s fear of sinking brought on his sinking b. Fear of disease often brings on illness c. Research has shown that 85% of the emotional and physical ills of men are brought on by fear 5. Fear will cause a person to be lost … Revelation 21:8

8 HOW TO OVERCOME FEAR 1. Remember that fear is strictly prohibited
a. In fact, fear is a characteristic of the wicked (Proverbs 28:1) b. “Fear not” and “be not afraid” appear in the Bible 180 times 2. Enthrone Christ a. Peter said … 1 Peter 3:14 b. He then tells us how this is done … 1 Peter 3:15 3. Put your faith and trust in God a. Faith is the foe of fear b. It is either faith of fear … Isaiah 26:3

9 4. Conceive of God as a Father
5. Never lose sight of the fact that you are in the presence of God and that His help is nigh 6. Never take counsel of your fears a. A general who was fearful of an attack planned in the Shenandoah Valley, and expressed his fears to Stonewall Jackson, was told by the courageous Jackson, “General, never take counsel of your fears.” b. Philippians 4:13 7. Pray

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