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Through-Wall Vision Project

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1 Through-Wall Vision Project
Financement : FEDER / ANR

2 Bruno Lescalier, engineer, 09/2010 - …
Prototyping and Software development, participation in research. Projects : MODECOL : automatic recognition of grass. Throught-the-wall : Imaging, reduce of noise, target detection,…

3 Team « Through-The-Wall Vision»
Recent structure in L3i: 2004 With : 2 Professors (M. Ménard, G. Louis) 2 Lecturers (A. Gaugue, J. Khamlichi) 2 PhD (O. Benahmed, X. Zhao) 3 engineers (B. Lescalier, O. Chappe, V.Merelle) Areas of expertise : UWB (Ultra Wide Band) pulse device. Signal processing : expertise in inverse filtering, deconvolution, decompositions,… Processing and computer graphics / 3D. Ongoing project FEDER (2010/2011) / ANR (2011/2013)

4 Objectives of the Project
Development of a portable prototype : Reliable detection of human presence in the building and enumeration. Location kidnappers / hostages. Tracking people movements. Outline of the topology of place. Detection of people in rubble.

5 Radar system Targets detection Acquisition Localization
Antennas FPGA Localization Trilateration Targets detection CFAR Imaging Retroprojection 2D/3D Background substract Targets tracking Particular filter Kalman Signal processing FPGA Reduce of noise Peak detection Software development

6 Research and development engineer:
Vincent Mérelle Research and development engineer: Embedded systems Digital electronics High speed data link Signal processing

7 experimental system

8 Signal Acquisition module
FPGA (field programmable grid array) Virtex6 prototyping board. Analog to Digital Converter board

9 Real time system, 5Ghz sampling

10 Currently in the 4th year of thesis (writing thesis manuscript)
Thesis title Designe of an acquisition and processing UWB radar chain for detection of moving targets behind the wall Titre de thèse Conception d’une chaîne d’acquisition et de traitement Radar ULB pour la détection de cibles mobiles derrière un mur Xiaowei Zhao, PhD Currently in the 4th year of thesis (writing thesis manuscript) Supervisors: Michel Ménard, Alain Gaugue, Jamal Khamlichi

11 Localization without wall: Localization with wall:
Trilateration Localization without wall: Time of arrival method (TOA) + Geometry method (analytical) Localization with wall: Time of arrival (TOA) method + Convergent method (digital)

12 Experiment scene

13 Results Result

14 Throught-Wall imaging
04/11/2010 Throught-Wall imaging Mise en place de la chaîne de traitement de l’information d’un radar distribué pour la vision à travers les murs Omar BENAHMED DAHO 2nd year PhD Student Supervisors : J.KHAMLICHI & M.MENARD & A.GAUGUE

15 Through-Wall Imaging Radar
Block Diagram

16 Through-Wall Imaging Radar
Back-projection : Based on Radon Transform (Medical Imaging) Temps

17 Through-Wall Imaging Radar
3D Back-projection : Clément GUERIN

18 Through-Wall Imaging Radar
Steady/mobile Separation Moving object segmentation using background subtraction. Mobile  Tracking Steady  inside walls,….

19 Through-Wall Imaging Radar
Some Results :

20 Olivier Chappe Engineer R&D Skills : Image and Signal processing
C++ programming (with Qt, OpenGL, OpenCV)

21 Works in the project Implementation of two software :
Software connected to the oscilloscope for testing our system in real-time. Simulation Software. Software use techniques explained earlier to detect target.

22 Works of Sloven Dubois Target tracking algorithm Kalman filtering

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